In this study some of the factors influencing growth of plants were investigated to determine the reason of improper growth of Atriplex canescens. Studied factors were leaves chemical contents, soil physico-chemical factors, topography, and climate. Two contacting sites with good and week growing condition were selected. Random- systematic method of sampling was conducted along 3 hundred meter transects for sampling soil and vegetation. Along each transect 9 plots were established. In order to evaluate vegetation, canopy cover of plants in each plot was measured and Na, K, Ca and Mg of green leaves were measured. In addition, along each transect 3 profiles (in start, medium and end points of each transect) were dug and samples were taken from two depths (0- 30 cm and > 30 cm). The results of this study showed that soil texture, climate, EC and pH of both sites are compatible with ecological requirements of Atriplex canescens. Probably lack of sufficient drainage due to clay texture and lower infiltration, hardpan resulted from high amount of lime (CaCo3), have affected improper growth of Atriplex in weak growing Atriplex site.