Purpose: To determine the relative prevalence of different types of orbital tumors at labafinejad hospital, Tehran-lran.Methods: We reviewed the hospital records of267 patients with orbital tumors who were operated during 1981-2001. Age, sex, and pathologic reports of orbital tumors were evaluated.Results: Cystic lesions accounted for 61 cases (23%), inflammatory masses for 19 cases (7%), lacrimal fossa lesions for 33 (12%), secondary orbital tumors for 73 cases (27%), lymphoid tumors and leukemic infiltrates for 21 (8%), vasogenic lesions for 15 (5.5%), peripheral nerve tumors for 7 (3%), optic nerve and meningeal tumors for 2 (1%), rhabdomyosarcoma for 9 (3%), myxomatous and adipose lesions for 4 (1.5%), metastatic tumors for 4 (1.5%), and histiocytic and related lesion for 1 (0.5%).Conclusion: Secondary and metastatic tumors were the most prevalent tumors in this study and there was no report of melanocytic osseous, or cartilaginous tumors.