Chandarbahan Brahman was born in 1023 A. H. in Lahore. The companionship of Darashokuh led him to moral elevation, Gnosticism and mysticism. His collection of poetry (divan) overflow with mystical expressions and his book Chahārchaman is the expression of mystical concepts, love for God and the negligence of worldly attachments. Following the death of Darashokuh, Brahman left Delhi for Banaras and passed away in the year 1073 A. H. . The literary works left of him are such as Chahārchaman, Goldasteh, Kārnāmeh, a collection of his poems (divan), Monsh, Tohfat-al-Vozarā, Majma-al-Vozarā etc. Brahman was a poet, a calligraphist and a writer who enjoyed the company of his contemporary mystics, poets, calligraphists and writers. His rhythmical prose is a reminder of Sadi’ s Golestā n. The language of his poems is simple and is furnished with beautiful similes and metaphors. Its content is the description of love, compassion, trust, volition and Unity of Being stated in a mystical tone. In this article, besides providing a brief summary of Brahman’ s life and his companion Chaharchaman, the features of Gnosticism, mysticism and knowledge (about God) in Brahman’ s collection of poetry are discussed.