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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The point of the beginning of literary transformation in contemporary Afghanistan is the constitutional movement. The Constitutional Poetry, as the first contemporary poetry stream, made a profound transformation in the content and poem of Afghanistan. This transformation could pave the way for further developments and the emergence of other currents in Afghan poetry, but the failure of the movement and the return of tyranny prevented this from happening. After the Constitutional Revolution in Afghanistan, the flow of romantic poetry began And in the final years of the AleYaha rule, the poetry of resistance began with two branches of poetry of socialist resistance and poetry of Islamic resistance. This paper attempts to examine the Socio-political factors affecting the development of contemporary poetry in Afghanistan, through the descriptive-analytical method, from the beginning of the constitutional movement Until the fall of the reign of Zahir Shah. Findings of the research show that After the defeat of the Constitutional Movement in Afghanistan, the poets have fallen into a pile of individuality and returned to lyrical themes before the Constitutional Revolution. The only sweeping poetry until the fifties in the country was romanticism that came from the tyranny of the era of oppression, which is strongly influenced by poems by romantic poets in Iran. Other poetry currents, such as socialist realism, Islamic resistance poetry, and avant-garde poetry have gradually developed in Afghanistan since the late 1960s and early 1950s.

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ترجمه در همه ادوار تاریخی نقش مهمی در انتقال دیدگاه های سیاسی، اجتماعی و فرهنگی بین جوامع داشته است. ایران عصر قاجار نیز از این قاعده مستثنی نیست. با توجه به گسترش ارتباطات ایران و اروپا و نفوذ موج های مدرنیته از غرب و همچنین کشورگشایی ها و زیاده طلبی های قدرت های جهان در این دوره، جنبش ترجمه در جهت جلوگیری از عقب ماندگی کشور و دست یابی به پیشرفت های غرب شروع شد. روند ترجمه ابتدا با ترجمه آثار نظامی و با هدف تقویت ساختار ارتش شروع شد و به تدریج به آثاری با موضوعات متفاوت کشیده شد که باعث ورود اندیشه ها و افکاری انتقادی و ترقی خواهانه شد و روند نوگرایی در ایران را شدت بخشید و در ادامه در جنبش مشروطه تجلی یافت و این نهضت را از منظر دستاوردهای فرهنگی تقویت کرد. این مقاله با بررسی نقش ترجمه در ایجاد تغییرات، مترجمان هر دوره و آثار و نهاد های ترجمه در عصر قاجار بر این نتیجه تأکید دارد که روند ترجمه موجب انتقال افکار و عقاید انتقادی غرب به ایران شده و این تغییرات آرام آرام در ایجاد جنبش مشروطه مؤثر افتاده است. در این نوشته علاوه بر مباحث تئوری در رابطه با ترجمه؛ پیشینه ترجمه در ایران؛ فعالیت ها، تلاش ها و حمایت های شاهان قاجار در هر دوره و نقش آثار ترجمه شده در رواج نوگرایی در ایران به روند ترجمه؛ نهاد های ترجمه ای و همچنین زمینه های ترجمه در زمان هر یک از پادشاهان قاجار و نیز عنوان کتب ترجمه شده، نیز پرداخته شده است.

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رادفر سعید

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این مقاله با هدف بررسی و تحلیل تحوّلاتی نوشته شده که ادبیات فارسی در اواخر قرن نهم بر خود دیده است. در جستار پیش روی، ابتدا مقدّمه ای درباره ی آرای صاحب نظران اعم از منطقیون، بلاغیون و ادبا درباره ی شعر و حقیقت آن آمده است. سپس بر اساس روش های مرسوم در تاریخ اندیشه، تاریخ گرایی نوین و انسان شناسی، به بررسی و تحلیل گزاره ای از بهارستانکه درباره ی شعر و حقیقت آن بیان شده، پرداخته شده است. سعی بر آن بوده که این گزاره با استفاده از توصیف انبوه، نسبت به پس زمینه ای که در آن بیان شده است معنا شود. یافته ها نشان می دهد که منطقیون «تخیّل» را عنصر سازنده و حقیقت شعر معرّفی کرده و به تمایز نگاه خویش با نگاه جمهور که حقیقت شعر را وزن و قافیه می شمرده اند، تأکید ورزیده اند. البتّه همواره نظرگاه منطقیون مورد توجه نبوده است؛ بلکه در نظر بعضی از ادبا مانند جامی که اشعارش مملو از تخیّل است، نگرش جمهور در برابر نگرش منطقیون برکشیده شده است. نتایج به دست آمده از این پژوهش، سبب این تفوّق را برخاسته از ویژگی های دوره ای می داند که جامی در آن می زیسته است و می توان از آن با عنوان دوره ی گذار یاد کرد.

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Shaker Mina

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Mystics have used different methods, linguistic and literary facilities to persuade their own audience and also to transmit and explain mystical meanings. One of the methods that has major effects to persuade and lining up the audience is using the audience believes and resort to his believes that considered to be the most important principle of the persuading relation principles. Considering that audience of mystics are Muslims and Quran's messages and great man of Islam's speeches are considered their deep believes, it is normal that the mystics have used Qurans hojiat(considering its messages), to proof their speeches. Sanaee as a first person that brought mysticism to field of literature, with a complete dominance to Quran and hadith acceptance among Muslims, resort to messages and hadith's to prove his speeches in different issues such as: monotheism of Allah, Tanzih, praise the place of Ali (peace be upon him), remonstration of secularity and easily make his speech acceptable for audience.

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Abū al-Rayḥ ā n al-Bī rū nī , the great Iranian Scientist, has writed many books in various sciences that unfortunately only afew number of his works has remainded. His remainded books has proven his authority in all contemporary sciences. according to this, Famous poets and writers in persian literature, must reflect much various aspects of his scientific personality. This article in analytical-descriptive method on the bases of library References, has Provided data about the manner of reflection of al-Bī rū nī ’ s features in the most famous works of persian literature, including poem and Prose, especially in the fourth and fifth centuries and then with analytical attitude has evaluated data. The results has shown limited and one-dimentional reflection of this great character or literary history reticence about him which is analyzed Compared to presence of another Scientific characters specificly Greek masters.

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Karamat is a subject often discussed and categorized among supernatural wonders. Supernatural events are the type of phenomena that take place outside the normal way of the nature. The long historic background to mysticism makes us able to discuss various subjects of the field. Very often, we encounter certain mystic figures in the study of Islamic mysticism who are reffered to as "Sheikh". The existence of these figures enable us to discuss the relative subjects easier. We often face stories of supernatural phenomena in the life stories of these characters and the term " The Saint's Karamat" is used to describe the events. There are various accounts on Sheikhs' karamat but no one figure in the history of Islamic Sufism has ever been related with karamat as much as abusaeid. In the book, "Asrar al-Tawhid" which is a record of his life from different sources, we see various forms of karamat and the occurence of supernatural events throughout the book. The following will be an examination and categorization of sheikh's karamat. This categorization is merely a draft and is heavily relied on the main or very near commandments of surrealism. However the aim of the following article is merely a categorization of the terms and we will avoid discussing the surreal aspect of them.

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Ā zar Kayvā n, the founder of Ā zar Kayvā ni’ s school, was from Shiraz. He immigrated to India and settled in Patna where he remained till the end of his life. From Ā zar Kayvā n, the founder of Ā zar Kayvā ni’ s school, and his disciples, we have some books which acquaint us with their believes. In these books i. e Dabestā n-i Mazā heb and Š ā restā n-i Č ahā r Č aman, we can find also the names of some other texts which contain the Ā zarī s doctrine and faith, and we no longer access these books. In this article, a list of the lost books of Ā zar Kayvā ni’ s school and their contents are presented. Introduction of these books and their contents makes us to be aware of Ā zarī s’ believes, and also perhaps help us to find a copy of them in one of the Iranian or Indian libraries or among the other manuscripts.

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Abol-favares Shah Shoja Kermani was a Sufi of the third century A. H. The present paper uses the ambiguously related story of his life to present a new approach to the classification of information that is found in different documents. This approach can be extended to the study of other such ambiguous figures in Persian literature. The first step was to isolate the informative propositions about the personality of Shah Shoja from various sources. Then each of these propositions was traced in the literature in order to compare how it is presented in different sources and how it has been received by biographers in different periods. Such study can shed light on the reason for the attention of authors to certain aspects of the life of a figure, the elaboration of propositions in different sources, as well as the reason why certain propositions have been repeatedly mentioned throughout the history of literary biography. The authors believe that the methodology is particularly fecund for this type of study.

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