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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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There are various continuous interactions between a city and villages. Thus, rural and urban areas cannot be considered separately in planning studies. Accordingly, the main goal of this research is to identify spatial internal and external events of rural settlements, and to identify the role and influence of spatial events on the formation and transformation of spatial organization. In this research study, the spatial events that are the determining factor in the formation of spatial organization of the studied area are analyzed by using network approach. The present study is exploratory, and the method used is descriptive-analytic. The studied statistical population consists of 122 experts, managers of urban and rural settlements in the Zeberkhan rural districts, 74 of whom were randomly selected as sample. The required data and information were collected using filed study method, interviews, and questionnaire. Secondary data was obtained by referring to responsible organizations and institutions. Afterwards, the obtained data were analyzed in the framework of the network paradigm, using network analysis and NodeXL software. The results showed that lack of proper distribution of services and facilities and lack of spatial balance has caused increased displacement and movement between human settlements at a rural district level. Therefore, the three settlements of Qadamgah, Baghshan and Darrud have obtained the first to third ranks in traffic within the region. Also, the results of flow analysis indicates that the pattern of flows is in the form of one way links, and that the complementary, two-way and synergistic links have not formed.

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The aim of this study is to investigate the economic, social, psychological, and family empowerment of rural women who were members of microfinance credits in Sistan area in 2017. The main research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity was confirmed. The statistical population of the study included 318 rural women who were members of Sistan microfinance credits. 170 subjects were selected through random cluster sampling based on the Morgan Table. The results of data analysis indicated that the lowest power of the subjects was in the family dimension and their maximum power was psychological. In addition to this, the economic, social, psychological, family, and general empowerment of subjects who were heads of household were significantly more than those who were not heads of household. Besides, there was a positive and significant correlation between the variables of economic, psychological and total empowerment of subjects and number of loans received by them. Moreover, the variables of times of receiving loan and income rate explained 31. 2% of the changes in the total empowerment of the subjects. Encouragement of rural women to get a loan in order to improve business is one of the suggestions of the study.

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Drought is an unavoidable natural disaster that has had bad effects and lots of problems in Iranian villages since ancient times. Undoubtedly, understanding the deep aspects and effects of this phenomenon is considered to be the first step to overcome it. Here the regional drought and its spatial effects on the villages of Iran are considered through SPI, DR, PNPI indices to consider these regional effects. In this applied research, the relationship between precipitation and crop production and population movement is studied using SPSS software analytically. The results show that decreasing crop production to the extent of 21. 5 K. gr/ha has negatively affected the living conditions of the rural population. This situation has imposed financial losses to the extent of 9156603629 Rials in these areas. Also, the outcome and results through Pierson regression tests have shown that there is a significant relationship between precipitation levels and the migrations of rural families to the other regions (p=0. 010). On the basis of this study, it is shown that drought has caused rural migrations and it has resulted in abandoning 59 villages.

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Villages can play a key role in achieving the goals of a resilient economy through the absorption of a large portion of the country's resources, which requires addressing the challenges stated ahead. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the challenges facing the realization of robust economy in rural areas of South Rudbar by using a descriptive-analytical method. The type of sampling in this study is stratified random. For this purpose, seven villages with a population of over 100 and capable of engaging in agriculture (as the most important activity in the area) were selected from the settlements of this village as a total sample of 1119. According to Cochran's formula and calculating the 6% error, 167 people were selected as the sample. This process was implemented in 2017. Factor analysis was used to analyze the data and prioritize the challenges. At the end, the villages were ranked by using the Prometheus software package. The results showed that among the most important challenges in realization of robust economy, the environmental hazard component has the highest impact. The results of Prometheus software showed that Aliabad and Abdul Abad villages were in the first priority with respect to the specified factor indices. Considering that these villages are the cradle of different economic talents, it is suggested to implement spinning, matting, poultry, livestock and bee projects, beeswax, various agricultural projects and medicinal plants cultivation. This could result in a great development for villages.

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Excessive consumption of toxins, pesticides, and fertilizers in agriculture causes pollution of vital sources of water, soil, and food. This problem has caused experts to consider energy consumption in agriculture, as one of the major environmental threatening challenges. Energy consumption in crop and garden products is directly related to agricultural tillage systems. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of conservation agriculture systems on sustainable agriculture. For this purpose, irrigated wheat was surveyed in the Hamedan province. 370 farmers were selected at random from agricultural cooperatives. Data were collected using a questionnaire and they were analyzed with the Excel software package. The findings show that the total input energy in the wheat production process, in the tillage conservation system is (32GJ/h) while the output energy is (11GJ/h). The energy generated by diesel consumption with more than %42 as the main fossil fuel was in the first place and fertilizer with %32 was in the second place. The results showed that adoption of low-tillage farming system is an important step towards optimal use of energy in agricultural production and achieving the sustainable agriculture and rural development is possible if the principles of tillage conservation systems are properly adopted. In addition, the expansion of agriculture conservation systems, as well as using scenarios such as tax increase and monitoring systems, can reduce environmental impact and fulfill our sustainable agriculture goals.

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The plans of villages that are the destination of tourism have a measurable impact on the environment, adjacent villages, and even the surrounding geographical area in addition to impact on local community economy and culture. Examining and exploring these effects can help us solve the problems of tourism institutionalization in target villages, as well as manage the impacts of challenges and opportunities of this adjacency. The purpose of this study was to investigate the economic and socio-cultural effects of adjacent villages of Mahmudi and Iraqi villages on Roayn Tourism Village. The statistical population consisted of two neighboring villages of Roayn. 300 of them were selected as random sample by using Cochran’ s formula. In this regard, the survey method was used by using a questionnaire. The questionnaires were provided by specialists and their reliability was obtained using Cronbach's alpha for various dimensions, descriptive statistics and averages. Data were analyzed using one-sample t-test in the SPSS software package. According to the results of the study of adjacent villages of Mahmudi and Iraqi with the village of Roayn, the economic impacts with the average (3. 418) are positively evaluated. In the social and cultural context with the mean (2. 9321), the overall and relative moderate trend towards the theoretical median, it has been considered that rural tourism in the village of Roayn has been able to influence the economy, community and culture of adjacent Mahmudi and Iraqi villages. Finally, it is suggested that in such areas which are widespread tourist attractions, participation of all villages in these areas in tourism should be set as an objective.

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Valuation of functions and non-market environmental services is important for many reasons, including recognizing the environmental benefits by humans, providing the national environmental issues to decision makers, and preventing destruction and utilization of natural resources. The purpose of this study is to determine the value of recreational services in the village of Roodmajan from the city of Torbat Heydarieh in Khorasan Razavi province. There are two different types of methodology to determine the value of recreational services: the first method is based on the travel demand function and the second method is based on estimation of recreational production functions. Both methods are used in this study. The required data were collected by the simple random sampling method and they are completed by using the answers to one hundred questionnaires from the visitors of the Rudmajan village in 2017. The results of the regression model in estimating the demand function show that income of the visitors, travel costs, cost of alternative trips and the number of visits to the alternative place have a meaningful relationship with the number of visitors from the village of Rudmajan and factors such as size of household, age, education, and gender do not have a significant effect on the number of visitors of the village of Rudmajan. Consumption surplus and annual recreational value of this region were calculated to be equal to 204347. 22 and 71521737000 Rials, respectively. The results of the recreational production function show that time, distance and travel costs are effective factors in recreational productions. The recreational shadow price and recreational valuation of this region are equal to 2033007. 693 and 71052692550 Rials, respectively. The results of this study show the high economic value of the Rudmajan Village Therefore, it is imperative that visitors avoid any degradation of the quality of the village and the environment while they spend their leisure time in the village.

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The role of agricultural extension educational and the associated personnel involved extension and extension agents in increasing felt more than ever before in increasing gardeners’ capabilities, especially in water management and use of new irrigation methods. In this regard, this study is aimed at investigating the role of extension educational activities on adoption of drip irrigation by gardeners in the Qaemshahr County, Mazandaran Province. 20299 gardeners were selected as the statistical population of the study, and 248 of them were selected by using the random sampling method as the study sample based on Cochran's formula. Data collection was done using a researcher made questionnaire composed of two parts of extension (Gardener's attitudes towards extension training activities, the status of providing education, the amount of innovations and technologies, the amount of communication channels used) and the rate of adoption of drip irrigation. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by expert opinions. Also, the questionnaire had convergent validity and appropriate reliability based on the average variance extracted (0. 515 >AVE< 0. 718) and composite reliability (0. 913 >CR < 0. 985). SPSS16 and Smart PLS2 software were used to analyze the data. The results obtained from this research study showed that extension education has a significant impact on the rate of adoption of drip irrigation by gardeners (with path coefficient= 0. 616). According to the results obtained from this research study, it is recommended that the potential of agricultural extension for adopting drip irrigation and the effective use of agricultural water be used by carefully planning.

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