Background and Objectives: Neglect of God may cause adverse emotions, unhealthy lifestyle, and high-risk behaviors. Such a spiritual vacuum, damages the bio-psycho-socio-spiritual health of individuals. Study was conducted to design and validate the spiritual health consulting model for health promotion in clients. Methods: In this qualitative study, universal models of nursing care, prominent models of health training, and theories of motivation were content analyzed. Considering the constructs of spiritual care model of Sound Heart, after adopt appropriate themes and clinically use of prominent models, spiritual health consulting model was developed using the three-step theory synthesis of Walker and Avant. Results: Sensitizing and informing clients of consequences of unhealthy lifestyle, high-risk behaviors, and adverse emotions, with a sense of perceived threat, motivate clients to modify themselves. The modification of four spiritual relationships (with the nature, people, himself, God), besides the use of subjective norms, result in the behavioral intention, making clients determined to modify their behaviors. Family’ s cooperation, spiritual advisers’ behavior as a role model, and self-control training can facilitate the implementation of the consulting by creating a sense of self-efficacy and increasing client’ s self-esteem. Conclusion: Failure to pay attention to the lack of spirituality may threaten psycho-socio-spiritual health of clients and cause social crises. Spiritual advisers are required to maintain and promote the spiritual health in clients based on a community oriented and holistic model.