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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (مسلسل 18)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (مسلسل 18)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (18)
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the reliability of ankle musculature latency, peak and time of activation measurements on a tilting platform (APS) to sudden external frontal perturbation under different conditions. Design. The latency, peak & time of activation of 10 healthy and 10 patients with functional ankle instability (FAI) were examined in a methodological study. Materials & Methods: The latency, peak and time of activation after sudden inversion of the ankle were determined by APS and surface EMG. Results: The range of ICC Values for latency of Peroneus Longus (0.71-0.97), Tibialis Anterior (0.75-0.99), Peroneus Brevis (0.83-0.99) and Soleus (0.97-0.99) were obtained. These values for peak of activation of Peroneus Longus (0.81-0.99) Tibialis Anterior (0.9-0.99), Peroneus Brevis (0.64-0.99), Soleus (0.98-0.99) and for time of activation of Peroneus Longus (0.89-0.99) Tibialis Anterior (0.71-0.99) Peroneus Brevis (0.91-0.99) and Soleus (0.69-0.99) were calculated. Conclusion: Determination of The latency, peak and time of activation was proven as a reliable measurement method.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1045

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    3 (18)
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Objective: Acoustic stimulation of auditory efferent system causes contralateral shift in the OAEs amplitude. In this study the contralateral suppression effect of pure tone & NBN at center frequencies of 1, 2 & 4 kHz Frequencies has been evaluated in the right ears of normal 19 to 27 years old adults. Materials & Methods: The data were elicited from 37 subjects (15 males & 22 females) with normal hearing who participated in this study. After determining the level of NBN by loudness adjustment between pure tone at 70 dBHL at 1, 2 & 4 kHz in left ear, EOAEs was measured using tone burst at central frequencies of 1,2 & 4 kHz in right ear. Then the amplitude shift of TBEOAEs was evaluated at the presence of contralateral pure tone & NBN stimuli. Results: There was a significant shift in the amplitude of TBEOAEs by contralateral stimulation of pure tone & NBN which was greater in NBN. The magnitude of amplitude shift was become greater at high frequencies of contralateral stimuli. Conclusion: There was a decrease in the amplitude of TBEOAEs by contralateral stimulation and the stimulus with greater frequency band had greater effects on contralateral suppression. The impact of this effect was highly depend on the spectrum & frequency of contralateral stimuli.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 939

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    3 (18)
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Objective: The main purpose of this study was the assay of language disorders in paranoid and non-paranoid long-stay Schizophrenic patients in Razi Psychiatric Center. Materials & Methods: Language disorders in 40 Schizophrenic Patients who were divided in 2 groups (paranoid and non-paranoid No: 20) male and female and studied by using Farsi Aphasia Test. All of the subjects were matched in the basis of gender, age, education, duration of illness and length of stay in hospital. The evaluated language skills were composed of; Spontaneous Verbal Fluency, Descriptive Verbal Fluency, Quality of Spontaneous Speech, Quality of Descriptive Speech, Listening Comprehension, Oral Reading (Expression), Written Comprehension, Writing, (words), Repetition and Number of Words. Data were analysed by using of SPSS window analysis. Results: show a global reduction in scores of skills compared with normal subjects and the most reduction is seen in Quality of Descriptive Speech, Fluency of Descriptive speech and Number of Words Skills. Conclusion: Paranoid patients versus non paranoids show significant differences in Fluency of Descriptive Speech, Listening Comprehension, Oral Reading and Number of Words, and global score of the test. Among demographic variants, only educational situation has significant relevance with some items of the test.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1798

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    3 (18)
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Objective: Discopathy is any kind of disease in the disc and is one of the most common reasons for back pain. This research has been done in order to determine relation between job and discopathy in patientsm of Imam Sajad Hospital (2005). Materials & Methods: This research had been done on medical files of 240 patients with spinal discopathy who were referred to Imam Sajad Hospital from 1996 to 2003. Data were analyses in a descriptive study. Results: Discopathy of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and more than one region, in Military job (52.9%), Medical job (8.8%), Official jobs (38.3%) personnel showed a significant difference. Therefore, the relation between sites of lesion with job was significant. Lesion in thoracic level (T12. L1) and job (37.5%), Offical job (12.5%) were involved with thoracolumbar discopathy. Conclusion: Because of high incidence of discopthy in Entezami personnel and significant relationship of job with site of discopathy and in order to decreasing medical costs and minimizing length of off-days, some special methods should be considered. As different researches have shown the effect of training on improving spinal problems, posture correction methods in variable job situations and training for ergonomic principles of working are recommended for military jobs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1196

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    3 (18)
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Objective: The incidence of wife abuse and its impacts on psychological as well as physical health of the women and in its ultimate negative effects on the health of the family have been presented in many researches. The purpose of the present study was to investigate physical and psychological wife abuse among the married women lining in Tehran. Materials & Methods: Study sample (N=1000) consisted of two group of married women (18-45 years): those who did not referee to domestic curts (n=800), and those who had problem with their husbands and therefore referred to domestic curts (n=200). Moffir et al. (15) Questionnaire has been applied. Results: Data analysis revealed that: psychological and physical wife abuse among subjects in the first group was 87.9 and 47.9 respectively. Psychological and physical wife abuse among subjects in the second group were 99.5 and 91 respectively. Wife abuse was significantly related to the age of the couples and duration of their marriage; the older the couples and the longer the marriage, the higher the wife abuse. There was a significant negative relationship between education of the couples and wife abuse. The higher the education, the lesser the wife abuse. Those husbands, who consumed alcohol or drug, abused their wives significantly more than those husbands who did not consume alcohol or drug. Husbands with psychological problems abused their wives significantly more than husbands without psychological problems. Psychological and physical wife abuse among the subjects in the second group were higher than psychological and physical wife abuse among the subjects in the first group. Conclusion: our findings suggested that there are relationships among the variables of age, education, alcohol or drug consumption, husbands psychological disorders and wife abuse. Legislation of a low witch forbids husbands to abuse their wives and increment of the general knowledge about wife abuse by means of mass media may have significant effects on reduction of wife abuse.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2229

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    3 (18)
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Objective: The study was aimed to evaluate effectiveness of 'home based training' service of CBR program which have been offered to physically disabled people and their families in Babolsar Rural areas during years 2002-2004. Materials & Methods: 48 physically disabled people and their families were recruited from rural areas under coverage of CBR program as the case group. Matching for type and severity of disability, age, sex and education of care givers, 48 other disabled people & their families were recruited from rural areas where CBR program was not implemented as the control group. Knowledge & attitude of families about immobility consequences, disability & rehabilitation and their skills in preventing bedsore and joint stiffness, helping disabled people to achieve independence in mobilization and activities of daily living (ADL) were accessed by observation and asking questions, gathered in data sheets, scored computed & analyzed. Results: There were no significant difference in knowledge of families about consequences of immobility, their attitude towards disability & rehabilitation of their skills in helping the disabled to reach independence in self-care and mobilization between the two groups. However, families in case group were significantly more skillful in preventing joint stiffness & bedsore and positioning the disabled people (P=0.04). Corclusion: The program didn't result in significant change in family attitude, knowledge or skills in help disabled people to achieve independence in ADL or ambulation in Babolsar, but family members' skills in areas of performing passive rehabilitation techniques, such as bedsore of performing passive rehabilitation techniques; such as bedsore & joint stiffness prevention and positioning of the disabled, improved significantly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2310

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    3 (18)
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Objective: In some applications of functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS), the distal joint of the thumb (IP) in quadriplegic patients is sometimes surgically fused at zero degrees and the FPL is stimulated. This prevents hyperextension and extreme flexion of the IP joint during lateral pinch. However, IP joint fusion removes one degree of freedom from the thumb and may reduce the grip force. An alternative approach, preferably without surgical alterations, using sufficient electrical stimulation of selected muscles was investigated. A 3D model of prehensile lateral pinch was developed. Computer simulation of the model was used to find an approach providing the appropriate posture and adequate lateral grip force for quadriplegic patients using FNS. Materials & Methods: The model consists of a multi-rigid-body system connected by one or two degree (S) of freedom joints acted upon by passive resistive moments, active muscle moments and moments of external contact forces. Passive resistive moments were measured at each joint, active muscle moments were computed using a simple muscle model, and moments of external force were computed based on a force-displacement relationship for finger pads. In addition to the current strategy, two possible alternatives were studied: increasing the fused joint fusion. Normal component of the grip force and its angle with respect to the horizontal plane were computed and compared for the studied cases. Results: Results showed, by using the current FNS strategy, a convenient posture and a grip force of 10.1 (N) are achieved which is comparable to what is measured experimentally and introduced in the literature. Increasing the joint fusion angle from 0 to 15 and 30 degrees in parallel with the activation of FPL increased the grip force from 10.1 to 10.7 and 11.2 (N), respectively, but resulted in inconvenient posture. Among all different combinations of the muscles with no joint fusion, only synchronous activation of ADP, APB, and FPL resulted in a convenient posture and a higher grip force of 16.6 (N). Conclusion: An alternative approach stimulating a combination of the named muscles without any need for surgical alterations might exist.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (18)
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Objective: In recent decades, it has been accepted that, deficiencies in phonological Awareness is related to reading problems, and phonological Awareness is the most important causal factor dyslexia. Although recent researchers on naming speed skill reveal that this is other possible source of dyslexia. Materials & Methods: Present research has been fulfilled on 58 second elementary grade students on the aim of reviewing and comparing the phonological awareness and naming speed. There were 28 dyslexic subject and 30 normal people. There was analyzing of all collected information in this research by independent statistical "T" and U-man Whitney Test. Likewise, The correlation between phonological awareness skills and naming speed in two subject groups by Pearson and Spearman correlated coefficient. Results: Results showed that, it was significant differences between both dyslexia and normal groups in mentioned skills, and dyslexic groups are weaker than normal group for both skills. Furthermore, in this research there was not significant correlation between phonological awareness and naming speed. Conclusion: consistent with the previous studies, the results of this study revealed that dyslexic individuals have problems in phonological awareness and naming speed. Also insignificant Correlation between the above skills may show that naming speed is independent of phonological awareness.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (18)
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Due to the mental and physical impairments in family and neonates born with cleft lip and palate, basic understandings of pre, intra and post-operative measures in such patients are considered to be highly crucial. In post-operative period, patients as well as their relatives need to be informed about the scope and the different dimensions of the problem. A thorough evaluation within a specialized team is necessary. The specialized team is consisted of speech pathologist, and etc. In addition, basic health check and speech rehabilitation must be conducted, as soon as possible. Furthermore, velopharyngeal movements, tonsils, uvula, palatopharyngeal walls with relation to the nasopharynsx area also need to be assessed. A precise therapeutic program is essential in this matter. Evaluation of both clinical and paraclinical as well as speech therapy within six weeks, six month and twelve months post-surgery is needed. Any success or failure should be identified and discussed within the specialized team for further different speech therapy actions. Either prosthesis or re-operation might be recommended if the reaches to an agreement after the proper assessment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (18)
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Pressure ulcer is a significant problem in elderly and critically ill patients, causing pain, decreasing quality of life and leading to prolonged hospital stay. Treatment of pressure ulcer to improve health status is a cost-effective approach. So, preventing the ulcers will be economical. Pressure ulcer is considered as a damage or necrosis of skin and its layers, which happens when there is a considerable pressure over the tissues. If the capillary arteries' pressure reaches 70mmHg (2 times more than the normal pressure) pressure ulcer happens and depending on the depth of the ulcer, will be divided into 4 stages. The most important point for preventing the ulcers is reducing the pressure. Patients should be repositioned to relieve or minimize the tissue pressure.Considering the type of the ulcer, the necessary treatment (dressing, Antibiotic Therapy, debridement or surgery) should be performed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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