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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Abnormality due to the heat flow of summer 2010 impacted on most of Northern Hemisphere including: Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Mongolia, China and some parts of European continent. Heat flow and consequently increasing the temperature in Russia began on late June ,with the beginning of summer season, the temperature increase was more severe, and has caused devastating effects such as forest fires of Russia from 31 July around Moscow town. Further, at the same month from 24 of July, upon heavy rains and increasing the water level at Sind basin, the provinces of Baluchistan, Sind, Punjab and Kheibar in Pakistan were flooded. So that, about one fifth of the whole of Pakistan was flooded. Based on the reports published by Pakistan state, the life of about 20,000,000 people was affected by the flood.According to the reports, the total number of people injured in this flood is more than the three events of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami disaster, 2005 Kashmir earthquake and 2010 Haiti earthquake. Damage to the buildings was estimated about US4 billion, and wheat crop damages were estimated to be about US$500 million. World Meteorological Organization considers the global warming as the main reason for climatic changes and its consequences, such as droughts, floods, fires and heat flows.

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The ozone layer as a protective shield life on biosphere has very oscillations from view point of quantity and volume. The ozone gases in both troposphere and stratosphere layers have been affecting on human life by two ways. The ozone in stratospheric that its name is surface ozone is an extremely poisonous gases and has destructive affect on lung and plant tissue. The surface ozone has been measured in measurement pollutant stations as one of seven pollutant gases. The ozone gas in stratospheric layer unlike the surface ozone is very necessary for human and other organism lives. The stratospheric ozone is measured in meteorological stations by name of total ozone (TO). Studies show that amount of ozone in stratospheric layer has been reduced. Variations in ozone layer were effected of changing in solar radiation, volcano eruption cosmic dust, meteoric stones and etc. that those get name as natural parameter of ozone changes. Effect of natural parameter concentration on stratospheric ozone lead to fix ozone content in long term (spanani 2004). The amount of ozone in stratospheric layer particularly in the lower stratospheric has considerable oscillations (increase/decrease) under the affection of atmospheric activities. For example V. C. Roldugin (2000) showed that passing the wave crest in the pressure field ceases the convergence of ozone poor air under the tropopause and divergence of ozone rich air above the tropopause and decreases the ozone content. The passing of a wave through simulate the opposite process and increase the ozone content T. Narayana Rao at all (2003) opining that the climatology of ozone clearly shows a significant seasonal cycle with the ozone maxima changing with height. The monthly variability of ozone as well as its seasonal maximum is found near the tropopause. Variation in tropopause height is due mainly to the passage of tropospheric weather systems and is responsible for the large monthly variability of ozone near the tropopause. In the lower stratosphere, inter annual variations are at a maximum in winter and spring, and are the result of variations in wave driven stratospheric circulation, which peaks in winter. Regarding this matter that total ozone have been affected from atmospheric parameter in lower stratosphere or upper troposphere, we decide to study the role of pattern circulation on ozone variations in Isfahan.

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stable isotopes are strong tools for environmental studies, because most of the elements are naturally more abundant at least in one isotope. Among the studies, many researchers have considered the Carbon (C13/C12), Oxygen, (O18/O16) Hydrogen (H2/H) and Nitrogen (N29/N28) which remain effects on the organic (plants and animals) and inorganic (water, soils, rocks, fossils,…) material (Griffiths, 1998, p47). In order to study the Carbon and Oxygen stable isotopes of the lake carbonates, recognizing the effective factors on the isotope's value and identifying the relationship between the isotope values is essential. In the lake environments many factors can determine the variability of the Oxygen isotopes of the lake sediments which the most important of them are including: source of materials, water temperature, residence time and the input and output amount of the lake (Benson et al, 1996, p747). In the open hydrological systems, the Oxygen isotope components of the lake water dominantly reflect the isotopic components of precipitation (rain and snow) (Leng & Marshal, 2004, p817). In addition to the effective factors on the isotopic amount of carbon and oxygen, the relationship between the carbon and Oxygen isotopes in lake systems can deliver valuable information about the history of the lake's hydrology. The relationship between the isotope values of carbon and oxygen isotopes in the closed lakes can be based on the hydrological changes, evaporation, biomass production and the Co2 concentration (Le and Ku, 1997, p72). There are big hydrological closed lakes especially in the arid regions, which both carbon and oxygen isotopic values are positively high. In these cases, it shows a close value of correlation .the magnitude of the correlations can be used to estimate the closeness of the lakes in different time periods. In the closed lakes, the covariance of carbon and oxygen isotope values generally indicate the interaction of carbon and oxygen isotopes with the atmosphere (Tanner, 2009, p210). In fact, the strong correlation between the carbon and oxygen isotope values indicates a common effective mechanism on the lake dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) (Eastwood et al, 2007, p239). In the open lakes, there is a prefencally weak correlation between the carbon and oxygen isotope values. In fact, generally, the the strong correlation between the carbon and oxyegen isotope values ocuurs in the lake that have a long residence time. The correlation values more than 0.7 indicate the lake carbonates deposited in a hydrological closed lake. Furthermore, in these cases, due to the high variability of the lake water, the oxygen isotope values in the closed lake are approximately around 0.0 %. Therefore, this covariance could be used to estimate the closeness of the lakes with the carbonates deposition (Talbot, 1990, p273). Based on the methods mentioned above, a core was taken from Parishan lake in Fars. The aim of this research is to reconstruct the hydrological condition of the lake in the past using the Carbon and Oxygen stable isotopes of the Ostracoda microfossil.

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آروین (اسپنانی) عباسعلی

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    پیاپی 29
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لایه ازون به عنوان سپر حفاظتی حیات بر روی کره زمین، دارای تغییرات زیادی از نظر حجم و مقدار است. در این پژوهش اثر عوامل اقلیمی بر تغییرات ازون کلی در ایستگاه اصفهان مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت و نشان داده شد، بخشی از نوسانات روزانه ازون مربوط به الگوهای گردشی جو در سطوح فوقانی و میانی جو است. به این ترتیب شرایط فراز (پشته)/فرود (تراف) در سطح 100 و 300 میلی باری و واچرخند/چرخند در سطح 500 میلی باری موجب کاهش/افزایش قابل توجه در مقدار ازون کلی در فصل سرد سال که پویش جو فعال است، می گردد و زمانی که محور تراف/فراز بر روی اصفهان قرار دارد، میزان ازون به حداکثر/حداقل میزان خود می رسد. مقادیر مد داده ها (274 دابسون) که عمدتا در فصل گرم سال اتفاق می افتد با پر ارتفاع عمیق در تراز 100 میلی باری همراه است. در سطح 300 و 500 میلی باری در زمان وقوع مد داده ها، خطوط هم ارتفاع آرایش مداری دارند که اندکی به سمت فراز میل می کند. به این ترتیب فعالیت پویشی جو در فصل سرد، تغییر و نوسان زیاد ازون کلی را با باعث می گردد و پایداری جو در فصل گرم سال، تثبیت مقدار ازون کلی را در پی دارد. از نظر آماری بین نقشه های هم مقدار میانگین روزانه ازون کلی و نقشه های میانگین ارتفاع ژئوپتانسیل همبستگی معکوس معناداری در سطح اطمینان 0.01 درصد در هر سه سطح 100، 300 و 500 میلی باری وجود دارد که در سطوح 100 و 300 میلی باری قوی تر است. بر اساس تحلیل رگرسیون خطی به ترتیب 189، 80.5 و 78.4 درصد تغییرات مقدار ازون در رخدادهای مد، مقادیر حداکثر و حداقل توسط تغییرات ارتفاع ژئوپتانسیل تبیین می گردد. انطباق نقشه های هم مقدار ازون کلی با نقشه های ارتفاع ژئوپتانسیل نیز نشان داد، خطوط هم مقدار ازون در منطقه وقوع کم فشار پویشی بر روی اصفهان متراکم و دارای مقادیر حداکثر است.

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Due to deep, complex and everlasting interaction between precipitation and climatic elements-factors, there are changes and varieties in both time and space dimensions of precipitation. So that climate experts and related scientists take their attentions to this phenomenon. An approach to do this kind of investigations is to describe spatial variations based on spatial statistics.The major spatial non-stationary of Iran precipitation is due to variation in situation, elevation and topography characters (slope and its direction) in this country. Circumstances of every one of these characters could determine the precipitation spatial patterns. Accordingly understanding spatial distribution of precipitation and its mechanism are important aspect in climatological researches. One of the common statistical models in which it is possible to determine the relation between variables as well as reconstruct, estimating and forecasting data is multivariate regression model. These sorts of models are useful for time series analyses as well as spatial modeling. One of the regression models that could be used in spatial analyses is called Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). In current study it will be attempted to introduce this approach and using General Regression (GR) to justify spatial variation of precipitation in Iran based on 1436 stations in Iran.Research Methodology: In this research Esfezary data base have been used. This daily data based contain 15998 days and 7187 pixels (15*15 KM) of precipitation over Iran. Accordingly the data matrix is created in 15998*7187 and S-mode dimension. This matrix data base is estimated by using 1436 stations and Kriging method. To achieve independent variables, digital elevation map by 15*15 KM resolution has been created. So that, spatial (including longitude and latitude) and topographic (including slope magnitude and aspect) characters have been derived. Accordingly a data base has been created that contain spatial characters, topographic features and precipitation amounts.

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Land use and land cover are not static and are frequently subject to change due to human activities, also, with attention to the trend of deforestation in recent years, is very important to estimate the degradation in the different time periods. Access to information related to the past and realizing the changes are necessary for solving deforestation problem. Identify and detect these changes can help planners and managers to identify effective factors in land use and land cover changes and have to be useful and effective programming for their control. Iran west forests is important in terms of area, environmental issues, soil and water resources conservation which during the past decades due to social and economic factors, lack of comprehensive management and etc lost its production capacity and this trend threatens the future of the region forests. As a result, planning and management of these forests are associated with many problems which lack the necessary studies in this area will contribute to the above issue. To explore and evaluate these changes, using remote sensing and GIS techniques and tools can have a considerable effect to generate spatial information and having analytical capabilities. In the present study, using the information resulting from comparing satellite images of two different periods, identify changes trend in the studied forests and then with applying GIS analyzes to identify effective factors in these changes can measure and the results presented in thematic maps and finally suggested degradation probability model for the study area.

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Harvesting of self-growing plants, like acanthus; from the down slopes of mountainous regions often causes disturbances to the appearance of the slopes if it is mowed intensively. These soil disturbances often occur with spring showers that accelerate soil erosion. On the other hand, the harvesting is inevitable because of acanthus clinical and sustenance uses and earning a livelihood for many local people who make a living with such crop in the harvesting seasons. So, as the spring season starts, the harvest of self growing plants becomes a usual phenomenon on the slopes in lower altitudes. The harvest of rooting plants as acanthus is in a way that makes pits on the ground and this may be agent of erosion when spring rain falls, specially, precipitation contact with plant germination in Iran. So, in this study, it has been tried to elucidate if the harvesting of acanthus makes erosion at every situation or reaching to erosion threshold needs to increase number of the harvesting in area unit as well as other location with more gradient and other characteristics. Research Methodology: In this survey has been taken into consideration the sediment producing in 16 plots with and without acanthus in the Viece Mountain, near Kermanshah city. Whereas, gradients and orientation are factors that play roles on erosion, in this research too, others aims purpose to study roles of acanthus harvesting on the different gradients and orientations on erosion acceleration. In this reason, these plots established on the four different slopes and two different aspects. The amount of sediment has been measured from plots in 9 time precipitation when it falls on late winter and early spring in 2007. Factor analyze and two ways ANOVA were the techniques that used for data analyzing.

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Human life has been affected by the weather conditions. Since weather conditions may be favorable or adverse, human has tried to defend himself against climatic conditions through understanding the nature of the climate. These efforts led to the identification of the origin and how they were created. Such knowledge is also more accurate and more scientific.In synoptic climatology, by relying on the accepted principle of explanation and analysis of environmental changes of the earth surface through the changes of pressure patterns, it is possible to more explain, analyze, and forecast the climatic phenomena of the earth surface.One of the most important climatic disasters that threaten our country, are cold wave and sever freezing that in some years covers large areas of the country. Freezing usually occurs with the entry of the air masses of below zero degrees. These air masses accompanied with relatively stable and multi-day cold waves that may lead to adverse effects. For example, scarce and extreme cold of January and February 2005 in Iran, which has covered a wide and extensive part of the country. For synoptic explanation and analyze of the sweeping cold wave of Iran, minimum temperature of the stations within the province of Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari was selected and then the data of sea level pressure (SLP) & geo-potential height of middle level of atmosphere was select for explaining this event.

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The human activates and change of the land use has made changes in the peak and base flow discharge of the rivers. Also increasing the global average temperature has made anomalies in meteorological and hydrological variables such as precipitation and evapotranspiration. For better management of water resources, the data of river flow rate changes and their creating elements of such changes are required. Therefore the review of these anomalies as the trend determination in time series of hydrological and meteorological variables in different areas and their relation with each other can have an especial importance. In recent years, a great deal of studies have been made for the possible impacts of climatic changes on the river flow, which most of them have studied the changes of long term climatic averages and hydrological characteristics. Generally these changes have been studied in two cases. Firstly, the analysis of registered and available statistics of precipitation and river flow and the other is the impacts of different scenarios of climatic changes on the river flow by hydrological models. The most common method for analysis of hydrometeological time series is the review of the existence or non- existence of trend in them by using statistical tests. Generally the existence of trend in these series may be due to gradual natural changes and climatic changes or the impacts of human activities. Various methods have been presented up to now for analysis of time series trend which are dividable in to two groups of parametric and non parametric. Non-parametric methods have a more extensive use in comparing with parametric methods. The present research was performed to the aim of detecting the existence and amount of discharge trend and precipitation at Kashafrood watershed in 13 meteorology and hydrometric stations with statistical length of 1972-2006 at the north east part of Iran which is c nsidered as the areas with low precipitation in Iran.

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    پیاپی 29
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جهت مطالعه دیرینه هیدرولوژی دریاچه پریشان از رسوبات کف دریاچه مغزه هایی به طول تقریبی 2m برداشت شد. بر روی پوسته میکروفسیل های جدا شده از نمونه های این مغزه ها آنالیز ایزوتوپ کربن و اکسیژن صورت گرفت. در اینجا از نتایج این آنالیزها جهت مدلسازی و بازسازی شرایط هیدرولوژیکی دریاچه پریشان در طی 1800 سال اخیر استفاده می شود. بر اساس تغییرات مشاهده شده در مقادیر dG13carb و dO18carb در طی این دوره سه زون ایزوتوپی مشخص گردید. در زون اول پایین بودن dG13carb به علت بیشتر بودن تغذیه آب های زیرزمینی و پایین بودن dO18carb در نتیجه شرایط اقلیمی مرطوبتر تفسیر شده است همچنین همبستگی پایین dG13carb و dO18carb (R2=0.14) حاکی از شرایط هیدرولوژیکی فعالتر دریاچه بوده است. به این صورت بالانس هیدرولوژیکی مثبت تر و به دنبال آن سطح دریاچه نسبت به امروز بالاتر بوده و معادله هیدرولوژیکی دریاچه در این دوره به شکل E=P+G ارائه شده است. در زون دوم افزایش مقادیر dG13carb در نتیجه کاهش تخلیه آب های زیرزمینی تفسیر شده است همچنین شواهد موجود در dO18carb نشان می دهد که این دوره نسبت به دوره قبل تا حدودی شرایط خشک تری را تجربه کرده است. افزایش همبستگی بین dG13carb و dO18carb ((R2=0.2 در این زون بسته بودن بشتر شرایط هیدرولوژیکی دریاچه است. به این صورت به نظر می رسد که دریاچه در این دوره سطح پایین تری را تجربه کرده باشد و بالانس هیدرولوژیکی نسبت به دوره قبل منفی تر بوده است با این حال در این دوره نیز معادله هیدرولوژیکی دریاچه از رابطه E=P+G تبعیت کرده است. بیشترین تغییرات مشاهده شده در مقادیر ایزوتوپی متعلق به این زون سوم است. افزایش ناگهانی و شدید مقادیر dG13carb به بالای صفر به علت کاهش شدید تخلیه آب های زیرزمینی در این دوره به دریاچه تفسیر شده است. این کاهش ورودی آب های زیرزمینی و نیز افزایش همبستگی dG13carb و dO18carb ((R2=0.95 حاکی از شرایط هیدرولوژیکی نزدیک به بسته کامل است. افزایش همبستگی بین مقادیر ایزوتوپی کربن و اکسیژن حاکی از یک سیستم عملگرای مشترک بر روی این مقادیر در این زون است. به دریاچه در موازنه با CO2 جو مقادیر بالاتری را تجربه کند. به این صورت رابطه هیدرولوژیکی ارائه شده برای این زون به شکل E=P است. نکته مهم این است که در این زون تغییرات هیدرولوژیکی دریاچه در هماهنگی با تغییرات اقلیمی در منطقه رخ نداده است به نظر می رسد که عامل اصلی کاهش آب های زیرزمینی در این زون به علت افزایش استحصال آب از طریق چاه یا قنات باشد.

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Tourism which today is one of the most successful industries in the world has an extensive approach in ecotourism. Recreational planning in this type of tourism not only is considered as a tool for promoting social and economic levels of local people, but also due to protective functions as an experienced managerial strategy in the natural resources, provides the situation for dynamic protection. Green space is one of the most important systems of the human life and is important not only for economic reasons but also for environmental reasons as well. Urban Forest Park as a major green space has a positive effect on the urban environmental characteristics and by response to the needs of recreational and entertainment requirements can have an important effect on the urban structure and servicing. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most important techniques of Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) that was introduced for allocation of scarce resources and planning requirements. Also integrating GIS and AHP have many advantages for the localization and classification of human facilities, different kinds of activities and environmental evaluations and it can be a good way for determining the Suitable and unsuitable areas for the establishment of different types of activities in the fields of agriculture, natural resources, environment, assessment of land capability, land evaluation and which have spatial dimensions.

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Erosion is a process in which soil particles separate from their main bed and move to the other place with the help of a transferor operator where based on the type of transferor operator there will be water, wind and glacier erosion (Refahi, 2000, p.3). Nowadays we rarely can find a region in the ground that is not subjected to the erosion and destruction which the main reason is the population growth and the excessive use of land (Ahmadi, 1999, p.195). Also it is considerable that erosion has two important aspects which include the reduction of the land productivity power and the disturbance of eroded materials (Ghadiri, 1993, p:3-6). Therefore, the compensation of eroded soil for the nature, especially in the arid regions that the condition is so inadequate for formation of soil, is so hard and long process. So, the residents of these regions must be so careful in the preservation and prevention of erosion, because erosion is naturally so intense in these regions and the possibility of soil forming is so low (Kardovani, 1998, p.7). Thus the recognition of the sensitive regions to the erosion and sedimentation in the various parts of a drainage basin is one of the most critical issues in the prioritizing of the regions for executive works of soil preservation and watershed management.

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گرمای بی سابقه ماه های تابستان 2010 در روسیه سبب آتش سوزی های گسترده در جنگل های حومه غربی مسکو گردید که همزمان بارش های سیل آسایی در پاکستان رخ داد. علل آن با استفاده از داده های ایستگاه های هواشناسی روسیه و پاکستان و نقشه های همدید ترازهای مختلف جو مورد بررسی و واکاوی قرار گرفت. در مطالعه موجود، عناصر دما، جهت و سرعت باد، میزان فشار، ارتفاع ژئوپتانسیل، در منطقه روسیه و پاکستان مورد مطالعه قرار گرفتند. بر مبنای محاسبات، در دوره مورد مطالعه افزایش دما در بیشتر مناطق روسیه و پاکستان مشاهده می شود. مطابق با نقشه های واکاوی عناصر جوی در سطح زمین و ترازهای بالاتر جو، در پاکستان مرکز کم فشاری با فشار مرکزی 998hpa و در روسیه یک مرکز پرفشار با فشار مرکزی 1017hpa در سطح زمین شرایط جوی آن مناطق را تحت تاثیر قرار داده است. نقشه های ترازهای بالای جو وجود سامانه بندالی را طی ماه ژوئیه نشان می دهند. مطابق محاسبات شدت سامانه بندالی در هفته اول ژوئیه ضعیف (0.76) بوده و در سه هفته بعدی از شدت متوسطی از کمینه 2.1 تا بیشینه 2.85 برخوردار بوده است. موقعیت مکانی سامانه بندالی در ترازهای بالایی جو باعث گسیل شمال سوی جریان های گرم عرض های جغرافیایی پایین به منطقه روسیه شده و تناوب زمانی ماندگاری سامانه باعث انباشتگی هوای گرم و خشک در قسمت غرب سامانه همراه با آسمان صاف و آفتابی شده که منجر به افزایش شدید دما و رخداد آتش سوزی های گسترده اواخر ژوئیه روسیه گردید. همچنین جابجایی سامانه پرفشار جنب حاره به عرض های جغرافیایی بالا، باعث شکل گیری کم فشارهای حرارتی روی دریای عرب و خلیج فارس شده که با تغییر مسیر و حرکت این سامانه ها به سمت شمال و شرق موقعیت اولیه خود، زبانه های آن روی پاکستان کشیده شده است. بنابراین در برخورد با توده هوای سردی که تحت تاثیر سامانه بندالی از عرض های جغرافیایی بالا گسترش یافته، تقویت شده و بارش های سیل آسای پاکستان را ایجاد نمودند. لذا هر دو پدیده مورد بحث به واسطه الگوی سامانه های جوی موجود و بویژه پدیده بندالی رخداده در عرض های بالا در ارتباط هم بوده و ناهنجاری منطقه ای اقلیم را نمایان می سازد.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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