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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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By the pass of time, some hadiths have suffered damages including: paraphrasing without observing its qualifications, alteration and inaccurate application of the hadith to the verses of Qur' an. These defects are considered obstacles to proper understanding of the hadith and its acceptance without further inquiries. It is therefore necessary to examine the authority and source of a hadith prior to it is acceptance or rejection, and prior to its interpretation, given it is accepted. The hadith known as that of mosquito (ba’uza) is among those claimed as forged. It is published on the authority of Imam Sadegh (PBUH) and narrated in the Qomi Exegesis claiming that the mosquito mentioned in the verse 26th of the Sura al-Baqara refers to Imam Ali. There is also a hadith in the exegesis attributed to Imam Askari (PBUH) which some consider as an evidence to the falseness of the mentioned hadith. Contrary to the cited view, others try to find a justification to reconcile the two hadith. Examining the isnad and the text of the mosquito hadith and technically evaluating it by gathering other hadiths on the issue, this article has considered both the possibility of reconciliation or preference of each hadith. Eventually it became clear that the hadith was damaged due to improper paraphrasing which made ground for misunderstanding, alteration in the text and use of deceitful methods (tadlis) in the isnad can also be traced back in this hadith. It is also concluded that denoting mosquito to Imam Ali (PBUH) in the 26th verse of the second sura, as the exoteric meaning of the verse is not correct, the correct hadith of it being available.

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One of the two major trends of Shiism is the one which called Usouli Shia and on the other hand there is another trend which has a special consideration on the Hadith. Usoul trend has been established by Mufid, Sayyed Murtaza, Tuosi in Baghdad in fourth and fifth centuries. This trend transferred to Iran via their pupils and was altered on that area. This trend was well-known as moderate Shia trend. This trend influenced on scientific and literal works and also Shiite commentaries of the Qur' an. Majmaa al-Bayan and Rouz al-Janan are two of these exegeses. The most important features of these two interpretations are: ' ' paying attention to the external meaning of the Qur' an' ', "avoiding from esoteric meaning of the Qur' an" and "being coordinate with the other Muslims, that is, Sunni Group". This study is going to focus on introduction of this tendency and its features.

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Replication or attributing something to someone other than the real authority, has long been employed in the history of hadith. It seems that some of the recorded propositions in hadith sources are replicated ones. However any research in the field of theology, religion, and hadith including challenging issues such as Jihad, assassination, torture, etc relies on the available propositions and hadiths which are suffering from this defect. In order to reach Islam’s original point of view on any issue from that of the Muslims, it is necessary to identify replicated hadith from the genuine ones. Hence, this paper studies the history of replication, examines the reasons for such a process, and provides some strategies to differentiate between the genuine and the forged hadiths. Consequently, five motives have been identified and four strategies introduced for distinguishing the genius from the forged.

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Moaddab Reza | DALLIR MOHSEN

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    4 (32)
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Studdy of ba' ooza's expository hadis in Qomi's interpretation and Pathology of it. In time lapse, some hadises effected by many damages like: paraphrasing without mentioning its qualifications, sophistication and inaccurate adjustment to the verses of Quran. these damages are prohibiting the true intellection and cause without enquire acceptance of some hadises. Therefore it is required to acceptance or rejection of the credit of it or if a hadis accepted, to get logical understanding, must research about it source and credit of it. among the hadises that some interpreters claimed that they' re fake, is the hadis of ba' ooza in qomi's interpretation that say the purpose of ba' ooza in verse (Bagharah/26) is Imam Ali. another hadis which is said in Imam Askari's interpretation, some people define it as the sign of ba' ooza's fiction. in opposition, some people has been efforted to discover a relationship between these two hadises. In this article we seek for taking reasons or possibility of these hadises preferences with logical and practical documentary and the text of ba' ooza with its technical research among that creation of hadises group and textual analysis of related hadises and it is clarified that ba' ooza's hadis has been harmed from paraphrasing without mentioning its qualifications, and it caused false understanding from explanation of verse. in addition, destroying sophistication in text and dissemble in ba' ooza hadis's document are traceable and it is agumented that "ba' ooza" word adjustment to Imam as the heart of 26th verse of bagharah is incorrect and true hadis is accessible.

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    4 (پیاپی 32)
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یکی از دو گرایش عمده جریان تشیع گرایشی است که از آن به عنوان گرایش تشیع اصولی یاد می شود و نقطه مقابل آن نیز گرایشی است که به احادیث و اخبار موجود در منابع شیعی نگاهی ویژه دارد. گرایش اصولی توسط عالمان شیعی بغداد در قرن چهارم و پنجم مانند شیخ مفید، سیدمرتضی و شیخ طوسی پایه گذاری شد و توسط شاگردان اینان به فلات ایران انتقال یافت و تحت تاثیر زمان و مکان تحولاتی را هم تجربه نمود و جریانی به وجود آورد که از آن با عنوان تشیع اعتدالی یاد گردیده است. این جریان در آثار مختلف علمی و ادبی و از جمله تفاسیر شیعی قرآن بازتاب یافت. دو تفسیر مجمع البیان و روض الجنان مهم ترین نمونه های تفسیری از این دست می باشند. مهمترین ویژگی های این دو تفسیر توجه به تفسیر ظاهر و دوری از تاویل گرایی و نزدیکی بیشتر با دیدگاه های تفسیری و اعتقادی جریان دیگر جهان اسلام اهل سنت می باشد. نوشتار حاضر درصدد معرفی این جریان و نشان دادن جلوه هایی از آن در دو تفسیر یاد شده می باشد.

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    4 (32)
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Denise Spellberg’s article on “A' isha” in the Encyclopedia of Quran pays much concern to the story of Ifk (falsehood) in the verses 11-20 of Sura al-Nur. In her narration of the story, the writer has confined herself to the traditions on the causes of revelation rather than the verses proper. She proclaims these verses as the most explicit ones about Aisha; whereas the forth verse of Sura al- Tahrim is more explicit. Although she considers these verses as the clear manifestation of Muslim sectarian disagreement, but the Shia and Sunni have no serious disagreement on these verses. She claims that the Shia accuse Aisha of adultery; however according to them, not only Aisha but also all the wives of all the prophets are innocent of any such act. Spellberg considers interpretation of the Qur' an subject to the exegetes’ appeals and biases, whereas Muslim scholars' requirements and qualifications for any interpretation goes beyond all these personal preferences. Dedicating great value to the impact of presuppositions and appeals has root in philosophical hermeneutics that suffers from many flaws. She also asserts the impact of gender on the Qur' an’s interpretation, neglecting the fact that the diversity of interpretations on verses concerning women has root in the epistemological principles of the exegete and the cultural-social conditions of his/her era, rather than his/her gender.

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حسن بگی علی

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    4 (پیاپی 32)
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همانند سازی (شبیه سازی) یا همان نسبت دادن کاری به دیگری، در تاریخ حدیث سابقه دیرینه ای دارد. به نظر می رسد تعدادی از گزاره های ثبت شده در منابع حدیثی، همان گزاره هایی است که به منظور همانند سازی، نقل شده اند. از سوی دیگر پایه مهم پژوهش های حدیثی و دین شناسی، همان اطلاعات و گزاره هایی است که در اختیار پژوهشگر حدیث و دین شناس قرار می گیرد و بر پایه آن به استنباط و ارائه رویکرد های دینی از قبیل دیدگاه دین درباره جهاد ابتدایی، ترور، شکنجه، و...- می پردازد، لذا بایسته است که پژوهشگر به منظور عدم خلط میان دیدگاه اسلام و دیدگاه مسلمانان در موضوعات مذکور، میان گزاره های حدیثی و گزاره های همانند ساز تفکیک نماید. در این نوشتار، سابقه همانند سازی در تاریخ حدیث بررسی شده است و هچنین به علل و عوامل همانند سازی وراه های تشخیص گزاره های حدیثی همانند ساز از گزاره های حدیثی اصیل اشاره شده است. با بررسی به عمل آمده، به نظر می رسد، پنچ عامل در همانند سازی حدیث موثر بوده است، چنان که با توجه به چهار راهکار، می توان به جدا سازی میان گزاره های حدیثی اصیل و همانند ساز دست یافت.

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For the Muslims, the Qur' an has been handed down from generation to generation from the time of the Prophet. Thus, the most important evidence for the genuineness of the Qur' an as the one introduced by of the holy Prophet, is its broad authentication (tawator). However, this argument is absent in the western studies of the history of the Qur' an. On the contrary, some western scholars such as Wansbrough and Hawting claim that due to the lack of information in the Qur' an concerning its development, all the information on this issue is confined to the hadiths which have been produced in the ninth and tenth century CE. Therefore, there is no data available from the contemporary sources which can be trusted on the issue concerning the two formative centuries of Islam. They consider the Qur' an as the product of two century discourse between the Muslims and the believers of other religions whose text has been finally canonized in the third century AH. Quite contrary to Wansbrough’s opinion and that of his advocates, a quick look at the history of Islam reveals that Muslims had travelled to different regions, including Europe in the first decades of its emergence. Hence the Christians and Jews had observed their religious rival with open eyes. It is not possible that such a significant event as canonization of Qur' an may have occurred in the second or third century AH, and none of the non-Muslim historians made reference to it. Moreover, western scholars studying the history of Islam in the recent century, have all accepted the Muslim’s reports, no one having narrated it otherwise.

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The rhetoric delicacies of the Qur' an as one aspect of its inimitability, have long been studied by scholars of Quranic sciences. The study of the style of the Qur' an, as one of the rhetoric issues of Qur' anic studies is considered a newly emerged field of study, employing the contributions of the Rhetoric and enriched by modern criteria. This article using descriptive-analytical method and based on stylistics criteria, has studied the literal beauties of the Sura al-Ghiama at four levels; the rhyme and melody, semantics, syntactic and imagery. The current study demonstrates that repetition, changing the position of a part of speech forth or back, omission and the change of addressee are the most prominent stylistic devices of this sura. Each of these styles has contribution to the sura’s general purpose. Coherence of verses and the consistency of the melody and imagery, are other literal elegances of this blessed sura.

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    4 (پیاپی 32)
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در منابع حدیثی، روایاتی یافت می شود که به منع وضو با آبی که توسط خورشید داغ شده باشد، دلالت دارد. ازجمله «الماء الذی یسخن فی الشمس لا توضئوا به و لا تغتسلوا به و لا تعجنوا به فانه یورث البرص» حدیثی نسبتا مشهور است که بر زبان مسلمانان به ویژه میان فقها و طبیبان قدیمی جاری بوده و مبنای فقهی احکام قرارگرفته است. در این مقاله، با جستجو در منابع فریقین طریق نقل این حدیث پیگیری و آنگاه با به کارگیری قواعد و معیارهای حدیث شناختی و واکاوی قرینه های موجود، سند و راویان حدیث مزبور به محک نقد کشیده و در نتیجه نشان داده شده که هیچ یک از طرق این حدیث خالی از ضعف نیست. با این حال با فرض صدور حدیث از سرچشمه علم نبوی (ص) به تحلیل محتوایی آن با توجه به مبانی فقه الحدیثی، منابع پزشکی معتبر و طب قدیم و جدید پرداخته و بالاخره نتیجه گرفته شده است که به فرض صدور، روایت در قضیه یا منطقه خاص صادق خواهد بود.

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در گذر زمان، برخی از احادیث، دچار آسیب هایی شده اند که از جمله این آسیب ها، نقل به معنا بدون رعایت شرایط آن، تحریف و نیز تطبیق غیر دقیق بر آیات قرآن است. این آسیب ها مانع از فهم صحیح و پذیرش بدون بررسی احادیث می شوند. بنابر این لازم است برای پذیرش یک حدیث یا نفی صدور آن و در صورت پذیرش، دست یابی به فهم صحیح از آن، نخست به کنکاش از مصدر و اعتبار آن پرداخت. از جمله احادیثی که بعضی از مفسران ادعا کرده اند جعلی است، حدیث بعوضه در تفسیر قمی از امام صادق (ع) است که در آن مراد از بعوضه در آیه 26 سوره بقره، امیرالمومنین معرفی شده است. حدیث دیگری در تفسیر امام عسکری (ع) نقل شده که برخی آن را نشان جعلی بودن حدیث بعوضه دانسته اند.در برابر برخی تلاش کرده اند تا راه حلی برای جمع میان این دو حدیث بیابند. در این مقاله با بررسی علمی و روشمند سند و متن روایت بعوضه و نقد فنی آن، از جمله تشکیل خانواده حدیثی و تحلیل متنی احادیث مرتبط، امکان جمع دلالی یا ترجیح هر یک از احادیث مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و مشخص شده که حدیث بعوضه دچار آسیب نقل به معنای بدون رعایت شرایط شده که زمینه ساز آسیب فهم نادرست از تفسیر آیه است و نیز آسیب های تحریف در متن و تدلیس در سند روایت بعوضه قابل رد یابی است و نیز ثابت شده که تطبیق واژه «بعوضه» بر امام (ع) به عنوان بطن آیه 26 سوره بقره نادرست و روایت صحیح آن نیز در دسترس است.

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