Background: This study was performed to determine the type and number of the fungus species including saprophyte, opportunistic and pathogen in the salt desert region of Ardestan township in 1375.
Materials and methods: This descriptive study was conducted by Petri-dish trapping technique. 9 different locations were selected (saltiferous, salt desert forest, agriculture ground, fruit garden, city space, pigeon space, ranches space, poultry space, and canal wells including wild pigeon). From the first 5 locations 75 samples and from the other 4 locations 40 petri-dish were obtained.
Results: Totally, 1051 fungus colonies were counted from 115 petir-dishes. The most common fungi were peniccilium spp., cladosporium spp., aspergillus spp., alternaria spp., and yeasts. Number of fungus colonies were as follow: at the evening 45.5%, in the morning 27.7%, and at noon 26.8%. Canal wells including wild pigeons had shown to have the most variable types of fungi, meanwhile, the biggest yeast colony numbers were isolated form this location. Furthermore, 3 fungus species similar to sporothrix schenchii were isolated from this site.
Conclusion: The place of sampling and environmental factors may influence the number and type of fungi in the salt desert region. The biggest fungus colonies were isolated form ranches space and the smallest from salt march regions. Meanwhile, some fungi such as peniccilium spp., cladosporium spp., aspergillus spp., alternaria spp are able to grow even in unsuitable environmental conditions.