Introduction: The Borujerd-Kermanshah ophiolite is a part of the ophiolite complex belonging to the Zagros Mountains and is a part of the Alpes-Himalayan belt (Alavi, 1994). The Boroujerd-Kermanshah Ophiolite complex consists of serpentinized peridotite, layered metagabbro, isotropic gabbro, diabase dyke, plagiogranite, pillow lavas and sedimentary rocks (Miocene radiolarite and limestone). In the upper part, the radiolarite layers are covered by jasperoid rocks and pelagic limestone (Mohajjel et al., 2003; Saccani et al., 2013). The Noorabad Delfan manganese deposit is subjected to mineralogical and geochemical studies in order to elucidate its petrogenesis. The Noorabad Delfan manganese deposit is located along the ophiolite belt of the upper Jurassiclower Cretaceous period. Manganese mineralization occurs as syngenetic to epigenetic with jasperoid and silicified veins in the carbonate and radiolarian chert units. Geochemical studies show that some elements such as Ce, Cu, Ni are enriched in the mineralized zone. Mobile and trace elements (Sr, As, Zn, Ba, Fe, Mn, Si) and the ratio of Mn/Fe, Al/Ti, show similar characteristics with submarine hydrothermal-hydrogenous manganese deposits. In geochemical studies, SEM, XRD and EPMA results show that pyrolusite is the majar mineral in the ore deposit, and nsutite and rhodochrosite are formed as the accessory phase...