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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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triacylglycerol, 2% other fatty acids, such as diacylglycerol, monoacylglycerol, free fatty acids, phospholipid, cholesterol, lipid soluble vitamins, and essential fatty acids. Therefore, the food containing this substitute is not only economically a type of fraud, but may also threaten human health (4, 3). Besides, any milk quality reduction can seriously threaten the health of sensitive consumer groups (5). . . .

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Introduction: Premenstrual syndrome can lead to numerous problems for women and increase their susceptibility to depression compared to men. PMS is not a serious threat, but it can influence women's quality of life and mental health and reproductive. This research was conducted to compare the quality of life (QOL) in the three groups: women with premenstrual syndrome, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and general population in Yazd (a city in the center of Iran). Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 246 women referring to Yazd health centers. They were voluntarily or randomly selected. Data collection tools were quality of life questionnaire SF36 and the premenstrual syndrome screening tool. Obtained data were analyzed by SPSS18. 0 with Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test for comparison groups on SF-36 subscales. Results: Among samples, 102(41. 5%) had premenstrual syndrome (PMS), in 20(8. 1%) the diagnostic characteristics for premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) were found, and 124 (50. 4%) were in general population (GP) group, respectively. Comparison groups with Kruskal-Wallis test on SF-36 subscales showed that except for physical function in other components of quality of life, PMS and PMDD groups and non-clinical populations were significantly different (p< 0. 05). Considering the Mann-Whitney test, women with PMDD reported a poor health-related quality of life as measured by the SF-36. Women with PMS and PMDD had lower mean score especially in the aspect of role limitationemotional problems. Conclusion: Quality of life is significantly affected by premenstrual symptoms, especially in the aspect of role limitation-emotional problems. Further studies and training program regarding PMS is recommended to improve the quality of life in this population, particularly for those experiencing severe premenstrual disorders.

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Introduction: Healthy and nutritional habits are formed and consolidated during adolescence. So this research has been done in Ardakan-Yazd province on high school students' attitude to fast food use. Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 200 students have been chosen by stratified sampling method and the data was collected by a questionnaire which approved its reliability and validity. All the descriptive data has been analyzed by SPSS 16 software through Chi-square experiment and ANOVA tests. Results: The results of the experiment determined that 55% of the students were female, and 93% were single. The students' BMI was as follow: 22% thin (BMI< 18. 5) 56% normal (18. 5≤ BMI< 25) 14. 5% overweight (25≤ BMI< 30) 6. 5% fat (obese) (BMI ≥ 30). The female has a positive attitude to fast foods (P= 0. 03). The mean attitude score for eating fast food in 17-18 years old group was more than 15-16 years old students (P= 0. 001). The mean attitude score also showed that the single students were more eager to eat fast foods than the married students (P= 0. 001) Conclusion: Most of the people who use fast foods are low educated, teenagers, youth and singles. On the other hand, social media like TV and radio and family has a significant effect on correct nutritional habits. So improving family's attitudes and educating students and teachers by social media can help in transferring data to the students and their teachers.

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Introduction: In order to achieve the highest level of effective interaction between the insurance organizations and the health system, efforts should be made to identify existing communication challenges for policymakers and decision makers. The present study was conducted to identify interactive behaviors aimed at designing an insurance mechanism based on game theory to cover the existing gaps. Methods: This study consisted of two phases of qualitative and quantitative. In the qualitative phase, data were collected and classified by a semi-structured interview with a number of insurance professionals in insurance organizations and the health system. In the quantitative phase of the study, interactive behaviors between the two organizations were studied. Finally, with the help of Gambit software, the insurance mechanism was designed. Results: In the qualitative phase, the data were collected in three main categories: behavioral and communicative, structural and financial and deductibles and 11 sub-categories. In the quantitative phase, 35 optimal interactive behavioral strategies were delineated. Conclusion: The best behavioral strategy for interaction between insurance organizations and health system, to fill gaps in insurance system and to improve the interaction between the two organizations, was introduced in the form of 35 strategies to provide an insurance mechanism.

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Introduction: Current university students are potential and actual parents of future generations. The level of their health literacy affects health and health literacy level of future generations. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was investigating and prioritizing the factors affecting the health literacy of students in Yazd (a city in central Iran) using an artificial neural network technique. Methods: This study was cross-sectional and descriptive and it was conducted on 400 university students in Yazd during autumn 2018. Data were collected using a questionnaire on health literacy and 14 independent variables. Data were analyzed with SPSS software via descriptive statistics, one sample T-test, and artificial neural network. Results: The mean of students' health literacy was 80. 65± 12. 21. The most important factors affecting the level of students' health literacy were the grade, college, father's education level, age, and residence. Conclusion: Since grade had the greatest impact on health literacy of students, it is suggested that university officials consider the campus to hold classes, lectures, workshops and distribute appropriate resources such as brochures, booklets among students and also provide health information stations at locations such as dining room, university entrance, and dormitory to promote students' health literacy in lower grades.

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Introduction: Health-promoting behaviors and healthy behaviors are the healing factors for the promotion of health in pregnant women. The purpose of this study was to determine the health promotion behaviors in pregnant women referring to the comprehensive health centers in Bushehr (the capital city of Bushehr Province, Iran) in 2016. Methods: In this descriptive study, 385 pregnant women referring to the comprehensive health centers were selected by convenience sampling. The data collection tool was a questionnaire consisting of two parts: the first part was related to demographic questions and the second part of the questionnaire was related to health promotion behaviors (Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile II) HPLP II which includes 52 questions. After confirming the validity and reliability of the tool, the data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, independent t-test, Pearson correlation, and one-way ANOVA. Results: The mean score of health promotion behaviors was desirable. Also, among dimensions of health promotion behaviors, the area of health accountability with the mean and standard deviation of (38. 25 ± 5. 78) had the highest score, and the range of physical activity with the mean and standard deviation of (16. 24 ± 5. 47) had the lowest score. The age (being under 25 years old) and collegiate education level, among the demographic variables, had a significant relationship with healthpromoting behaviors (P < 0. 05). Conclusion: The result of the study indicated a moderate level of health promotion behaviors in women participating in the present study. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to the areas of physical activity, stress management, and social relationships.

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Introduction: One of the factors affecting the health of the society is economic factors, and financial literacy and familiarity in the field of electronic banking can affect the economics of individuals. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of financial literacy of bank customers on the use of electronic banking and the reduction of traffic accidents. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in a researcher-made questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha = 0. 87. The research community was Yazd banks' customers in 2017. The research sample was determined and 380 people were randomly selected. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling (SEM) with partial least squares (PLS) approach. Results: Data analysis showed that 73% of the samples were male and 38% of them were between the ages of 30-39 and 41% had a bachelor's degree. The value of the path coefficient (beta) of the customers’ financial literacy to the use of electronic banking is equal to (0. 493). Conclusion: The results indicated a positive and significant impact of financial literacy and its domains on the use of electronic banking, which can indirectly reduce traffic and road accidents.

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2019Introduction: Earthquake occurs in the world every year and Iran is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world with the ranking of 15 between 120 countries. Children are the most vulnerable group in disasters and they have a number of negative symptoms after a disaster. Methods: This study used the systematic review method and followed systematic review principles. Mental health, earthquake, psychosocial, PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, and stress were the keywords used to search in the Iranian scientific information database (SID), Noor Specialized Magazines (Noormags) and Google Scholar. The language of the search was Farsi and just Farsi articles were included in the review. Results: The result were presented in five sections (Psychosocial interventions, Signs of disorder, Gender, Age, Geographical area). It showed psychosocial interventions of those studied in reviewed papers were effective and there were gender differences in children mental health disorders after earthquakes in Iran. In addition, PTSD group, girls reported all the symptoms of PTSD more than the boys except anger symptoms, but the prevalence of PTSD symptoms in males was higher than in girls. Conclusion: Iranian studies just focused on male and female gender and found that disorders are higher in girls of different ages in childhood. In the age group of 13 to 18 years, the frequency of each disorder was less than that of the seven to twelve-year old group.

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