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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objectives: Childhood conditions require special care and attention, believing that family, friends, environment, media could be all considered as environmental factors and motives that are related to the child and may affect all related affairs, activities, needs and other matters related to it. These factors can play a very important role in shaping, directing and meeting the needs of children. The child needs to grow in a normal environment, have the necessary support and assistance so as he/she can assume his responsibilities in society and prepare for living as a member of the community. In the process of the child’ s learning, many adults are involved. They provide necessary information for the child, so they can play an effective role. The first and most important group is parents who are in direct contact with the child all the time and interact with him/her more than everybody and, of course, will play a greater role in this direction. By knowing children's information needs, they can try to provide children with the necessary information in a variety of ways. Methodology: The main purpose of this research is reviewing and categorizing children information needs. According to the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC), children means up to 18 years old. This research use review-analytical method. First part reviewed researches which focused on children information needs. Much of the research is based on Maslow pyramid. Considering the limitations of access to foreign and international research database, extensive search was made at accessible databases. "information needs" was used as keyword and search was limited using "child", "children", "kids" and "young adult". The articles which paid attention to categorizing information needs of children were considered. Most articles were English and few were Persian. Some of articles which did not provide access to their full text, were requested through a document supply system, some of which were provided and studied. Some of articles were provided by contacting authors and received by email. Findings: A limited number of articles were received by email to the corresponding authors. A few articles were not provided in the ways mentioned, so their study was not provided. These studies are divided into two groups: some of them have focused on children's information needs (for example Farrell (1974), Fourie (1995) and Palaniandy (1998) and the other part specifically defines the information needs of children in different classify. In 1973, a conference was held on the occupational needs of ethnic groups and other groups in the United States. One of the focuses of this conference was to consider the information needs of children and adolescents as a specific group. Walter (1994) went to California, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara to research about children's information needs. Because there is a presumption that the information needs of children are mainly examined by the elderly, the researcher decided to collect the required data from the elderly. Walter in this study found out that the results of his research were very much coherent with Maslow’ s pyramid of basic human needs. Walter's findings suggest that children will experience the following information needs during their childhood: selffulfillment, credit, love and belonging, security. Herman (2010), in his research on the information needs of children, offers the following categories of children's information needs: school related information needs, entertainment and leisure related information needs, personal information needs (problems that the person is involved in, medications, family conditions), information needs of specific individuals (such as children, intelligent children, people with disabilities, people with special problems, multilingualism, indigenous people who are not able to speak in the official language of that area). A review of the research that has been done so far has shown that most studies have focused on Maslow's basic needs for the information needs of children. One of the most important work that has been done to identify the needs of children on a global scale so far has been the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in Geneva in 1959. This article is based on Convention of the Rights of the Child and notify categories of children information needs which are related to: survival and life; social security and quality of life; self-support, abuse prevent; personal and family relationship, friendship; freedom of expression and thought; religious; books, informative sources, media and social networks; health; specialized training; self-esteem, personal and social dignity. Focusing on the nature of children information needs will help public librarians in collection development for children. Discussion: This research showed that needs to know about survival and life, social security and quality of life is one of the most important needs of children, article 26 in CRC was mentioned it. It will be so necessary in puberty and adolescence age. Child needs Information about selfsupport (article 3 in CRC), abuse prevent (articles 32-37 in CRC) for better deciding about child labor and economic exploitation, drug dealing, children's sales and torture. Information need about personal and family relationship and friendship (articles 9 in CRC) are important for social relations and detecting friends. Children needs to know about freedom of expression and thought (articles 13 and 14 in CRC). Child needs to know about religious (article 14 in CRC) and so he will need religious book, people and place. Information needs about books, informative sources, media and social networks (article 17 in CRC) is important. They need to know about national and international information resources and how to use them. Child needs information about health (article 24 in CRC). Child needs to know about sickness, how we get sick, what should we do with sick people. They need information about specialized training (article 28 in CRC). So teachers can play an important role and school is the best information texture. Child needs some information about entertainment and leisure (article 31 in CRC). They need to know how entertain themselves and how spare their time. Having information about self-esteem (article 29 in CRC), personal and social dignity will help children to know that they are also worthy of respect and have the right to object.

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Background and Objectives: Studying as a social skill is the basis for advancement. Common sense would agree that there is a close relationship between the state of literacy and development of individuals in societies, and the society as a whole. The development of the culture of studying and reading, can play an effective role in reducing the impact of social mal-behavior such as drug addiction, etc., in a society, directly and indirectly. The need for children and adults to become interested in reading and studying is not overlooked. The habit of reading and familiarity with resources that can help us meet our information needs is a great benefit that is better to sprout from childhood. The choice of teens for this study is deliberate and important because teens are somehow in the early years of experiencing reading and this useful habit (reading), which should have been institutionalized in them prior to that years ago, is the basis for knowledge gaining and lifelong learning in them. Therefore, in assuming a knowledgeable and developed generation, it is important to see if the basis of its study and reading habit is firm enough, it is supported. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate and to identify the supporting and preventing factors of reading among high school students in Ahvaz. Methodology: The present study was conducted by administration of a survey. The research population was around 40814 students of public high schools in Ahwaz, of which a sample of 380 students was selected in a classified random manner, using the Cochran sampling formula. The data was collected by means of a researcher-made scale devised based on the persuasive and dissuasive components and some other relevant factors such as family, library, school, librarian, etc. To assess the validity of the scale, content validity examination was used. In order to determine the reliability of the data gathering tool, the final draft of the scale was considered. The Cronbach's alpha was calculated for a pilot group of 30 students which resulted in an acceptable reliability coefficient of 0. 75. The reliability coefficient for the study status subscale was 0. 75, for dissuasive subscale was 0. 943 and for the persuasive subscale was 0. 894 all illustrating acceptable reliability. Data analysis was performed by calculating descriptive statistical methods and indicators such as mean, standard deviation and relevant tabulations. Exploratory factor analysis, independent t-test, and Spearman correlation coefficient were used in the analytical part of the study and data analysis. In all the statistical calculations SPSS software version 22 was used. Findings: Based on the results, 62. 8% of the respondents were girls and 37. 2% of them were boys. The study demonstrated that the average reading period for school lessons was about 3 hours a day for each student and study time for girls was significantly more than that of boys. The average students' non-syllabic study was estimated at 55 minutes per day. There was no significant difference between the mean study amount of girls and boys in this respect. According to the findings, the most common way to get information among students are radio and television, and the Internet. Also, findings indicate that there is a very weak correlation between parental education and non-syllabus study in students (r = 0. 037). According to the findings, 75. 1% of students, also study non-syllabus materials in addition to textbooks during the day. Findings showed that students believe educational factors such as having educational courses to familiarize them with reading, and then motivational, cultural and economic factors are the most important factors in making them interested in reading. On the other hand, cultural, educational and economic factors are the most important factors preventing them from studying. Disscusion: Based on the findings, students believe that educational factors, economic factors and motivational factors, have the most impact in encouraging students to study. These findings indicate that adults would become more interested in studying if they are adequately trained how to study and if they are introduced to appropriate resources. Also, if they have got their reading habit from their families and friends since childhood, their interest in studying would be more institutionalized and stronger. Among the preventive factors, cultural, educational and economic factors were also the most frequent in views of the respondents. At the end, suggestions are made to improve the level of study among the target community. As the findings reveal, from student's point of view, proper planning, adequate education and provision of facilities for purchasing books, there would be sufficient motivation for studying in teens and students. Therefore, based on the results, it is believed that the most effective ways to increase the adults study rate and their interest in studying and developing a study culture, are first, development of appropriate and relevant educational programs, and then, make the attempt to guide the intellectual and cultural orientation of Families towards reading and, also, create and publish easy access reading materials.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Nowadays, we are passing through an era of transition from analog to digital format. Most valuable information is either digitally born or digitized which require digital preservation to ensure their safety and survival for long-term maintenance and access for posterity. Several web preservation programs have been launched around the world, each of which having its own properties and area of activities in line with policies and goals of the user organization. The present study aimed to explore the activities and properties of the existing top web preservation projects and programs in terms of their time coverages, scopes of preservation, and types of resources preserved, access models and authorized users. Methodology: A documentary method was used to identify and analyze the relevant available literature such as papers, handbooks, web sites, etc. The programs’ people-in-charge were also questioned via a short questionnaire sent by Email. Top web preservation programs and projects were identified using Google Search, as well as analyzing the program interfaces and documents, directories and the related literature. After being verified and filtered, 61 top programs were selected to be studied. Findings: The verification of the launching dates of the programs revealed that “ Internet Archive” is the oldest one dating back to 1996. Most recent programs were “ Anarchism Web Archive” and “ Web Harvesting Project of the German National Library” , of which the first was subject specific while the other was that of a specific nationality. While some programs cover a global scope as wide as the web, some others limit their borders to web resources published in a specific country, region, subject, organization, and/or document type. The first and oldest digital preservation program, i. e. “ Internet Archive” has selected to cover the world-wide web as its preservation scope, thus its time coverage goes back to as far as 1996. For some programs, the time coverage is very limited and covers 2-9 years prior to their launching dates; examples are: “ The Cyber Cemetery” , “ LAC (Electronic Collection of Library and Archives Canada)” and “ Portuguese Web Archive” . However, these programs are apparently depending on macro programs such as “ Internet Archive” for the web resources published prior to their launching dates. It was also revealed that 50% of these programs run at national level and 13. 4 % cover a specific subject. Politics, Culture, Religion, Science, Economy, Slavery, Government, Anarchism, Human Rights, Social Issues, Computer and Information Science are among the subjects that are most frequently dealt with by the programs. Some programs selected only one or two document types while others covered a combination of document types for preservation. Access to the archived version of the preserved documents ranges on a continuum from fully open, through semi-open to restricted access. Of all the programs the majority (39. 1%) apply a full open access model; next comes those adhering to a restricted access model (23/9%). The semi-open access model had the least frequency (6. 7%). Some programs offer their services to people throughout the world and do not limit themselves to specific users (6. 3%) of which a prominent example is the “ Internet Archive” that is open to all users around the globe. For some other programs (15. 2%), access is restricted just for authorized users; for example, “ Web Harvesting Project of the German National Library” and “ AOLA (Austrian Online Archive)” are limited to students and researchers. Discussion: The results of the present study revealed that the importance of web preservation is duly recognized all over the world so that a wide range of countries are found to be engaged in this endeavor. The programs under study can be classified into two main groups including R&D related and operational ones. Most of them are found to have chosen their national domains for preservation; this results in the perseveration of all document types in almost all subjects available in their cyberspaces. There are also many programs found to provide open access to the preserved contents for all kinds of users throughout the world.

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Shafiei Soleiman | ZARE AMIN

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    1 (27)
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Background and Objectives: Meta-analysis is a new paradigm different from qualitative, metaphorical, and systematic review. The subjectivity of the implemented studies, the existence of heterogeneity and contradiction in the results of studies and the interpretation of the results in comparison with quantitative research have been the reasons for the formation of the metaanalysis method. Some researchers believe that in 1970s the research in the area of social science and investigating the social and cultural issues faced some challenges in regards with methodology. These challenges could be raised because of subjectivity of research, ambiguities in the results of different pieces of research, ineffective relation between the results of studies and political guidelines, intercreativity of results in comparison with quantitative research are the main reasons of these challenges. Some researchers make a signs of the development of higher education and the explosion of research reports as the reason of re-thinking about new paradigm in the methodology of social science studies in 1970s. One of the solution for this problem, was the using of mixed methodologies for the integrating of results of related pieces of research. Methodology: The aim of this research was to investigate the theoretical foundations of Metaanalysis methodology. This paper is an analytical overview that has been developed using the documentary methodology and theoretical sources. In this research, firstly, information resources and researches in the field of meta-analysis, including articles, theses, books and web pages were identified. Then, the collected data were studied and analyzed using a descriptiveanalytical approach. Finally, the results of the study were analyzed analytically in comparison with information science and science researches. Findings: The meta-analysis method was proposed in 1967 with the aim of integrating and integrating the studies carried out in the field of social, cultural and behavioral analysis using statistical methods. In addition, systematic review, metaphysics, transcendence, and metadata are equivalent meta-analytic terms, which are fundamentally different in nature and merely beyond which qualitative research is combined and their similarities and differences are compared, their findings are translated into each other and interpreted New from their collection. Research has shown that heterogeneity of publications, heterogeneity, incomplete data, availability and availability of early-qualifying studies and studies in other languages are the most important issues and strategies for solving meta-analysis problems in information science and science, and meta-analysis in this field is rarely used. Is located. Studies in information science and science show that in terms of volume, statistical properties and quality, the necessary framework for the implementation of meta-analysis studies in this field is provided and the meta-analysis is an appropriate opportunity for scholars of this science to integrate the results of studies, develop existing theories, create new theories And provided comprehensive interpretations of the phenomena examined. The research also showed that there is no limit to the introduction of studies into the meta-analysis, and the number of studies included in the composition depends on the subject matter of the research and the goal, so that if a researcher examines a phenomenon based on the very personal experience of the subjects studied, Few studies are sufficient, but more studies are needed to measure more common phenomena. Discussion: Information science and science as one of the branches of social sciences have a large amount of quantitative and qualitative research, and in practice there is a weak link between the results of these studies and its policies and policies. Studies in the field of information science and science have often been reviewed in the form of a meta-analysis. Researchers of this science use the systematic review method to collect raw data, to diagnose, integrate, and express simple and sequential expressions of research results. However, the number and quality of research done and the contradiction and heterogeneity in their results have made the use of the metaanalysis method more necessary. Considering that, on the one hand, the quantitative and qualitative researches carried out in the field of information science and science, taking into account the meta-criteria criteria, have been suitable conditions for entering meta-class studies, and, on the other hand, it is possible to employ a wide range of statistical methods in metaanalysis such as the size of the effect, Determining the significance level and deviation from the standard of effect size. Therefore, the field for researchers in this science is provided to integrate the results of studies, develop existing theories, create new theories, strengthen the certainty of cause and effect relationship, and provide comprehensive interpretations of the phenomena examined. Also, heterogeneity of studies, lack of consistency, incomplete data, access to early studies, and quantitative and qualitative data on the progress of knowledge and information science experts in the use of meta-analysis, should be addressed further.

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Background and Objectives: Subject analysis of the Management Research published in Knowledge and Information Science journals to identify their degree of compliance with management issues and challenges, as well as identifying the research gaps in this area. Methodology: This study is an applied research that was conducted using a mixed method, approach applying content analysis techniques. The research population consisted of two groups: 1. Papers with the subject of management published in the scientific journals in the field of KIS (8 journals). The data collection tool used for this group was a check list; 2. Experts and professionals of KIS with management experience and expertise (7 people) who participated in the survey through a written interview. Findings: The findings showed that only a small part of the scientific papers (17%) had addressed the management field and its related issues. Among the reviewed journals, most of the papers in this field had been published in two journals of Academic Librarianship and Information Research and Studies in Library and Information Science (24. 5% and 22. 5% of the total papers, respectively). The most repeated topics were Knowledge Management, and the Quality of Services. The discrepancy observed in the subjects addressed in the research in the field of management, the results of which have been published as research articles in scientific journals, and the tendency of these articles to the subject of knowledge management and its related subtopics seems to be rooted in several issues: The first issue relates to the qualitative shortcomings of research in this field. Most research is done either in the form of theses and dissertations by graduate students, or as part of the requirements of some courses such as Planning in Libraries and Information Centers in the Ph. D. program, and Organizational Knowledge Management in the Master's program. The second issue is the shortcomings of research and writing about Management. Research itself and, in the broader context, writing in the field of Management in Information Science is not only qualitatively but also quantitatively deficient in quantitative terms. The third issue is rooted in the difficulties of research in the field of management. Of the challenge sources are the courses that deal with management of libraries and information centers in different levels of education from undergraduate to doctoral; courses such as: Library and Information Centers Management, Organizational Knowledge Management, Management Information Systems and Planning in Libraries and Information Centers. Regarding the KIS Curriculum, the proportion of courses relevant to Knowledge Management is greater than other courses. This can be an important reason for boosting of the research in this field. From another point, however, the limited period of time allocated to post-graduate studies (normally 2 to 4 years) provides students with just the opportunity to familiarize themselves with managerial issues superficially, let alone the have the chance to grasp profound proficiency in theoretical and practical aspects of management, whether generally or specially in different levels of management. The fourth problem stems out from the continuous adherence of new findings to the wealth of knowledge available in this area, especially that which can be marked as managerial fads. Unfortunately, not only in this field, but also in many other areas, a large amount of research appears to have been undertaken due to following the momentary management modes as well as adherence to systems, models and styles that are almost entirely tailored to the needs and requirements of other countries. In experts' views, the most important issues in this area are: Inadequate skills, ill-managerial knowledge and expertise due to problems such as the paucity of employment of knowledgeable managers, unfamiliarity of managers with modern management in theory and practice, neglecting management as an important specialization and the need for considering knowledge, expertise and personal capability of applicants for management jobs; organizational problems such as problems and deficiencies that exist in the organization chart against the demands of clients for their diverse desired services; decision-making issues in institutions that usually are rooted in deficiencies such as lack of stable and sustainable management and lack of strategic view towards the challenges of technology development in these centers. In experts’ views, other challenge areas are: the issue of libraries' competition with other organizations, centralization and decentralization in library management, manpower management and interaction with library staff, service quality management approaches, creativity enhancement strategies, and, staff and teamwork. Review of numerous articles and comparison of their contents with research priorities as pointed out by experts indicates that, apart from the quality of services which is the most frequent subject discussed in most of the reviewed journals, there’ s almost no agreement among the trio aspects, i. e., these articles, the important research topics suggested by management experts, and, issues set forth by experts in science and information science. Discussion: The priorities of research in the field of management in experts’ views are related to issues such as specialization in management theories, management techniques, planning for the development of services, and managers' attitudes towards management challenges; however, there is little consistency between these topics and the duplicate topics of papers in this area. It seems that the most important reasons for this come from the qualitative and quantitative shortcomings of research and writing, the complications of research in this field, and following management fads.

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Background and Objectives: Bibliotherapy involves the systematic use of books to help people cope with their mental, physical, emotional, developmental or social problems. The etymology of the term bibliotherapy (biblio-is the Greek word for books and, therapy comes from therapeia, meaning to help medically). The important goals of bibliotherapy include: relieving emotional or mental pressure; developing an individual’ s self-concept; communicating new values and attitudes with regard to the problem; and providing clients with alternative solutions to the problem. Many of the research in this field has been done by researchers and enthusiasts of Library and Information Science. So that, in recent years, many students have written dissertations and articles in this field. Due to the sensitivity of the bibliotherapy method and its interdisciplinary nature, and since bibliotherapy is a process that is carried out step-by-step, and at each stage requires specialization and special skill of health professionals or librarians, it is necessary to research according to the views of the two groups of claimants in this work, i. e., the specialists in the field of Library and Information Science and the field of Psychology. In order to achieve this Purpose “ Identify how to implement the clinical bibliotherapy from the perspective of Library and information professionals and Psychology professionals with an emphasis on the role of librarians. ” Methodology: The research sample consisted of 61 of professionals who hold at least one degree in Library and Information Science or a degree in Psychology, and have at least one book, a research, or a compilation article published in the journals approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology or the Ministry of Health, Therapy and Medical Education in the field of bibliotherap. Data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire (web-based) containing 6 closed questions and 4 open questions and 45 items. The items in this questionnaire were extracted from the literature review of Iranian and foreign studies that were written in the field of bibliotherapy. SPSS software was used to analyse the collected data. Findings: The findings of the demographic section show that out of the 48 respondents who completed the questionnaire, 28 people (58. 3%) were from the field of Library and Information Science and 20 (41. 7%) from the field of Psychology. The results indicate that the psychologists with an average of 4. 45, counselors with an average of 4. 40, librarians with an average of 4. 25 are the main people involved in the implementation of clinical bibliotherapy. The most important personality, moral and knowledge characteristics and skills of bibliotherapists are respectively as follows: motivation, creativity, confidentiality and experiential periods in the related areas. The most important task of a librarian is to identify information sources, with an average of 4. 65. The results show that the most important task of other people (including a psychologist, a counselor or a social worker) are approving the list of books before they are bought by librarians (with an average of 4. 46), and good contact and relationship with clients by an average of 4. 44. Also, it could be concluded that the most important methods for implementation of bibliotherapy are “ creative bibliotherapy” and “ group bibliotherapy” . Disscusion: Sinse librarians as individuals normally engage in their profession with a wide range of information sources, and also, due to continuous interaction with different people, they can be the best choice among many others, for effectively communicating with people in the implementation of clinical bibliotherapy. However, since the target audiences of clinical bibliotherapy are people with emotional and behavioral problems, therefore, in addition to recognizing books and library expertise, psychologists, psychiatrists and counselors are also seem necessary to partake in remedies. Therefore, with all these experts as a team, bibliotherapy will have the greatest impact in fulfilling the therapeutic needs of those who are suffering from personal, moral and behavioral deficiencies.

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Background and Objectives: The main aim of this research was comparison investigating of knowledge sharing status and factors affecting it among faculty members of the faculty of veterinary medicine and basic sciences of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz and faculty of basic Sciences of Jundishapur University of Ahvaz. In pursuit of this goal, the specific goals that was followed were. Determining the status of knowledge sharing from knowledge sharing infrastructure such as cultural structure, human structure, information and communication technology structure, leadership and management strategies, structural and administrative factors, and tendency to share knowledge. Also, the demographic features affecting knowledge sharing were examined among faculty members of the faculty of veterinary medicine and basic sciences of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz and faculty of basic Sciences of Jundishapur University of Ahvaz. Methodology: The present research is a descriptive survey. The data collection has been done by using a questionnaire tool which was devised based on the Porsrajian, Olia and Soltani Ali Abadi (2013) and Rezaei’ s questionnaire (2013) and in personality type section was devised based on the Michelle Guella’ s questionnaire. The research population was all faculty members (167 peoples) of faculty members of veterinary medicine and basic sciences of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz and faculty of basic sciences of Jundishapur University of Ahvaz in 2016-2017 Which is done by census method. To analyze of the demographic information of questionnaire, as well as to finding out to the status of knowledge sharing infrastructure from the viewpoint of faculty members, descriptive statistics techniques were used and for analyze the opinions of respondents regarding to knowledge sharing infrastructure, inferential statistics techniques such as sample single t-test and one-way analysis of variance analysis were used. Findings: In terms of comparison between the three colleges, the results of the research indicate that the faculty of veterinary medicine is better than other faculties studied in terms of the status of knowledge sharing infrastructure. It seems that the reason for this superiority is thematic affinity and the relationship between the disciplines and trends in the faculty. While the Faculty of Basic Sciences of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, due to the dispersion of disciplines, has the weakest situation in the three faculties. The results of this research indicate that the faculty members of the faculties of science and veterinary of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz and the faculty of basic sciences of medicine of Jundishapur University of Ahvaz are tendency to share knowledge and the knowledge sharing infrastructure of information and communication technology infrastructure is in good condition but other infrastructures such as cultural infrastructure, human infrastructure, leadership and management strategies infrastructure and the structural and administrative factors infrastructure are below of average condition. By comparing the status of two Universities, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz and Jundishapur University of medical sciences of Ahvaz in terms of the cultural structure there are difference and in the other structures a similar situation is observed in both Universities. Strategies for strengthening cultural infrastructure include holding conferences and gatherings on the importance of sharing knowledge, opportunities and benefits brought about by the sharing of knowledge for the university and the promotion of a national and international rank for the university. The material and spiritual appreciation of the members for their activities in achieving the goals of the organization, and that if members of the faculty are convinced of their faculty in realizing their organizational goals and are convinced of their scientific cooperation and appreciation of their activities in this field, the necessary trust between the members And management is formed to collaborate on the achievement of organizational goals. Setting up knowledge-aware systems for sharing knowledge, for example, websites, newsletters, and other tools for information and communication technology can be used as a means of raising awareness and encouraging human resources, including administrators and administrators of universities and colleges, to support knowledge sharing activities and Faculty members to participate in these activities. Discussion: In relation to the information and communication technology infrastructure, the needs of information system users should be weighed against the ease of sharing knowledge, and action is needed to address the shortcomings. To support the technical systems used by the faculty, specialist staff should be employed. One of the ways to strengthen the structural-administrative infrastructure is to promote the further development of communication between faculty members, to consider more business meetings for face-to-face discussion for faculty members and the use of cyberspace in this field. Considering the importance of the role of organization management in culture, the implementation and support of the knowledge sharing process, as well as the effective role of management in encouraging and motivating members to participate in knowledge sharing activities, should take appropriate measures in this regard, and manage the university towards sharing The knowledge and the importance and advantages of this were justified. This requires an expert to plan and implement programs for familiarizing management with the discussion of knowledge sharing and the importance of this, as well as acting as a university management consultant in relation to the implementation of knowledge sharing programs in this area that knowledge and information science experts are due to mastering On this area are the best options in this regard.

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Background and Objectives: The increasing complexity of the society and the dependence of society on information has raised the concept of information as a commodity more than ever as the strategic information source of the business (Love, 1993); and the key to its continuity. Today, information is a vital source for many macroeconomic and national economies and is the fourth most important source of production that organizations and advanced countries invest more to provide the right information to help make quality decisions and thus influence Sales and final performance of them. For this reason, sometimes they have compared information to blood in the organs of the organization, which is considered vital (Van Solms and Van Solms, 2004). From Choo's point of view (2002), an organization uses information for three primary purposes: creating an identity and a common content for action and reaction, developing the knowledge and new capabilities, and taking decisions that guarantee the capabilities and resources. Because the value of information is a relative attribute, it depends on the conditions that an organization must create for its reveal, which is presented at the macro level in the form of an organizational culture and at a more specialized level, called organizational information culture. The results of previous studies have shown that there is a relationship between information culture, company life cycle and profit and use of information, and a highly advanced information culture is positively associated with organizational work practices and leads to successful business performance. Hence, addressing the condition of information culture and examining its relationship with the results of information leads to the targeting of the organization's information behavior and its optimal use and necessity. Considering the heavy mission and volume of extensive information transaction that the Bushehr University of Medical Sciences has like every major organization. The purpose of this study was to determine the status of the dimensions of organizational information culture, the use of experts from information outcomes, and the impact of information culture on the use of information by experts. Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted with analytical survey method. Samples of 254 experts were selected by random sampling method from 750 individuals. A questionnaire consisting of formal and permanent validity (α = 0. 82) was used for collecting data. Findings: The results showed that information integrity dimensions (Mean= 13. 09), information transparency (Mean= 10. 72), information sharing (Mean= 18. 77), professional activity of information (Mean= 12. 21), informal information (Mean= 55/8) and information control (Mean= 94/17), is at the relatively favorable level. Meanwhile, information integrity, information transparency, information sharing and information control affect the use of experts, but the informal information does not affect it. The organizational information culture is the beliefs, norms and values of information observation, which their attention in the organization can affect the organizational information-based decisions and influence the use of information. Discussion: According to the findings of the study, it can be concluded that the availability, integrating and sharing information in the organization can facilitate the use of information. Transparency of information by managers and authorities can facilitate the use of information in the organization. Sharing information can facilitate the use of information in the organization. The sharing of information saves the organization from error testing and replication of experiences that entails huge expense, and accelerates decision-making and the timely and correct use of opportunities. Professional information activities can facilitate the use of information in the organization. The professional information activity in the organization may be influenced by some factors such as the information environment, the flow of information, the channels of information distribution, and so on. Meanwhile, the results showed an inverse relationship between the two informal components of information and the use of information results. In other words, informal information can be used as an obstacle to the use of information in the organization. The coherent relationship between the two components of organizational information culture and the use of information outcomes showed that the information culture of the organization is a predictor of the use of experts from information. Managers of the organization, by providing conditions for the distribution and dissemination of information, inform employees of their own functions of information intelligence. To improve the quality of the use of information, work towards clarifying the information in the organization. Think about ways to exchange and share the information inside and outside the organization and to strengthen and trust the information infrastructure.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: One of the areas of research and study in Scientometrics is scientific collaborative studies. Katz and Martin (1997) define scientific collaboration as working with other researchers in order to achieve common goals for the production of new knowledge. This collaboration has several aspects one of which is co-authorship. Co-authorship can occur in scientific productions such as paper, notebooks and so on. In recent years, scientific collaboration, and especially co-authorship, has grown exponentially among authors and researchers. Perhaps this increasing growth can be attributed to the benefits that scientific collaboration holds for authors and their works. This research evaluates the scientific production of researchers based on Scientometrics indicators such as growth rate, cooperative indices, the most prolific researchers and their Hirsch index, analyzing the components of the co-authorship network of researchers, and investigating the structures existing in co-authorship networks using social network analysis and based on the Centrality measure such as degree, betweenness, eigenvectors and closeness. Also, the density measures, the coefficient of clustering, the distance between nodes and subgroups are also calculated and determined. The aim of this article was to study the scientific outputs of Semnan university researchers in term of quantitative indexes (number of outputs, research area, and year) and qualitative indexes (number of citations and H-Index). Mapping the co-author network of Semnan university researchers in the Web of Science database was the other purpose of the present paper. Methodology: The research was conducted based on Scientometrics methods. The research population included all the documents which mentioned Semnan University as their affiliation and were indexed in Web of Science from 1990 to 2015. Totally, 2106 documents were indexed in this timespan. The co-author network was mapped and analyzed by Coau. exe, Ucinet and Netdraw. In order to analyze the data, different software and measures were used. For this purpose, the data were first analyzed by coauthor. exe software and the authorship matrix was formed. The obtained matrix was a symmetric matrix 194 * 194, in which the diagonal cells were set to zero. Then the matrix was imported into the UCInet software to provide the proper format required for drawing software. After obtaining the outputs from the UCInet software, to draw up a map of the co-authorship the NetDraw software was used. Also, for all authors and researchers of the Semnan University, the h index was calculated using the Web of Science and the authors with the highest h index were identified. Findings: The results showed that Engineering (39%), Physics (19. 5) and Mathematics (14%) were the subjects to which Semnan university researchers contributed. Totally, in the time span investigated, Iranian researchers produced 272019 documents out of which 2106 belonged to Semnan University. Therefore, this university ranked 30 among the Iranian universities. During the period studied, Semnan University produced 0. 0049% of the universal scientific outputs. The results of the growth rate calculation indicated 43. 22 for Semnan University researchers in the past fifty years that reveals a promising rising growth rate. Amjadi, Gorji and Orouji with 25, 23 and 15 H-Indexs ranked first to third, respectively. In term of citation, Amjadi ranked first with 2126 citations and Gorji with 1341 and Orouji with 629 citations were in the next ranks. Investigating the degree from among the centrality measurements was also calculated and the results showed that Gorji, Fereydoun and Asghari were in the top. The highest co-authoring rate occurred in 2005 which included 3 authors. As regards the fields of study, mathematics was the highest single-author subject. After obtaining the number of co-authorship of documents in different years, three indicators of co-authorship, including the cooperation index, degree of collaborative and Collaborative coefficient, were obtained, which showed that these collaborative indicators have increased significantly during the studied years. Also, there has been an increasing trend in two indicators of degree of collaborative and collaborative coefficient with several fluctuations over several years in general. The average of these three indicators for the whole years was 2. 52, 0. 84 and 0. 50 respectively. Discussion: The results of data analysis showed that, although the flow of co-authorship among the Semnan University researchers has fluctuated in recent years, during the studied period, the researchers of Semnan University have tended to write co-authorship. Generally, documents with three authors were the most co-authorship. The results also showed that the co-authorship network of Semnan University researchers consisted of 6 main components and 7 isolated authors. The largest cluster composed of 171 authors. The smaller cluster comprised of 7 authors and the other clusters included two. Also, subject areas of engineering, physics and mathematics scored the highest number of articles among Semnan University researchers.

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Background and Objective: The main purpose of this research is to determine the security of the building and protection of the sources and information at the central library and documentation center of University of Isfahan and comparison with some Iranian and foreign libraries (the national library of Iran, the library of congress and the British library). The following subsidiary goals are pursued to attain the mentioned purpose: 1. To determine the status of the security system in order to prevent the present sources at the central library and documentation center of University of Isfahan from attack and physical damage. 2. To identify necessary training which has been taught for the staff and service workers at the central library and documentation center of University of Isfahan for protection and maintenance the sources, cleaning and getting responses to accidents such as fire and flood. 3. To identify vital ideas which have been thought in the library building for the safety of the staff and users in the central library and documentation center of University of Isfahan. 4. To determine the status of building security and protection the sources and information at the national library of Iran. 5. To determine the status of building security and protection the sources and information at the library of congress and the British library. Methodology: The present research which has been done using the descriptive survey is practical from the point of the view of the goal. In other words, the information had been provided regarding security status, protection and maintenance of the building and the central library complex and its different sections at University of Isfahan. Also, this information had been collected by interview with the chancellor of the University of Isfahan, supervisors, observation of the surrounding library and its equipment, studying the bylaw of protection and maintenance of the sources, equipment and surrounding libraries of the University of Isfahan. The information from the central library of University of Isfahan has been collected with the permission of the director of public relations and the administrator of the central library and documentation center of University of Isfahan. In the second part, the information relating to the national library of Iran, the library of congress and the British library is obtained. The information had been carried out by studying the handbooks existing at the websites of the libraries of the national library of Iran, the library of congress and the British library and interview with Reza Shahabi (the vice chancellor for research, planning and technology of the national library of Iran) and also sending questionnaire with five open questions to the administrators of the library of congress and the British library via E-mail. Finding: Results of the research are divided into five general categories based on the collected information for every four libraries and they are shown in Table 1 in order to compare easily. The five categories are defined as follows: 1. Protection and maintenance of information in physical scope 2. Protection and maintenance of information in digital domain 3. Security system for preventing the sources from damage 4. Training the staff to protect and maintain the sources 5. Safety of the staff and users Discussion: The complex of the central library and documentation center of university of Isfahan like the world's great libraries has considered making different groups of library materials electrical. Also, no action has yet been taken in making archival materials such as newspapers, magazines and audiovisual materials electrical. Collections of books in the library are not wellsuited and also cleaning of floors, stacks and books in the library is done by workers who have been not trained. In addition, no usage of pesticide, refurbishment and control on light, temperature and humidity have been carried out on the valuable complexes. None of the mentioned tips is done according to the bylaw which is compatible with the standards of the national library of Iran. The central library and documentation of University of Isfahan did not regard the rest of security tips about the field of preserving sources, information security and training the staff in comparison with the national library of Iran, the library of congress and the British library. Summarily, it could be stated that there is a considerable distance to reach the ideal acceptable status and the criteria and standards have not been regarded completely in the central library of University of Isfahan.

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