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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    3 (19)
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Objective: Since responding to the domestic and foreign demand of the sport goods is considered as a factor for the boom of the sports market and gaining the ability to compete in international fields, this study examines the competitive ability of Iran in the export of sporting goods to the most important business partners. Methodology: The research method is applied in terms of its purpose and in terms of data collection method, it is a type of documentary research. In order to achieve the goal, RCA index, RSCA index, TM and CMS index have been used for the selected sport export data of Iran and 8 Iranian business partners during the time period of 2000-2015. Results: results show that although there is not the comparative advantage based on RCA and RSCA indicators, according to TM, Iran in 2009, 2012, and 2014 has been among the winners in rising markets. Based on the competitiveness effect of the CMS index, two results were obtained: Iran's share of the sports goods market in countries such as Georgia, Russia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in the period 2012-2015 is increasing, as well as Iran in 2015 compared to years 2012-2014 have been able to increase their competitive ability. Conclusion: Despite the lack of comparative advantage in the sporting goods’ export and the unstable process of competitive advantage, Iran can proceed with regional convergence in the regional framework and strengthen the ability to produce and export sporting goods at a cheaper price.

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    3 (19)
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Objective: Entrepreneurship is one of the ways that can be as a stable action towards job creation. Therefore, the purpose of this research is the study of affecting factors on entrepreneurship of physical education and sport sciences students at universities in Guilan province Methodology: The research method was descriptive correlational and the statistical population included all students of physical education at universities in Guilan province. Based on the minimum sample size in PLS software, out of 220 sample individuals, 208 completed questionnaires were used for statistical analysis. The research tools included demographic questionnaire, Nikraftar’ s social skills, Faraji’ s social capital, Safiri and Arasteh’ s economic capital, and Robbins and Koulter’ s entrepreneurship. Content validity of questionnaires was verified by five professors and convergent and divergent validity and composite reliability was verified by software. Results: The results of path analysis indicated that the priorities of all three variables were social skills (t-value=8. 419; path coefficient = 0. 521); social capital (t-value = 3. 389; path coefficient=0. 188) And economic capital have a significant effect on entrepreneurial skills (t-value = 2. 168; path coefficient= 0. 118). Meanwhile, the general fitting index of the GOF model is 0. 446 and is strong enough. Conclusion: Regarding the findings, it seems that the training of social skills and then the creation of the necessary platforms for the development of social capital by formal and nongovernmental institutions can be effective on student entrepreneurship skills.

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    3 (19)
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Objective: The present study, while reviewing the prevalence of sports betting in Iran, reviews the policies and legal approaches in Iran's criminal law regarding sports betting. Methodology: The present study was based on the analytical method and interpretation of legal materials and was carried out by referring to library resources and reviewing previous research. Results: In Iran, despite the fact that sports betting has increased over the past few years and the statistics of political and judicial authorities have shown that this phenomenon is becoming a social issue, there is no clear legal approach and coherent policy in dealing with this issue and legal proceedings mainly involve sports betting under Article 705 of the Islamic Penal Code and the perpetrators are being prosecuted and sentenced as gambling. Conclusion: It seem that the sports betting are not covered by Article 705 due to a lack of conformity between the components and elements of gambling. Thus according to the current legal conditions, only the legal documentation is Article 2 of the "Law of intensify the punishment of perpetrators of bribery, embezzlement and fraud" and prosecute sports bettors under the criminal title of "illegally obtaining property".

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (19)
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Objective: To identify and prioritize the financial corruption indicators of Iran's Sport organizations using hierarchical analysis approach. Methodology: The research method was exploratory (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population of this study was all faculty members of sport management in the country and were selected by snowball sampling. Results: In the qualitative part, 9 indicators were extracted and their priorities were determined in quantitative part. The findings showed that the lack of transparency with a relative weight of 0/158, the weakness of the rules and regulations of 0/137, media, 0/132, systemic thinking, 0/129, betting 0/119, government 0/118, cultural factors 0/092, doping 0/063 and index of monopolism with a relative weight of 0/052, were considered as indicators of financial corruption in the country's sport from the perspective of experts. Conclusion: In general, sports organizations should focus on transparency, as this will reduce other corruption indicators in sports organizations. In addition, the prompt and clear implementation of laws and regulations towards individuals or organizations will lead to reduction of corruption. In this regard, media play key role and should do its best to make the society informed and aware of personal and organized corruption besides helping to avoid and reduce corruptions.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (19)
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Objective Evaluating and analyzing the capabilities of urban pathways in Tehran district 20th municipality for hiking and sport walking Methodology The data used in the study is collected from all the pathways named streets or boulevards. In this regard, 24 measures were taken and each street in two different times evaluated by two observers according to each measure in 11 spectra from 0 to 10, and the average figure for each measure was considered. Then, using the AHP model, the coefficient of importance is defined for each measure as a fraction of 1 and was multiplied in the obtained figure. The status of each neighborhood walkability, considered and analyzed as a percentage of the optimum or standard status. Results Findings showed that walking capability index in the whole region was 45/76 percent. It concludes that, in the study area pathways provide poor walking capabilities and facilities. The neighborhoods that were formed during the past three to five decades with informal transactions and self-imposed land segmentation have the lowest walking capability. Among all, Shahadat neighborhood which has formed in about three decades ago, especially from the expulsion of Iraqi refugees showed the most unfavorable conditions. Conclusion The passageways of the 20th district of Tehran municipality are not attractive for walking and hiking, and do not provide suitable conditions for pedestrian. Improving, tabulating, widening, and securing them are the most actionable steps that can be taken to encourage walking.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (19)
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the challenges and opportunities facing Golestan province. Methodology: To identify the challenges and opportunities of equestrian sport, qualitative research methodology has been used to measure the importance and ranking of factors. The statistical population of the study consisted of all experts in the horse riding board (17 people), horse riding instructor (300 people), horse owners (600 people), rabbits (60 people), horse breeders (1000 people) and spectators for each race (approximately 5000 people) Of these, 17 were distinguished, horse riding experts (4 people), horse riding coach (4people), horse owners (3 people), chefs (2 people), horse breeders and breeders (2 people) And spectators (2 people) who were active in Golestan province and were available. Semi-structured interviews and a researcher-made questionnaire were used to collect data. Inferential statistics were used to analyze the data and Friedman test was used. The face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a number of sports management professors and its reliability was calculated through Cronbach's alpha (α = 0. 78). Results: The findings of the research showed that the focus of the challenge is the planning axis, and the most important axis in the Opportunity, advertising and media axis. Conclusion: The development of equestrian sport, financial support for coding, marketing and information, and the use of modern equipment in horseback riding, has added to the flourishing of this sport in Golestan province.

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    3 (19)
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of brand investment on loyalty through brand credibility and awareness among fans of Persepolis Football Club in Tehran. Methodology: The research method is descriptive-survey method. The statistical population consisted of all fans of Persepolis Club, which according to the unlimited statistical population and use of SmartPlus3 software, 208 as a statistical sample to the Brand Investment Questionnaire, Chen brand awareness (2013), and Liu's loyalty (2008). Results: The results showed that there is not a significant relationship between brand investments with loyalty of supporters However, this relationship was significant in the case of mediation of credibility and brand awareness indirectly. Conclusion: It is concluded that investing through brand credibility and awareness leads to loyalty of supporters, it is suggested that Tehran's Persepolis football club managers focus on the impact of brand investment through the credibility and awareness of the brand, the fans are loyal.

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    3 (19)
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Objective: the present study aiming to present a model of factors influencing on the use of Smartphones for sport consumption. Methodology: The research method was the descriptive – correlative type. The statistical population of the study included all of the students in the University of Kurdistan from which 400 were selected by using Krejcie and Morgan’ s table. Research method in this study was the descriptive correlative type. In order to measure research variables, Hwang and Chung (2015) questionnaires of Perceptions toward Smartphone, Hur et al (2012) questionnaires of Sport-specific Factors, Ha et al(2017) questionnaires of Smartphone-specific Factors were used. Face and content validity were confirmed by the experts, and the Cronbach’ s alpha test used to calculate the reliability. To analyse the research hypothesis structural equation model (SEM) were utilized. Results: The results indicated that the presented model illustrate proper finesses. Also, among the factors of Perceptions toward Smartphone, Perceived Ease of Use (0. 85), Perceived Usefulness (0. 71), and Perceived Enjoyment(0. 41), and among the Sport-specific Factors, Sport Involvement (0. 67), Sport Commitment(0. 32), and finally among the Smartphone-specific Factors, Personal Attachment (0. 70), Media Multitasking (0. 64) and Social Influence (0. 24) had the highest influence on the Usage Intention of smartphone for Sport consumption. Conclusion: Present study has implications for sport managers and sport software’ s developers to understand the drivers of smartphone use for sport consumption, while they establish a market for use of software and the usage of smartphones in sport.

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    3 (19)
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Objective: As the security of holding volleyball matches is very important, the purpose of this study was to design a model for enhancement of the security of Iranian volleyball halls. Methodology: The present study was a descriptive-exploratory study that 115 people from Iranian volleyball halls managers and authorities, heads and experts of volleyball associations of provinces, as well as university professors who were expert in the field of sport events and facility, and violence and aggression, responded modified stadium security questionnaire (Faraji, 2014). The collected data were analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: The results showed that the Iranian volleyball halls’ security stand on around four principal areas including match planning and management, physical protection of stadium, infrastructure and personnel respectively with 0. 94, 0. 84, 0. 84 and 0. 83 factor loadings. Also, the technology has the most factor loading (0. 89) for the infrastructure, the toxic and chemical control of stadium has the most factor loading (0. 91) for the physical protection, training and practice has the most factor loading (0. 85) for personnel and staff, and finally, the risk and crisis management has the most factor loading (0. 87) for match management and planning. Conclusion: According to the results, the development of security in Iran's volleyball halls depends on proper management and planning. For this reason, paying attention to the operational concepts of risk and crisis management, communication and interactions management, quality of match day services and cultural activities are necessary requirements in the field of security of Iranian volleyball halls.

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    3 (19)
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the economic and financial barriers affecting the performance and sustainable development of Iranian football industry. Methodology: Due to exploratory nature of the research, the qualitative research method was used to identify the most important barriers related to the research subject. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 28 experts. Using the Grande theory, the research sample was selected through a combination of theoretical and snowball sampling. Results: The results of the study considered 45 economic and financial barriers to performance and sustainable development of Iranian football industry. Conclusion: According to the research findings, economic and financial barriers affecting the performance and sustainable development of the Iranian football industry can be divided into two general categories: external and internal factors. External factors are factors outside of Iran's soccer industry and internal factors are internal factors.

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    3 (19)
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Objective: The purpose of this research was to design a model for selecting the members of the sports federation. Methodology: The present research is in terms of the applied objective, in terms of methodology (qualitative-quantitative), which first qualitative method and then a quantitative method were implemented. The statistical population of this research was qualitative stage, including 15 heads of departments and vice chairmen of sports federations and university professors. In this research, snowball sampling method was used. The data were collected through a semi-structured interview and continued until the interviews reached theoretical saturation stage. Using the Morgan table formula, the sample size was estimated to be 221. Three coding steps were implemented in this study. In this research, the selection of board members of sports federations was considered as the main categories, and the rest of the variables were rooted around it. a researcher-made questionnaire was developed based on the main categories and sub categories. The face validity and content of the questionnaire were confirmed after point and comments of 15 experts. The reliability of the questionnaire was also reported through Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0. 72. Results: 13 categories and 36 sub categories were obtained after the coding process, which after analysis fell into 4 categories and 16 subtypes. Among these categories, the political index ranked first and the economic index ranked the last. Conclusion: Managers may have to use influential individuals in the government to have more influence and authority in order to have more influence and authority.

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    3 (19)
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to identyfying the National and International social consequences of Muslim Women athletes Accomplishment in international sporting events. Methodology: Qualitative research methodology was used for this purpose using phenomenological approach. The research community included veiled athletes who had experience and experience in major overseas events. The sampling method was selected purposefully and finally, 7 athletes were interviewed. The data gathering tool was semi-structured interview and data collection continued until theoretical saturation (7 + 2). To analyze the data, the coding method and the creation of branch codes to reach the hierarchical model were used. Also, data analysis software was used to analyze the data quality of NVivo version 10 Results: The results showed that the success of Muslim women's athletic success in international approaches is divided into two categories: 1. National Reports, which include increase of pride and self-confidence in society; and 2. international conferences, including the introduction of the religion of Islam to other nations, The association and strengthening of nations, the promotion of hijab culture and the lack of restrictions on hijab and covering women athlete. Conclusion: Given the need for our society to have self-confidence and a sense of trust in women's abilities, the success of women's sports is highlighted. The success of women in the international sports arena is one of the most important factors in defusing false propaganda and correcting the world view of the status of Muslim women.

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