Introduction The History shows that human life from the beginning has always been exposed to natural hazards. Drought is one of the most important risks in Middle East. This Climate risks different to other disasters such as floods and earthquakes, and differences is in the impact of a slow, quiet and creep (chronic) this event over a long period. It is impossible to determine the exact start and end time, and the range is expanding it. Rainfall is the most important parameter in a drought so that the overall decrease in precipitation of long-term than normal is called drought.Iran is located in the region that many of the droughts have occurred in this area, as in the classical texts of prayers for rain and drought relief can be seen. Drought effects of drought is reducing water flow, as a study period of 1987 to 2007, Moderate to severe drought period (1996-2007) in Gonabad is Drying 51 Aqueduct, Rate reduction of 48% in the aqueduct and 41% of the wells and 31 percent of the region's springs and drop the Underground water tanks 2 meters and 10 cm (Behnyafr et al, 2011). In this study, using long term data (50 year) from the stations of Iran identify the behavior and the spatial distribution and homogeneous regions of long term drought.