Background & Aims: Sleep disorders is an important disorder in children. with limited medications for its along with unavoidable side effects. Due to well accept their efficacy by parents and low side effects of complementary and herbal medicine, there is an increasing tendency to use them to control sleep disorders. Few studies have investigated the relationship between sleep quality and herbal medicine use, so we aimed to investigate the prevalence of herbal medication, supplements, possible side effects, and its relationship with children's sleep quality. Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study conducted on 282 children aged <10 years who admitted to the health care center of Qom city. The prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine, sleep difficulties during the last 6 months were measured. The multiple logistic regression was used to estimate the association between complementary and alternative medicine use and sleep quality. Results: The prevalence of herbal, vitamins, and mineral usage was estimated 30. 7%, 45. 7%, and 41%, respectively. The major indications for herbal, vitamins, and mineral use were cold (39. 5%), strengthening and providing energy (51. 5%), and prevention of anemia (67%). Age and parental education were significantly associated with vitamin usage. In addition, positive association were estimated between sleep quality and herbal (95% CI for OR [1. 05, 5. 8], P=0. 032) and mineral (95% CI for OR [1. 22, 5. 56], P=0. 01)) usage. Conclusion: The prevalence of complementary and alternative remedies among Iranian children is higher compared to global usage. Herbal usage indirectly affects the sleep quality of children. The educational programs related to complementary and alternative medicine among health stuff and parents is essential in order to improve the children's quality of life as well as well-being.