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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    3 (35)
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1-Introduction: Dust storms are natural hazards that effect on weather conditions, human health and ecosystem. Atmospheric processes are directly affected by the absorption and diffusion of radiation by dust, and dust in the cloud acts as a nucleus of congestion. The main dust areas in the world are flat topographically dry areas with erosion-sensitive soil and poor vegetation that is easily eroded by wind. Atmospheric processes are directly affected by the absorption and scattering of radiation by dust, and the dust in the clouds acts as a condensation nucleus. Iran is exposed to numerous local and trans-regional dust systems due to being in the arid and semi-arid belt of the world. Recent observations indicate that this phenomenon is increasing in the country and region under study. Khorasan Razavi province has arid and semi-arid climates with numerous dust storms occurring annually. In some years, more than 50 dust events have been recorded in the province. The large amount of dust in this area indicates large harvesting areas across the province, indicating the importance of research in this area. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors affecting the occurrence of dust and to prepare its susceptibility map in Khorasan Razavi province using logistic regression and random forest regression models. . . .

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    3 (35)
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1-Introduction: Today, geotourism phenomena and geological heritage are at risk of being destroyed by the changing lifestyles and industrialization of most countries. These changes are based on high rates of resource consumption, such as energy, materials, soil, as well as increased production of tailings and waste (Gray, 2004). In recent years, as the number of tourist’ s increases in geotourism sites, the risk of damage and destruction by visitors increases, given the fact that “ geoheritage is considered as non-renewable resources of nature (Xun and Milly, 2002). Accordingly, World Heritage Committee has related three criteria out of ten criteria of cultural and natural heritage register to geological phenomenon especially to inanimate nature which indicates the importance of such natural phenomenon (UNESCO, 2019). Therefore, given the abundance of unique geological phenomena in Iran and their application for tourism development, the importance of conservation of such a valuable phenomenon against human and natural threats presents serious challenges to geoheritage in Iran. In this regard, awareness of the vulnerability of geotourism phenomena and geological heritage is a prerequisite for the conservation of these phenomena; Providing conservational guidelines to deal with threats relies on analyzing the vulnerability of geotourism phenomena. As a result, this research was done with the aim of developing a model of the vulnerability of geotourism attractions. Therefore, this research seeks to develop a model of the vulnerability of geotourism attractions which explains the causal conditions, process, and consequences of the vulnerability of geotourism attractions. The findings of this research provide the necessary tools for policymaking and decision-making for related managers and officials to conservation management of geotourism attractions. . . .

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (35)
  • Pages: 

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1-Introduction: Evaluation is a process of assessing the degree of achievement to determined goals. In the meantime, choosing the right method for evaluating the effects will have a significant role on the results and management strategies. Therefore, considering the importance of check dams in watershed management programs in Iran, in this study, performance of check dams in Kond watershed in Tehran province is evaluated with a new economic approach named Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. . .

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parvin mansor

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (35)
  • Pages: 

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1-Introduction: Geotourism is defined as a form of tourism, in which the geographical features of a place increase the environment, culture, cultural heritage and well-being of its inhabitants (Quartz et al. 2008, 106). Over the past years, the creation of geoparks and the development of geotourism have made geomorphosites a major feature of this type of tourism (Reynard et al. 2007, 150), Because geomorphological features are easily recognizable and are the most attractive non-living natural elements in the landscape (ARTUGYAN؛ 2014, 92). The combination of geological features with different geographical conditions has led to the formation of glacial and proximal glacial evidence/pieces of evidence, types of karstic landforms and landforms caused by mass movements, water erosion, and sedimentation in Guilan city. Therefore, the city has a rich geomorphological heritage and some of these landforms have tourism potential due to their attractiveness and scientific importance and so far no study has been conducted to identify and evaluate the geomorphosites in this city. Understanding the capabilities of geotourism and identifying the geomorphosites of this city can play an important role in the economic prosperity of this deprived and border city. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate and identify the geomorphosites of Gilan Gharb city. . . .

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (35)
  • Pages: 

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1-Introduction: The desert area, the world's widest ecosystem, covers more than one-third of its surface, and much of Iran is affected by climatic conditions. Wind erosion due to the persistence and extent of erosion in time and space, especially in arid areas with high damage potential. In fact, the morphodynamic boundaries affected by climate change have changed from past to present, leading to the expansion of the territory of wind erosion, and in recent years the dust hazard has also become an environmental issue in these areas. One of the natural occurrences and challenges for sustainable development and management in arid and semiarid areas is wind erosion. Also, wind erosion is one of the causes of soil loss and due to its wide range of activities it usually has less destructive performance than other erosions. This study was in Damghan basin. Haj Ali Gholi Playa is affected by wind erosion...

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (35)
  • Pages: 

  • Citations: 

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1-Introduction: Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) is an important factor in the estimation of water, solute transport models and erosion processes. Direct measurement of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) in field and laboratory is time-consuming, laborious and expensive because of high temporal and spatial variability; especially in salt-affected soils around Urmia Lake, Ks measurement is difficult because of high sodium concentration and consequently poor stability of soil aggregates. Therefore, many different regressions, artificial neural network (ANN) and the neuro-fuzzy pedotransfer functions (PTF) have been developed to estimate Ks from readily available soil variables such as sand, silt, clay, bulk density (BD), particle density (PD), electrical conductivity (EC), pH, and organic carbon (OC). The objectives of this study were to derive pedotransfer functions by using regression, artificial neural network, and neuro-fuzzy methods to estimate Ks from some soil variables in the saltaffected soils selected from the northwest of Urmia Lake and to compare the performance of the neuro-fuzzy, artificial neural network and regression models....

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