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خراسانی علی

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    1 (پیاپی 3)
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مفاهیم قرآنی فراوانی همچون استقامت، صبر، ثبات قدم، جهاد، شهادت، پیروزی و احدی الحسنین ناظر به مقاومت اسلامی است. از آیات پرشمار ناظر به این مفاهیم استفاده می شود که مقاومت اسلامی یکی از راهبردهای بااهمیت امت اسلامی در برخورد با دشمنان است. گستردگی آیات این امکان را فراهم کرده است که موضوع مقاومت اسلامی در قرآن کریم از جهات مختلفی بررسی و تحقیق شود. گوناگونی شیوه های دشمن در رویارویی با اسلام و مسلمانان در دوره معاصر، ضرورت پرداختن به این موضوعات را ایجاب می کند. در این پژوهش با روش توصیفی تحلیلی و کتابخانه ای، به نقش توحیدباوری در مقاومت اسلامی از دیدگاه قرآن پرداخته شده است. از دسته بندی، بررسی و تأمل در آیات این نتیجه به دست می آید که بیشترین آیات ناظر به این موضوع، مرتبط با اهداف توحیدباوران و افزایش انگیزه مقاومت در آنان است و نیز توحیدباوری رکن اساسی مقاومت اسلامی است و پدیده مقاومت اسلامی از جهات فراوانی با توحیدباوری پیوندی ناگسستنی دارد.

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Issue Info: 
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    1 (پیاپی 3)
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آدمی به دلیل فطرت کنجکاو خویش، همواره در جستجوی علت پدیده ها است. پرسش از چرایی هستی و مبدأ و منتهای خود، بنیادی ترین موضوعاتی هستند که پاسخ صحیح به آنها، زندگی را معنادار کرده، آدمی را از افتادن در دام پوچ گرایی می رهاند. پوچ گرایان به دلیل ناتوانی در تبیین علت غایی پدیده ها زندگی را محدود به این دنیا می کنند و سرنوشت تلخ فنا و نابودی را برای انسان رقم می زنند. قرآن کریم با تبیین غایت نظام هستی به طورعام و زندگی انسان به طورخاص، هر نوع پوچی و بی هدفی را از نظام هستی نفی می کند. در این مقاله با نگاهی به آرای علامه طباطبایی ضمن اثبات معنای زندگی از طریق برهانی کردن آن، با ذکر آیاتی از هدف داری نظام آفرینش، این حقیقت تبیین خواهد شد که قرآن جامع ترین پاسخ ها را به پرسش های برخواسته از فطرت آدمی به بشریت عرضه می کنند. روش تحقیق درنوشتار حاضر، عقلانی-وحیانی است که داده ها را به شیوه تحلیلی-توصیفی پردازش کرده است. از جمله مهم ترین نتایج این پژوهش عبارت اند از: اثبات معناداری زندگی با اقامه چهار استدلال و مستند کردن آنها به آیات قرآن، رهایی بشر از پوچ گرایی و بی معنایی زندگی در سایه تعالیم وحیانی قرآن از قبیل ارائه جهان بینی جامع و عقلانی در رابطه با آغاز و انجام انسان و نظام هستی.

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  • Volume: 

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    1 (3)
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Reading (the Qur'an) is one of the Qur'anic sciences that plays an important role in understanding the Qur'an, and differences in reading will be effective in receiving different meanings of the Qur'an. Golddecher, an Orientalist (1850-1921), relying on the differences in the readings and attributing it to the ijtihad of the Qaris (Qur'an reciters), seeks to make the Qur'an have an incoherent text and without unity, as well as a text not protected from distortion, and then he has referred to some verses. In this paper, in addition to responding to some of his evidence, an attempt has been made to prove the existence of a single text documented in revelation, referring to great efforts of Muslims in learning the Qur'an from the tongue of the Prophet. However, this single text, at the time of writing, due to the limitations of the official Arabic calligraphy of that time and its lack of full stop, movement and I'rab (the change of the vowel marking on the final letter of the word) has been faced with differences in readings. However, the next Qaris and commentators of the Qur'an only allowed choosing a reading based on personal ijtihad from the narrated readings and not only doesn't this ijtihad have the sense of validity of every reading based on the one's personal wishes and opinions, but also it means finding a reason for autonomy reading, and it does not affect main text of the Qur'an. The paper has been conducted by a descriptive-analytical method and the method of data collection is documentary-library.

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Hosseini Ramandi Sayyid Ali Akbar

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (3)
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The scope of the scientific authority of the Qur'an and the determination of its boundaries is one of the most important principles of Qur'anic interpretation, and all the great commentators have considered this principle. There are three theories about the scope of the authority of the Qur'an: 1. The Qur'an expresses all the truths of the universe. 2. The Qur'an expresses the causes of the happiness of the Resurrection Day. 3. The Qur'an expresses the factors of happiness in this world and the Resurrection Day. The research method of the study is librarydocumentary and content analysis is descriptive and inferential. The objective of the present paper is to determine the scope of the scientific authority of the Qur'an with emphasis on the Rashid Reza's thoughts of Qur'anic studies. Rashid Reza, one of the pioneers of the movement to return to the Qur'an and the author of Tafsir al-Minar, like many commentators in his commentary, has analyzed and explained the scope of the scientific authority of the Qur'an and has examined the scope of the scientific authority of the Qur'an based on the Ayah 3 of surah Ma'ideh. He explains in Ayah 89 of Surah Nahl, 38 of Surah An'am and 9 of Surah Isra' how the Qur'an can express everything. Rashid Reza's perspective on the practical authority of the Qur'an is consistent with the third aforementioned theory and as a result, he believes that whatever is related to religion can be found in the Qur'an.

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    1 (3)
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Ignoring the origin of the Qur'an itself in the production and creation of honor and resistance is a fundamental issue in planning for interaction with the Qur'an. The history of Qur'anic studies on endurance and resistance shows that, above all, they address teachings from the Qur'an that directly invite resistance and endurance. However, without regard to the direct teachings, this dear book owns honorable features. The present study deals with the features that explain the Qur'an as the origin of honor and resistance. Assuming that the features of universality, sublimity, immortality, similarity, and dignity of the Holy Qur'an make this book honorable and therefore, it is the origin of the honor and cultural resistance of the believers to the Qur'an in the face of rival cultures. Of course, this is not absolute, but faith is associated with the commitment to the Qur'an, which will honor its followers. In order to prove this hypothesis, the mentioned features and its effect on the production and creation of the honor of the believers in the Qur'an will be examined and explained. The research method is based on the analysis of Qur'anic data and inferential rules from verbal reason.

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    1 (3)
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Because of his curious nature, humankind is always looking for the cause of phenomena. The questions about the nature of universe and its origins and ends are the most fundamental issues to which the correct answer makes life meaningful, keeps one from falling into the trap of nihilism. Nihilists limit life to this world because of their inability to explain the final cause of phenomena, and create the bitter fate of annihilation and mortality for human. Through explaining the goal of the system of existence in general and human life in particular, the Holy Qur'an negates any kind of emptiness and aimlessness in the system of existence. This paper, with a look at the Allameh Tabataba'ei's viewpoints, while proving the meaning of life through demonstrating it, explains the fact that the Qur'an provides the most comprehensive responses to the raised questions about the nature of humankind via mentioning verses from the purposefulness of the system of creation. The research method in the present paper is rational-revelatory, which has processed the data in an analytical-descriptive manner. Some of the most important results of this research are proving the meaning of life by presenting four arguments and documenting them in Qur'anic verses, freeing human beings from absurdity and meaninglessness of life in the light of revelatory teachings of the Qur'an such as providing a comprehensive and rational worldview about beginning and end of human and system of the universe.

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Khorasani Ali

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  • Issue: 

    1 (3)
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Many Qur'anic concepts, such as endurance, patience, steadfastness, jihad, martyrdom, victory, and Ihda al-Husnain (one of the good things), refer to Islamic resistance. Numerous verses are used to suggest that Islamic resistance is one of the most important strategies of the Islamic community in dealing with enemies. The extent of the verses has made it possible to examine and conduct research on Islamic resistance in the Holy Qur'an in various ways. The diversity of the enemy's methods in confronting Islam and Muslims in the contemporary period necessitates dealing with these issues. In the current study, with a descriptiveanalytical and library method, the role of believing in monotheism in Islamic resistance from the Quran's point of view is discussed. From the classification, study, and reflection on the verses of the Qur'an, it is concluded that most of the verses related to this subject are associated with the goals of monotheists and increase their motivation to resist and monotheism is an essential element of the Islamic resistance and the phenomenon of Islamic resistance is in many ways inextricably linked to monotheism.

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Arabi Gholamhosein

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  • Issue: 

    1 (3)
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Resistance means having endurance and incompatibility against oppression and comprehensive readiness to preserve material and spiritual resources and achieving material and spiritual values, both individually and collectively to fulfill the material and spiritual goals and destinations defined in cultural, religious and civilizational identity in a community or a great nation. When such a readiness is made, that time, the "resisted" individual and society will have the ideal peace, and then no internal or external factor will be able to destroy that individual or society. In this study, we intend to examine and analyze the Qur'anic and narrative principles of the emergence of such resistance in the words of the Supreme Leader of Iran. Of course, in his words, important issues related to resistance have been discussed, but in this paper, we will only discuss the issues related to the Qur'anic and narrative principles of resistance. He said that the only solution for the problems in the Islamic world is the resistance and endurance of the Islamic community. Because, in the divine traditions, victory depends on resistance. The findings from the series of his speeches on resistance are: 1. Faith in God. 2. God's command to resist. 2. Trust and reliance on God. 3. Having confidence in the inevitability of divine promises. 5. Having insight. 6. Having strong determination and will in line with the human goals to defend the fellow-creatures and eliminate oppression. The method of this paper is analytical-descriptive and relies on the words of the Supreme Leader of Iran.

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    1 (3)
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The enemies of the Qur'an have tried in various ways and for various reasons to introduce the Qur'an as non-divine. In this regard, Dr. Saha has considered the occurrence of abrogation in the Qur'an as a sign of its humanity through claiming the occurrence of abrogation in the Qur'an and his own definition. Because, according to him, abrogation is the reason for the existence of misunderstanding and conflict, and in the word of God, which is the absolute universe, such problems may not exist. In part of his book "Critique of the Qur'an", by relying on hadiths from Sunni sources, he has tried to show that Muslim scholars believe in all kinds of abrogation (abrogation of ruling, abrogation of reciting, abrogation of reciting and ruling) and concluded that the occurrence of abrogation is a denial of the revelation of the Qur'an. Because there is a contradiction between the abrogation of the Qur'an and the principle of the immutability of God's word. Due to the wide range of topics, the present study, in a descriptiveanalytical method with a critical orientation and based on library sources, only examines and criticizes the documented news and hadiths of Saha and the interpretations about them. The finding of the research suggests that the documented hadiths which criticizes the Qur'an are weak and cannot be cited and do not prove any claim. Therefore, in the Qur'an, there is no abrogation and there is no plausible reason to prove the claim.

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