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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    4 (16)
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At present, sustainability as a clear goal is at the heart of global developments. Territorial sustainable development depends on the sustainability of rural system as a constituent sub-system of a territorial system. Sustainability of rural areas in different dimensions can have an effective role in regional and national development. The current research attempts to recognize and account for the spatial capabilities and limitations of rural settlements in Baruq within the framework of sustainable development. This research is a practical study with a descriptive methodology. The research statistical population includes 70 residential villages in Baruq are, of them thirty-two villages were selected through stratified sampling and based on four criteria of sustainable development. Field and document data were collected to answer the research questions. The results indicate that these villages are weak in terms of sustainability. Moreover, investigating the four aspects of sustainability has shown that each of the aspects (i. e., environmental-ecological, physical-spatial, social, and economic) are in a weak sustainable condition; the economic aspect suffers most from the weakest condition. The level of sustainability in the villages reveals that around 43 per cent of the settlements are unsustainably strong, 25 per cent unsustainably weak, 25 per cent sustainably weak, and only 6 per cent are sustainably strong. The sustainability of the villages decreases physically-spatially from the west to the east of the district. That is to say, mountainous villages are less sustainable than the villages in the plains or other less mountainous areas. Sustainable and slightly sustainable villages lie in the west or in the plain. It shows that sustainable spatial pattern is a cluster. The results thus predict the highest role of social factors (R2 = 0. 392) and a low role for environmental-ecological factors (R2 = 0. 186) in the unsustainability of the rural settlements. Economic and physical-spatial factors predict around 0. 338 and 0. 324 of the unsustainability in rural settlements.

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    4 (16)
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Rural settlements, as spatial systems, have always been affected by internal and external forces and changes in their structures and functions. Transitional villages are more dynamic and experience more developments than other rural settlements because of their features that are considered neither rural nor urban. The present study seeks to identify the factors affecting the changes occurred in transitional rural settlements of Aivan county (Illam province, Iran). This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature and method. Data collection was done by two methods: documentary and field. In documentary method, statistical information and data of the settlements of the study area, literature, and related theoretical bases were collected and studied. In the field method, first-hand data and information were obtained using the Dehyar, Shura (11 questionnaires) and rural residents in transitional villages (184 questionnaires). The statistical population of the study is 55 inhabited villages with a total population of 16281 and 3848 households in Aivan county. Eleven populated villages were selected as transitional and sample villages using four indices of population, centrality, distance to city center and number of governmental and nongovernmental institutions. AHP and TOPSIS methods were applied to weight the aforementioned indicators by experts and to weight the sample villages, respectively. Data were analyzed using one-sample T-test. Findings of the study show that the physical component with a real average of 2. 99 is in the first place, the economic component with a real average of 2. 88 and the spatial component with a real average of 2. 74 is in the third place. This means that the physical, economic and spatial dimensions as external and internal factors have had the most impact on the transitional villages of Aivan county, respectively.

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    4 (16)
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In Iran, which is a water-scarce country, planning is centralized and large-scale based on political-contractual boundaries. This has led to the degradation of the functional levels of the land and has caused numerous problems. Therefore, finding the optimal geographical context and efficient planning unit for the lower levels has always been the focus of planning scholars including geographers. The purpose of this study is to propose a basis for the political division of space for spatial planning and transition from centralized national-sectoral planning. This research is theoretical and in terms of nature and method, it is a deep descriptive-analytical case study. The present study, with a combined approach (analogy and deduction), firstly, by analogy and logical analysis, evaluates the status quo using documentary study. Then, it studies inductively the Karkheh catchment as a spatial domain of research in order to explain an alternative pattern. Analyzes were performed using Arc GIS software. New theories of development, especially the theory of bio-regionalism, emphasize ecological factors in the designation of biological areas. The ecological implications of these theories have been specifically introduced through catchments and their relationship to communities. The findings of the study identified the catchment as a bio-regional boundary and considered the Karkheh catchment to be compatible with the Lak spoken area. The results show that Karkheh catchment can be a suitable spatial planning unit for the study area. The relative homogeneity in the structure of natural-ecological, social, cultural, economic, and spatial convergence within the territory as well as the adaptation of rural and urban settlements to the Karkhe catchment branches confirms this result.

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    4 (16)
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Urban viability is one of the basic foundations of sustainable urban development. The viability approach can be attributed to increased awareness of unstable urban life patterns, which in the long run reduces the potential of environmental resources. The term 'viability' refers to the degree to which a society is provided based on the needs and capacities of its members. Therefore, the main objective of the present study is to prioritize the main components of viability in three Kish Island resorts namely: Sadaf, Me'mar and Sahar. The research method is descriptive-analytical based on preliminary data. Data collection was done by documentary and survey methods using questionnaire. Collected data was processed using SPSS and Smart PLS software. Three methods of multivariate regression analysis, stepwise analysis and PLS path analysis were used to prioritize the components and to determine their contribution and role in the viability of the study area. Based on the results of the research, the main factors affecting the viability of the three Kish camps were prioritized based on the degree of their importance as follows: services and access, social, economic, physical and environmental components, respectively. One can improve the viability of the study area by planning to enhance and organize these components based on their degree of importance.

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    4 (16)
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Typically, the effects of various factors affecting the city's economy are reflected in the price of land and housing. In recent years, the role of rent-seeking and stock-exchange in the volatility and price fluctuations of the land and housing markets of Iranian cities, including Mashhad's metropolis, has been far greater than the effects of inflation. It is important to identify the factors affecting the cost of housing and subsequently the factors affecting the formation of the stock market in this sector. Many people believe that the role of real estate consultants is unparalleled in creating price fluctuations and unusual housing speculation. This paper, while examining the factors affecting real estate stock exchange, examines the role of real estate firms in the expansion of the land and urban housing stock market from the perspective of real estate consultants themselves through a specific case study of District 12 of Mashhad. The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical and the statistical population includes real estate consultants working in the district 12 of Mashhad. Field information was collected through interview and questionnaire. The research findings and hypotheses were analyzed using one-sample t-test and Pearson correlation test in SPSS software. Based on the available information and the correlation coefficient obtained from the Pearson test for the owner's policy component and the t-test obtained from the one-sample t-test for the two components of the real estate agency and the municipal organization, it was identified that the real estate agencies do not play a significant role in the valuation and stock market of urban land and housing and are solely responsible for bringing the applicant and supplier together as mediators. Also, no significant relationship was found between owner policies and stock market expansion. However, there was a significant relationship between the impact of municipal organization on the pricing of urban land and housing in the sample group with the statistical population. This indicates the involvement of municipality as a public entity in the stock exchange of land and housing in the city.

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  • Volume: 

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    4 (16)
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During the last four decades, the rapid growth of urbanization has dramatically transformed many natural phenomena. Such changes led eventually to changes in the Earth's surface temperature. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between land use changes and spatial variations of thermal islands in Mashhad from 1998 to 2016. Thus, land surface temperature and land use changes of Mashhad were extracted using Landsat satellite imagery (1998-2016). The CA Markov model has also been used to simulate and predict the expansion of Mashhad. From 1998 to 2016, the constructed area, green space, rangeland and barren lands are changed from 138. 52, 46. 49, 35. 85 and 100. 71 square kilometers to 198. 87, 29. 98, 31. 29 and 64. 62 square kilometers, respectively. Thermal islands in terms of number and extent in 1998 were less extensive and less synchronous than in 2016. In 1998 the maximum level of temperature was between 42 to 48 degrees Celsius but it reached 46 to 52 in 2016. With respect to the expansion of constructed area in the mentioned time period, the thermal islands are moved from outside of the city to the inside and have been overlapped with hard and impenetrable planes. The obtained results from the prediction illustrate that the expansion of city will occur in northwestern sides more than the others and it will be less in southern sides due to the existence of altitudes.

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    4 (16)
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The Eco-village is a model for promoting sustainable living by removing environmental, social and economic destabilization through the implementation of sustainable structures and practices in rural areas. The main purpose of the present study is to evaluate the status of key indicators of eco-village pattern in tourist villages on the margins of Choghakhor wetland. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive-analytic in nature. A researcher-made questionnaire with a reliability of 0. 89 was used to evaluate the key indices of eco-village in the studied touristy villages. The statistical population of the study consisted of all local residents and tourists present in Choghakhor. The sample size in this study was 311 persons estimated according to Cochran formula with error of 0. 05. The results show that the studied villages are not in desirable condition in terms of all three dimensions of eco-village, because the mean value of the results is just 2. 76. The results also show that the natural dimension indices of eco-village pattern are better than other dimensions and indices in the studied villages. Socio-economic indices are in the following ranks. Therefore, the following three solutions can be offered: 1-Efforts to attract domestic and foreign investment, 2-Supporting useful and early plans for environmental efficiency, and 3-Incorporation of ecovillage projects as national plans by local and regional authorities.

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    4 (16)
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One aspect of the sustainability of urban development is balanced physical development in line with environmental, ecological, and socio-economic conditions. In the last decades of the twentieth century, despite many efforts in the field of sustainable physical-spatial development of cities, this issue still remains one of the major challenges for geographers, urban planners, architects and urban planners. In many developing countries, accelerated urbanization and increasing urban populations have exacerbated environmental hazards. This is doubly important in small towns. Physical development, in addition to changing land use, has severely limited the basic needs of urban society, including the provision of safe and adequate water, per capita green space, urban waste management and environmental pollution. The aim of this study is to analyze the role of physical development on the instability of urban development from an environmental perspective in the city of Sorkhrud, using a descriptive-analytical method. To do this, first the physical development of the city using the Shannon entropy model was examined and then the role of physical development on environmental problems was evaluated through three components and seven criteria. The three components include; physical, functional and environmental, and the seven criteria were observance of standard land uses, urban furniture, observance of building height, urban green space, maintaining soil balance, land use change of agricultural land. The results suggest that unbalanced physical development has led to unorganized environmental instability in the city, such as land use change and increased environmental pollution. Green space development is the best option for moderating unbalanced physical development.

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