The purpose of this study was to identify the effective components trustbased cooperation in order to design and present a proposed Pattern of trustbased cooperation in consumer cooperatives based on a qualitative paradigm and qualitative content analysis method and semi-structured interview tools. The research community consists of experts in the field of organizational behavior and top consumption cooperative managers in the country. For this purpose, 14 experts were interviewed. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed based on the Strauss-Corbin model of Grounded theory design and Atlas. Ti software. Preliminary results from the analysis of interviews showed that consumer cooperatives are not in a good position in terms of participation and cooperation, and one of the main reasons is the low level of social trust in their community. In the pivotal analysis of the initial codes, first the main categories were identified and then the other categories were categorized based on the Strauss and Corbin model including causal causes, strategies, contextual factors, environmental conditions and consequences of cooperation based on trust. The result of open coding was 456 primary codes, 176 concepts, and 12 main components. Satisfaction plays an important role in the main categories such as customer orientation, interaction and cooperation, provision of various services by consumer cooperatives, access to financial resources and financial status of cooperatives, laws and regulations, Cooperative pathology, requirements for gaining trust, cooperative perspective, requirements for forming a cooperative. In general, in order to improve the situation of cooperatives in terms of participation and cooperation based on trust in their society, it is necessary to pay attention to the structures of social capital as a central principle and increase it.