Regarding the importance of cardiovascular disease in society health and with respect
to known high risk of hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, obesity, and hypertension in
these patients, and also regarding the lack of epidemiological studies in this field,
specially in rural area, this study has been conducted on 2705 candidates over 30
years old [1296 males (48%) and 1409 females (52%)] by multiple-phase randomized
sampling, in 100 villages. Serum level of cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, and sugar
were obtained on fasting blood samples. For diagnosis of diabetes and IGT, glucose
tolerance test with 75 gr glucose was performed. Then blood pressure, body weight
and height, and body mass index (BMI) have been measured. Waist/buttock ratio was
considered as a factor for evaluating abdominal obesity. The mean BMI was 28.6±
4.6, 28.3 ± 5.6,and 26.6 ± 4.6 kg/m2 in patients with diabetes,IGT,and normal
individuals, respectively (p<0.001).
Moderate to severe obesity has been recorded in 34.7%,37.1% and 22.3% of patients
with diabetes, IGT, and normal individuals, respectively. The mean of waist/buttock
ratio was higher in diabetic patients (p<0.001).Abnormal waist/buttock ratio makes
individuals more susceptible to diabetes (2.9 times). One fifth of patients with
diabetes have diastolic blood pressure more than 89 mmHg and half of them have
systolic blood pressure of 139mmHg and above, whereas these figures were 1/10 and
1/5 for normal individuals, respectively. The mean ofTG was 322 ± 282, 206 ± 178,
and 178 ± 124 mg/dl in patients with diabetes, IGT, and normal individuals,
respectively. These differences were statistically significant (p<0.001). In diabetic
patients, the prevalence of triglyceridemia was 2.1 times more than normal
individuals and 1.6 times more than patients with IGT. Cholesterol level of 239 mg/dl
and higher was recorded in 12.6% of normal individuals. Hypercholesterolemia
makes patients more susceptible to diabetes (3.9 times). The mean of LDLcholesterol
was recorded 145 ± 43.6, 134± 38.9, and 121 ± 36.1 mg/dl in patients
with diabetes, IGT, and normal individuals, respectively (p<0.00l).HDL-cholesterol
below 35 mg/dl was seen in 45.9% of diabetic patients. LDL/HDL ratio above 5 has
been recorded in 17.8%,19.3%, and 9% of patients with diabetes, IGT, and normal
individuals, respectively. The prevalence of diabetes in patients with cholesterol/HDL
ratio above 4.5 was 2.4 tiI1;1ems ore than patients with cholesterol/HDL ratio of 4.5
and below.
Results have implied that obesity, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension are common
findings in diabetic patients. Regarding its potential hazard, intervention in life style is
strongly recommended.