The main purpose of our Hospital Based Registry was to study the epidemiology of cancer patients who were referred to our center for treatment The information obtained from this study would enable us in the management of the personnel, education, research and treatment depending on the the needs of country. On the other hand this pilot study would serve as a basis to be compared with data both inside and out side the country. It is to be remembered that most epidemiological data about ctuntcancer from other countries refleets a relative prevalence.Our survey showed that after excluding skin cancer, in the male population the commonest cancers had been esophageal cancer, malignancies involving the lymphoid system, blood and lungs where as in the female population, breast cancer, cancer cervix and esophageal cancer were found to be common in that frequency. The data obtained during a 25 year period shows a decreasing frequency of cervical cancer whereas breast cancer is on the rise. Lung cancer also is on the rise but it is still low compared to other countries. Owing to the increase in population and since half of the population fall within an age range of under 20 years, leukemia and tumors of the brain appear to be more common in this age group. Bladder and laryngeal cancers because of their stoong correlation with factors such as cigarette smoking, opium and industrial pollution can be prevented to some extent. Esophageal cancers continue to remain as a dlilemma.Contrary to the above data, little progress has been achieved in the results and treatment.Since cancer, specially in the early stages is treatable, early defection remains the corner stone for these cases.In breast cancer, screening in susceptible patients not only decreases the occurance of invasive cancer but decreases mortalily from these cancers.