Background: Swimming pool and similar aquatic environments are polluted as a result of emitting the chemical and biological compounds produced in swimmers’ body including urine, sweat, saliva, body cells, body dust, respiratory and gastrointestinal tract microorganisms. Thus, in the present study, the concentration of chemical contaminants was investigated in swimming pools in Shahroud, Iran. Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in 6 active swimming pools in Shahroud, Iran in summer 2016. In this study, the arameters of Paraben, Triclosan and Hydroquinone were measured in the laboratory. Water sampling was carried out every 10 days, when the pool was occupied by a large number of swimmers. Cosmetics was measured by a high-performance liquid chromatography apparatus equipped with a detector. The results were analyzed using SPSS software (ver. 15). Results: 6 swimming pools were studied in the current study. The results of the study proved the existence of cosmetic compounds like hydroquinone, PropylParaben and Triclosan with maximum average in part per billion(ppb), as for swimming pools used by the ladies, their corresponded amounts were obtained as 243, 1672. 11 and 200. 8ppb, respectively whereas for Jacuzzi, these amounts were obtained as 616. 33, 1625. 88 and 57. 92ppb, respectively. Conclusions: This study was the first study investigated the concentration of the cosmetic compounds existing in swimming pools from different areas of Iran, and the findings of the study showed that, swimming pools with high rank of health standard have a better state.