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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Deliberation on Authenticity of Medical Traditions from the Perspective of Fariqain




 Background and Objectives: In the field of Health and teachings of hygienics– medicine, a lot of traditions have been transmitted from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Imams (A. S) and valuable collections by the titles of Ţ ibb al-Nabī (PBUH) and Ţ ibb al-Ἀ emmah (A. S) have been provided. What authentic bases they are stand on scientifically, and how they should be dealt with if their concepts are opposed to updated science of medicine, are objectives of this research. Methods: This research is a review study through collecting data digitally, and from libraries and references related to Sunnite and Shiite works. Results: Different views to the position of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) created two different perspectives. The first is of Sunnites who believe the prophet’ s (p. b. u. h) status is not to interfere with worldly affairs and occupations including medicine. Therefore, what, in this regard, has been transmitted from His Holiness is His personal opinion, or acquired from the knowledge of the society of the time, and may be correct or not. However, Shiite scholars believe if a tradition proved biographically and contextually, to be issued irrevocably; it is considered as teachings of religion and there is no probable mistake in it. Conclusion: As Shiites believe, to accept, absolutely, the words and sayings issued by the Prophet (PBUH) of Allah is the result of absolute understanding of his clear proofs. Whereas if we believe in disjunction and accept that the Prophet’ s (PBUH) sayings on occupations including medicine are faulty and mistakable, we deprive humanity of the most important part of the city of knowledge (the Holy Prophet (PBUH)) and basically, defect the absolute holiness of his sayings; as Sunnites did so.


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    APA: Copy

    mostajaboldavati, Seyyed Ali, JAVDAN, MOHAMMAD, Khansanami, Fatemeh, & Khansanami, Shabanali. (2018). Deliberation on Authenticity of Medical Traditions from the Perspective of Fariqain. HEALTH, SPIRITUALITY AND MEDICAL ETHICS, 5(2), 51-57. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/354092/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    mostajaboldavati Seyyed Ali, JAVDAN MOHAMMAD, Khansanami Fatemeh, Khansanami Shabanali. Deliberation on Authenticity of Medical Traditions from the Perspective of Fariqain. HEALTH, SPIRITUALITY AND MEDICAL ETHICS[Internet]. 2018;5(2):51-57. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/354092/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Seyyed Ali mostajaboldavati, MOHAMMAD JAVDAN, Fatemeh Khansanami, and Shabanali Khansanami, “Deliberation on Authenticity of Medical Traditions from the Perspective of Fariqain,” HEALTH, SPIRITUALITY AND MEDICAL ETHICS, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 51–57, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/354092/en

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