In Dewey s thought, beauty is interaction of basic experience with environment and beings. In one hand, the architect has main role as one of the most important environmental sections and in other hand, architect-environment component is experienced with figure-body as important factor. This article considers fundamental question about relation of interaction, awareness, experience and figure-body with architect which is on the basis of John Dewey s beauty philosophy. The method descriptive-inferential used to comes to conclusion. So, at first, utterances such as, sense, awareness, mind, gender, post body, objection, action, experience, space, place and nature were analyzed in relation to the figure-body; then they were compared with John Dewey s beauty paradigm. Finally it was concluded that, as figure s prolongation, the architect has been like the developing tools or human experience and continues to be. Whether figure-body reviews as a matter or as a model for beauty perception, it is very fluid and has overlap. This rang can change in according with bio-anthropological, bio-natural and intermediate conditions. This kind of change can be interactive, evolutionary, globalist and universal. Beautiful life is the greatest experience for human. In this regard, architect is the capacity of beautiful life which is not understanding without multilateral attention to figure-body components. The perception, correctly, illustrates main link between architect and figure-body with Dewey s universal beauty thought.