The purpose of this casual-comparison research is determining the relationship between awareness level of life skills and self efficacy beliefs among students. In a causal-comparative study, 384 students of Shahid Beheshti University were chosen with multi-stage cluster sampling and then were investigated with Sheres' (1982) self-efficacy beliefs and Ahadis' 1386) awareness of life skills questionnaires.The results showed that among life skills dimensions selfawareness skills, communication, problem- solving, decision making, critical thinking and coping with stress and among life skills level, knowledge and application have a meaningful relationship with student self-efficacy. But any meaningful relationship didn’t have among empathy skills, interpersonal, critical thinking, coping with emotions and the level of comprehension with self-efficacy of students.Also among life skills dimensions, only self-awareness, communication, decision making, critical thinking and coping with stress are good predictors for self-efficacy and among demographic features including age, sex, marriage, living area, education and university department, only age effect directly and living area, marriage, university department, education, total score of life skills, interactively did have a meaningful relationship with self-efficacy.