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Objectives Ageing is a natural phenomenon in the life of every person, and quality of life and identifying its related factors is one of the interesting areas in aging psychology. Given the importance of this issue, the present study aimed to determine the role of attitude to death and irrational beliefs in the quality of life of older people. Methods & Materials The method of this study is descriptive-correlational. The study population included all persons over 60 years who lived in Ardabil City, Iran, in 2014. Of them, 150 people were selected using the convenience sampling method and responded to the questionnaires of irrational beliefs, attitudes to death, and quality of life. The obtained data were analyzed by the Pearson correlation and multivariate regression tests. Results The results showed that the total score of quality of life had a negative correlation with fear of death (r=-0. 36; P<0. 000), avoidance of death (r=-0. 16; P<0. 05), acceptance with escape of death (r=-0. 17; P<0. 03), helplessness for change (r=-0. 27; P<0. 001) and emotional irresponsibility (r=-0. 24; P<0. 002). But, it had a positive correlation with approach acceptance toward death (r=0. 31; P<0. 001). The results of regression analysis also showed that irrational beliefs could explain about 9% and attitude to death about 30% of the variance in quality of life. Conclusion The results of this study showed that attitude to death and irrational beliefs could predict the quality of life in older adults. Thus the older adults’ quality of life can be improved via cognitive intervention in these variables

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Objectives Older people are at risk of falling and its complications more than other age groups. Evaluation of environmental hazards requires time and money. So it seems necessary to design a self-report questionnaire for initial screening. This study aims to develop a self-report tool for falling risk assessment in Iranian older people. Methods & Materials After approval of the Ethics Committee of Iran University of Medical Sciences, an expert group prepared and wrote the study items using simple words and fluent structure. The reliability of the questionnaire was evaluated through test-retest method and its validity through content validity method. The elders were residents in their homes and had the appropriate level of consciousness to understand and respond to Persian sentences correctly. Information was collected through questionnaires and observations. Statistical evaluation was performed by SPSS version 16, and the retest test reliability of the questionnaire was determined by intra-class correlation coefficient. Results In terms of content validity, Content Validity Ratio (CVR) formula was used, and the agreement between the experts was significant, so the questionnaire has good content validity. Test-retest reliability was calculated by Standard Error of Mean (SEM), and relative and absolute repeatability coefficients showed excellent reliability of this questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was calculated based on the Spearman correlation coefficient of 0. 95 and P-value less than 0. 001. The questionnaire contained 15 main questions and 75 sub-questions about the dangers of the home environment. Conclusion The results of this study showed high validity and reliability of this questionnaire, so it can be used as a practical tool for identifying the risks of falling at home.

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Objectives The caregivers of the family older member with Alzheimer disease face many challenges, sometimes describing as caring “ 36 hours a day” . This hard work affects various aspects of the caregivers' life, including health, occupation, and income. The current study was designed to determine the effectiveness of resilience training on reducing stress and communication problems of the primary caregivers of older people with Alzheimer disease. Methods & Materials The present research was an experimental study with a pre-test-post-test and a control group with two months follow-up. The samples were selected from the primary caregivers of the families who had received services from Tehran Hamraze Zendegi Center for elderly rehabilitation at home, under the supervision of the Welfare Organization, between September 23, 2017, and November 22, 2017. A sample size of 24 (Mean± SD: 73. 20± 9. 09 y) subjects were selected from 47 (Mean± SD: 42. 41± 7. 51 y) older people with Alzheimer requesting services at home. Then, they were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The data collection tools included “ perceived stress scale” and “ communication skills” questionnaire. Results The variance analysis of repeated measurements showed that the resilience intervention was significantly effective in the experimental group in the post-test and follow-up stages (regarding stress and communication problems scores at the level of P=0. 05). The Bonferroni test results also indicated that the mean differences of stress and communication problems were significant between the pre-test with post-test and the follow-up stages (P=0. 0001). However, the mean difference between post-test and follow-up was not significant in any of the research variables, suggesting no return in the outcomes of the intervention at the follow-up stage. This finding confirmed the sustainability of the intervention effect. Conclusion Considering older people’ s need to be supported by their relatives, resilience training appears to be an effective method capable of reducing stress and communication problems in caregivers of older people with Alzheimer disease.

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Objectives Older adulthood refers to 65 years or older. In Iran, older people account for 8. 5% of the whole population totaling 4. 5 million people. Because of the disorders in the immune system, older adults catch infection diseases more frequently. Also, the initial presentation of infectious diseases is atypical in this age group. We performed an epidemiological investigation of infectious diseases in older adults hospitalized in hospitals affiliated to Birjand University of Medical Sciences during 2016. Methods & Materials This descriptive-analytic study included all the older patients (>65 y) hospitalized in the Infectious Diseases Ward of Valiasr Hospital from April to December 2016. The study objectives were explained to the participants, who then gave their informed consent for study participation. A trained nurse completed a specific form for each patient based on his/her medical record. The form consisted of five sections: Risk factors, clinical manifestations, paraclinical and radiology tests taken, internal and surgical interventions performed, and complications and outcomes. The data were analyzed in SPSS (version 19) using descriptive statistical tests and the Chi-square test. The significant level was set at α =0. 05. Results A total of 227 patients with a Mean± SD age of 76. 71± 7. 6 years (range: 65-97 y) participated in the study. Women accounted for 58. 1% of the participants. Results showed that 8. 8% of the subjects were smokers and 30. 8% drug abusers, of whom 82. 9% were oral abusers. Furthermore, their most common underlying diseases were hypertension (36. 1%), diabetes (11. 5%), heart problems (11%), and chronic pulmonary diseases (9. 7%). The final diagnoses in hospitalized patients were pneumonia (52. 4%), urinary tract infections (15%), septicemia (13. 7%), influenza (9. 7%), gastroenteritis (7. 9%), and other diseases (1. 3%). The most common organisms found in the patients’ cultures were S. aureus from blood cultures and E. coli from urine cultures. Conclusion most frequent infectious disease was pulmonary infection; therefore, it is suggested to observe individualistic health issues to prevent it.

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Objectives As Iran is one of the countries in the world which its population moves toward aging rapidly, it is essential to consider older adults' needs and concerns, which might have an impact on their healthrelated Quality of Life (QOL). QOL is a multi-dimensional concept that has physical, mental, and social components. The present study has been conducted to determine the correlation between economic status and educational level with health-related QOL in community-dwelling and institutionalized older adults living in Mashhad City, Iran. Methods & Materials In this descriptive-analytic cross-sectional study, we recruited 135 (77 [57%] men and 58 [43%] women) community-dwelling older adults (Mean± SD=71. 7± 5. 9 y), and 135 (65 [48. 1%] men, 70 [51. 9%] women) institutionalized older adults (Mean± SD=071. 2± 5. 6 y). They were living in Mashhad City, Iran. Through the interview, we collected the subjects’ demographic characteristics, monthly income, and the level of education. The Persian validated version of SF-36 questionnaire was used for assessment of health-related QOL. The questionnaire assesses 8 physical and mental health subscales. The statistical analysis was conducted by SPSS version 19. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare monthly income and health-related QOL between community-dwelling and institutionalized older adults. The Chi-square test was used to compare the educational level of the two groups. Also, the effect of some independent variables on physical and mental health domains of QOL was assessed by multiple regression models. Results The education level community-dwelling older adults was lower than that in institutionalized older adults (P=0. 03). In general, in terms of physical and mental dimensions of QOL, the institutionalized older adults had a lower QOL than community-dwelling older adults (P<0. 01). Also, the institutionalized older adults had lower monthly income than community-dwelling older people (P<0. 001). The results of multiple regression model indicate that only living place of the elderly (community, nursing home) had a significant effect on both physical and mental dimensions of QOL (P<0. 001). While the elderly’ s income, education, gender, age, diseases (such as diabetes, blood pressure) and smoking didn’ t have any significant effects. Conclusion A higher level of education can promote the social class and increase the income of older people. Having enough income is a prerequisite of high QOL, although it cannot meet all the basic needs of life. Improving health-related QOL of old Iranian adults is achieved by considering all its dimensions, including physical, emotional and social needs, and using interventional, educational, and social support programs.

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Objectives This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of self-care empowerment training on life expectancy, happiness, and quality of life of the elderly in Iranian elderly care centers in Dubai. Methods & Materials This study was a quasi-experimental research conducted in the form of pre-testpost-test with control group. The statistical population of this study included all Iranian elderly in the elderly care centers in Dubai. Of these individuals, a sample of 40 elderly people (20 women and 20 men) was selected and were involved randomly in two experimental groups (n=20; 10 women and 10 men) and one control group (n=20; 10 women and 10 men). In this study, the experimental group received self-care education during 12 sessions for 3 months and a weekly two-hour session, and the control group was put on a waiting list. The experimental and control groups completed the Snyder Hope Scale (SHS), the Oxford Happiness Inventory (OHI), and the World Health Organization Quality of Life scale (WHOQOL) in the pretest and post-test phases. The data were analyzed using Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA). Results The findings showed that in post-test, self-care empowerment training significantly increased the hope, happiness, and quality of life in the elderly. Conclusion Self-care empowerment training in the elderly can be effective in increasing hope, happiness, and quality of life of these individuals

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Objectives Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of the most important progressive pulmonary disorders. Diaphragmatic dysfunction is an essential factor in the worsening and progression of symptoms in patients with COPD. Therefore, we investigated the effect of diaphragmatic respiratory training on some pulmonary indexes in these patients. Methods & Materials This quasi-experimental study type with pre-test-post-test design, 16 male patients (Mean± SD=55± 5. 4 y) with moderate COPD were selected through convenient sampling method and were randomly divided into two groups of 8 (diaphragmatic training and control group). A demographic questionnaire was used to control the inclusion criteria. Maximal inspiratory pressure, forced expiratory volume in 1 second, and respiratory rate per minute were measured by laboratory equipment. The training group performed the respiratory exercises 3 sessions per week for 8 weeks. The control group did not do any exercise. After the end of training, the pulmonary indexes were re-evaluated. Statistical data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test in SPSS V. 21. Results The results indicated that diaphragmatic respiratory exercises had a significant effect on pulmonary indexes (P=0. 001). There was no improvement in any of the variables in the control group (P˃ 0. 05). Conclusion Diaphragmatic respiratory training seems to play an essential role in improving the respiratory indexes of patients with pulmonary disease. The results of our study showed that respiratory training improves the respiratory function of patients and should be included in the pulmonary rehabilitation program for these patients

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Objectives Disregarding the quality of nursing homes can affect the mental health of older people living there. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the designing and architecture of nursing homes with the residents’ mental health. Methods & Materials This research was descriptive-correlational. With purposeful sampling, we selected 158 elderly residents of the nursing homes of Shahriyar and Qods cities in Tehran Province. Then, we obtained the study data by two questionnaires of designing and architecture of nursing homes and mental health. To analyze the data, the Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were used. Results The Mean± SD values of the study variables were as follows: light and brightness (22. 93± 4. 96), public space (27. 41± 5. 01), personal space (25. 15± 7. 27), access space (28. 62± 3. 69), green space (37. 48± 6. 43), physical illnesses (16. 47± 2. 99), anxiety and insomnia (16. 51± 3. 99), social function disorder (12. 13± 2. 72), and depression (16. 39± 3. 08). The degree of correlation coefficients of designing and architecture and its components, i. e. light and brightness, public, personal, access and green spaces with the mental health of the elderly were-0. 622,-0. 328,-0. 503,-0. 404,-0. 471, and-0. 318, respectively (P<0. 001). According to regression analysis, designing and architecture factors explain 40. 2% of the mental health of older people (P<0. 05). Conclusion It is hoped that relevant authorities recognize the importance of proper designing and architecture for nursing homes and by following the necessary standards improve the mental health of the older people living in nursing homes.

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RASHIDI ESMAT | Hosseini Kakhak Seyed Ali Reza | ASKARI ROYA

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Objectives The loss of muscle mass in older adults is attributed to the impaired ability of the skeletal muscle in response to anabolic stimuli and the increased activation of the proteolytic signaling pathway. With increasing age, plasma concentrations of circulating anabolic hormones and growth factors, e. g. testosterone, Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) and Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 (IGFBP-3) are also diminished. Resistance Training (RT) promotes positive adaptations that attenuate the harmful effects of aging. The aim of this investigation was evaluation the impact of RT with Low Load (LL) and High Load (HL) on the testosterone, IGF-1, IGFBP-3 levels and functional adaptations in older women. Methods & Materials A total of 28 older women (Mean± SD age: 63. 14± 2. 51 y) eligible to participate in this study were randomly assigned into three groups of RT with Low Load (RT-LL) (30٪ 1RM [one repetition maximum test]), RT group with High Load (RT-HL) (80٪ 1RM) and control group. Both training groups performed the exercise until fatigue. The minimum number of repetitions for the RT-LL group was 20 and for the RT-HL group 8. The RT program was executed three sessions per week for 8 weeks. Testosterone, IGF-1, IGFBP-3, lower body muscular strength, and muscular endurance of the subjects were measured before and after the intervention. Results No significant changes were observed in testosterone, IGF-1, and IGFBP-3 levels after 8 weeks of RT (P>0. 05). Both training groups significantly increased the lower body muscular strength and muscular endurance (P<0. 05), and there was no significant difference between the two RT groups (P>0. 05). Conclusion Based on the study findings, RT-LL until the fatigue may affect performance adaptations resulting from exercise and provide an appropriate alternative to RT-HL in older people.

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determine the rate of domestic elder abuse in the elderly referring to West Health Care Centers of Tehran City, Iran (affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences), in 2018. Methods & Materials In this cross-sectional study (descriptive-analytical type), 312 older people who referred to 18 health care centers and 34 health care stations in districts 9, 18, 21, and 22 of Tehran City, Iran between October 2017 to January 2018 were selected by random sampling method. Then, the elderly abuse questionnaire was completed for them through face to face interviews. The obtained data were analyzed by t-test and one-way ANOVA in SPSS. Results The Mean± SD age of the participants was 67. 93± 6. 4 years. The findings showed that 77. 9% of them had experienced elder abuse from the beginning of old age. Also, 58. 3% of them experienced neglect. The most and the least experienced abuses were neglect and sexual abuse, respectively. The Independent t-test showed that the participants who needed a caregiver (t=4. 30, df=130. 03, P <0. 001); their spouse was dead (t=-2. 76, df=307, P=0. 006); and were treated for depression (t=2. 60, df=33. 36, P=0. 014 (had got higher total scores of elder abuse. Conclusion Due to the high rate of elder abuse and its dangerous effects on the quality of life of the elderly, developing proper programs to increase the awareness of the elderly and their families is essential.

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