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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Hyperlipidemia is considered as the major modifiable risk factor in the process of cardiovascular disorders. Pelargonium graveolens has several medicinal properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of hydro-alcholic extract of Pelargonium graveolens (EPG) on serum lipid profile in male rat.Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, male Wistar rats (n=35, weight 180-200 gr) were divided in five equal groups: Control (normal diet); Sham1 and 2 [high-fat diet (HFD) and HFDL (HFD + Lovastatin 20 mg/kg)]; Treatment groups 1 and 2 [HFD + EPG (150mg/kg and 300mg/kg), respectively] for 28 days. At the end of experiments, blood samples were collected directly from heart for serum lipid evaluation. All data were expressed as Mean±SE at a statistical significance difference level of P<0.05.Results: The data of this study showed that when compared to Sham group the consumption of EPG in animals fed by HFD, the serum levels of cholesterol, TG and LDL were decreased, while HDL was increased significantly (P<0.001).Conclusion: The use of EPG can play an important role in decreasing serum cholesterol level and other serum lipids compared to Lovastatin. This finding may be attributed to the presence of antioxidants in EPG and their cholesterol synthesis inhibition mechanisms.

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Background: Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are able to establish balance between selfrenewal and differentiation, thereby maintain the spermatogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of different doses of Testosterone on SSCs colony formation.Materials and Methods: The cells were isolated from testes of prepubertal lambs by two-step enzymatic digestion and then purified by differential platting. The cells were cultured for 13 days in 4 groups: Control [DMEM containing antibiotic (1%) and FBS (5%)]; and Treatment groups 1, 2 and 3 (DMEM + Testosterone 60, 120 and 240 mg/ml, respectively). The culture media was changed every 72 h. Identification of SSCs was performed by immunocytochemistry staining against PGP9.5. Finally, following the evaluation of percentage for viability rate of SSCs immediately after isolation and also the number and surface areas of the colonies on days 5, 9 and 13 after the beginning of culturing by invert microscopy, the analyses were made using statistical tests.Results: The percentage for viability rate of SSCs after isolation was 86.77±3.63%. The decrease in the number and surface areas of spermatogonial colonies in Treatment groups 2 and 3 were significant compared to Control and Treatment group1 (P<0.05). Furthermore, colony number and surface area were significantly increased at day 13 compared to those of the days 5 and 9 (P<0.05).Conclusion: The results of this study showed that Testosterone has no effect on colony induction of SSCs in vitro. Increasing the Testosterone dose decreases the colony number and surface area of SSCs.

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Background: Diabetes is considered as one of the most common chronic disease. Studies show that diabetes decreases the activity of antioxidant enzymes. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the alcoholic extract of Juglans regia leave on brain antioxidant enzymes in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.Materials and Methods: In this study, adult male Wistar rats (n=40, weight 250±20 gr) were randomly divided into 4 groups: 1) Control (intact animals); 2) Streptozotocin-induced diabetics; 3) Treatment-1 (500 mg/kg extract); Treatment 2 (250 mg/kg extract). The two treatment groups received the extract through gastric gavages for 21 days. At the end of the treatment, the blood glucose and level of brain antioxidant enzymes (catalase, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase) and malone dealdeid (MDA) were determined.Results: Results showed that the MDA concentration was significantly increased in brain tissue in the diabetic compared to the control group (P<0.05) and leave extract of Juglans regiadecreased the MDA level. Furthermore, the levels of catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase significantly decreased in brain tissues in the diabetic compared to the control group (P<0.05) and leave extract of Juglans regia increased these enzymes.Conclusion: It can be concluded that oral administration of alcoholic extract of Juglans regialeave has the antidiabetic and antioxidant activities in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.

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Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) that afflicts 10 percent of infertile women is the most important reason for the cessation of ovulation. So the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of Aloe vera L. on the treatment of PCOS in rat.Materials and Methods: This experimental study was carried out on Wistar rats (n=35, weight: 180±20 g) with 2-3 consecutive estrous cycle. Then rats were divided to 5 groups: Control group; PCOS group (Stradiolvalerate 4 mg/kg/im); Experimental 1, 2 and 3 groups (Stradiolvalerate 4 mg/kg/im+Aloe vera L. extract 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg/ip, respectively). After 21 days blood samples were taken to measure the concentration of estrogen and progesterone hormones. Findings were analyzed using ANOVA and Duncan statistical tests at the significant level of P<0.05.Results: The results showed a significant increment in PCOS group and decrement in the Experimental 2 and 3 groups in estrogen concentration compared to the Control group, respectively (P<0.05). The concentration of progesterone hormone in PCOS group and the Experimental groups were significantly decreased compared to the Control group (P<0.05).Conclusions: The hydro-alcoholic extract of Aloe vera L. decreased and increased the concentration of estrogen and progesterone hormone in rat, respectively. So it appears that the use of Aloe vera L. would be effective in the treatment of infertility disorders and PCOS.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1967

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Background: Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. Sonography has been proposed for early and differential diagnosis of heel pain.Materials and Methods: The study was performed on patients with plantar fasciitis (n=40). After completing the demographic data, the pain intensity was measured using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS); foot and ankle function by Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) tests. In addition, ultrasonography of plantar fascia was performed. The t test and Pearson correlation were used for analysis.Results: The Mean for plantar fascia thickness was 4.7±0.42 mm. A significant inverse correlation was observed between pain intensity during the day with foot limitation in daily activities (P=0.001) and during the exercise (P=0.017). A significant inverse correlation was found between morning foot pain and restrictions in daily activities (P=0.008). Plantar fascia thickness had no significant correlation with the variables studied. However, in women plantar fascia thickness had a direct and significant correlation with BMI (P=0.002).Conclusion: Despite a significant correlation between plantar fascia thickness and BMI in women, no correlation was found between plantar fascia thickness with other variables. Therefore, weight loss in patients, particularly women, may reduce the thickness and symptoms of the condition.

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Background: Diabetes is associated with many metabolic disorders such as changes in adipokines (e.g. vaspin). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 8 weeks aerobic interval training on serum levels of vaspin in women with type 2 diabetes.Materials and Methods: In this quasi-experimental study the women with a history of type 2 diabetes (n=18) were randomly selected and divided into two Experimental (n=9) and Control (n=9) groups. Training protocol was an eight-week exercise, 3 times per week. Using ELISA serum vaspin concentrations were measured 48 hours before and after the training protocol. Data analysis were done using dependent and independent t-tests.Results: Results showed no significant difference in vaspin serum after 8 weeks of aerobic interval training compared to Control group. Insulin resistance, weight and BMI were significantly decreased after training compared to the Control group (P<0.05).Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that 8 weeks of aerobic interval training had no effect on vaspin level in diabetic patients. Considering the results of this study and the importance of changes in the vaspin level, it seems that for taking effective results aerobic interval training should be down for a longer time.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 815

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Background: Mycoplasma genitalium and Mycoplasma hominis are among the major causes of vaginosis, which their detection is difficult in culture media. The aim of this study was to compare two detection methods (PCR and conventional culture media) for the determination of frequency of these bacteria among women with vaginal infection.Material and Methods: For this purpose, we conducted a study for patients with bacterial vaginosis admitted to Imam Zaman and Imam Khomeini Hospitals (n=250) in comparison with healthy women with no vaginal infections (n=150). The extracted DNA was used as template to amplify 16srRNA coding gene using specific primers in two separate PCR reactions. Then the data were analyzed using the logistic regression at the P<0.05 significant level.Results: The results indicated that 38% and 46.8% of Mycoplasma genitalium and Mycoplasma hominis were positive in culture, while this was the case in 68.8% and 77% of samples in PCR, respectively. The results show that the using PCR for molecular identification of bacteria is highly accurate, sensitive and particularly specific, where the culture negative samples were detected by this method.Conclusion: For the detection of Mycoplasma genitalium and hominis among the vaginotic cases PCR is a highly reliable and sensitive method compared to the culture media. Using specific primers, PCR can confidently detect and separate infectious agents even in the genesis and species level.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 968

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Background: Considering progressive increase in the senile population and increasing number of Parkinson patients (PP) and their movement disorders, researchers are searching for some non-medicinal strategies (i.e. corrective exercises) to promote the efficiency of physical performance and quality of life (QOL) among PP. The aim of this study was to assess the fear of falling (FOF) and QOL following a functional movement protocol in PP.Materials and Methods: This clinical trial was done on PP using a purposeful available sampling. After taking an informed consent, participants (no=44) referring to the neurology clinics of Kashan (2014) were divided into three groups. A ten-week training protocol was performed for Experimental groups (with or without foam pad) in stable and unstable surfaces. During pre-/ post-test followed by one-month follow-up, the FOF and the QOL variables were measured and analyzed using repeated-measure ANOVA.Results: A significant difference was found for FOF and QOL parameters in Foam pad group compared to Non-foam pad group. So as the mean for FOF in Experimental group with and without Foam pad was changed from 42.00±6.44 to 26.87±6.41 and from 43.21±5.61 to 40.07±3.66, respectively. In addition, the mean for QOL parameters in experimental group with and without Foam pad was changed from 114.20±15.53 to 154.33±12.03 and from 115.36±19.86 to 141.36±13.44, respectively.Conclusion: Under the influence of corrective exercises on unstable surfaces, the PP can benefit a better functional performance and a decreased FOF and progress towards some optimal stable controlling patterns for preventing the falling.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Previous studies have reported the high rate of alexithymia in medical and psychological disorders along with the role of emotional expressiveness practices in terms of different aspects of health. The aim of this study was to compare the alexithymia and emotional expressiveness in patients with coronary heart disease and healthy people.Materials and Methods: In this ex post facto research the participants (n=35) with coronary heart disease (CHD) referred to Chamran and Sina Heart Center in Isfahan (2014) and healthy individuals (n=35) selected based on available sampling method were compared.Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS) and Emotional Expressiveness Scale (EEQ) were used to evaluate the participants.Results: The results were indicated a difference in alexithymia and emotional expressiveness in patients with CHD compared to those of the healthy ones (P<0.05). Patients with CHD were significantly different from healthy individuals in terms of two out of three aspects of Alexithymia: difficulty in describing feelings and identifying feelings (P<0.05). The two groups were also significantly different from each other with respect to positive emotion expression and intimacy expression, considered to be two of three aspects of emotional expressiveness (P<0.05).Conclusion: Alexithymia and emotional expressiveness are important in better understanding of the psychopathology of patients with CHD. Therefore, it appears necessary to pay attention to this item as a factor influencing the treatment process of such patients.

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View 776

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Background: Resistance among the Enterobacteriaceae family especially in Klebsiella genus as one important leading cause of nosocomial infection, is one of the most important health challenges all over the world. Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)- producing bacteria are among the most prevalentβ-lactamases in Klebsiella strains. Our aim was to study KPC-producing Klebsiella strains in clinical samples in Kashan.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study Klebsiella isolates (n=181) were recovered from clinical samples during September to July 2015. After identification of Klebsiella isolates by biochemical tests, the susceptibility pattern of recovered Klebsiella from clinical isolates to 17 antibiotics were studied by disk diffusion method. Using PCR assay blaKPC gene in Klebsiella isolates were studied. Statistical analyses of data were performed by Chi square test and (P<0.05) was considered statistically significant.Results: Forty eight out of 181 Klebsiella samples were multidrug resistant and the most resistant was seen to Ampicillin and Cephalotin. Among the Klebsiella isolates, 21 (11.6%) carried blaKPC gene which most of them were recovered in ICU ward from urinary and respiratory specimens.Conclusions: Our study showed that in Klebsiella strains isolated from patients, especially hospitalized patients in Kashan, resistance to carbapenems is seen with presence of blaKPC gene. Due to the ability of gene to spread by mobile genetic elements the finding is alarming in treatment of Klebsiella infections.

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Background: Among the preventing measures for hepatitis B is vaccination against the virus. This study aimed to determine the antibody level against the hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) and its relation to interferon gamma (IFN-g) level among the vaccinated staffs and also the reasons for the lack of response in such persons.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on vaccinated staff (n=130) referred to Shahid Chamran Hospital. Using ELISA the samples were studied for anti-HBsAb and INF-g level. Then, the relationship between antibody level and some indexes (e.g. sex, age, BMI, number of vaccine doses, time past after the last dose and INF-g level) was considered.Results: Among the studied participants, 68.5% and 31.5% had a perfect and failure of immunity response (>10 IU/ml and<10 IU/ml, respectively). There was a direct relationship between the INF-g and anti-HBs titration (R=0.635). In addition, there was a significant relationship (P<0.05) between anti-HBs titer and some indexes (e.g. BMI, the number of doses and the time interval since the last dose of vaccine); however, no significant relationship was observed between the sex and age on one hand and antibody titration on the other hand.Conclusion: Failure in INF-g production against the virus can have a role in immunity response. Hence, measuring the anti-HBs level following the vaccination and also 5 years after are suggested for high risk cases; then, upon which a decision can be made on the reminder dosage.

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Background: During recent decades exercise has emerged as a key adjuvant tool in the control of many diseases, including non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD). In addition, studies have demonstrated that different training protocols were effective in reducing the prevalence of the disorder and improving some liver metabolic functions. The purpose of this review was to summarize and analyze articles about the effects of aerobic and resistance training on insulin resistance and some biomarkers in NAFLD.Materials and Methods: The PubMed, Medline, Irandoc, SID, Google Scholar and Magiran databases were searched for the physiological effects of two types of training (aerobic and resistance) on NAFLD. Totally, among the 300 articles reviewed, 107 ones were selected for later consideration.Results: Although through different mechanisms, the non-alcoholic fatty liver patients can benefit from both types of aerobic and resistance training.Conclusion: Regardless of the type of training, on engaging in regular physical activity the non-alcoholic fatty liver patients may effectively control and improve the emerging inflammatory processes, obesity and insulin resistance.

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