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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Objective: self-reported questionnaires and performance-based tests are the two methods of measuring the rate of disability in patients with chronic low back pain. The goal of this research was study of the influence of pain on these patients' disability rate by comparing the findings of Roland-Morris Disability questionnaire (RMDQ) and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) self-reported questionnaires with a performance-based test named Back Performance Scale (BPS).Methods and materials: This research is a cross sectional study and the study population were patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain.75 patients 18 to 60 year-old age were enrolled through a convenient sampling. Back Performance Scale and the RMDQ and ODI questionnaires used to assess disability and the pain intensity was measured with VAS. Spearman correlation coefficient used for determining the correlation between pain and disability, and Pearson correlation coefficient used to determine the correlation between different modes of disability instruments. T-test used to compare the differences in disability rate between two groups of mild to moderate pain and severe pain.Results: The correlation coefficients between VAS and BPS, RMDQ and ODI were 0.37, 0.55 and 0.54 respectively (P<0.01), and correlation coefficients between BPS and RMDQ and ODI were 0.41 and 0.52 (P<0.001). Back Performance Scale showed no significant difference between two pain groups (P=0.139) but this difference was significant in the questionnaire results (P<0.01).Conclusion: Dissidence and the moderate correlation between the results of the self-reported questionnaires and Back Performance Scale showed that two methods of measures could represent different aspects in producing disability. Hence, making use of both instruments simultaneously is recommended to draw a holistic outline of the patients' functional status.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (48)
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Objective: Accurate assessment of lumbar range of motion is of great value for both evaluating lumbar functions and monitoring treatment progress. The purpose of this study was to determine the intra-rater reliability of lumbar flexion and extension measurements (within-day and between-days) using the Modified Modified Schober's technique (MMST).Materials & Methods: Lumbar flexion and extension of 38 healthy subjects (12-male and 26-female), with no history of low back pain, were measured by the same examiner on three occasions. The first two measurements were taken with half an hour apart on the first occasion to assess the within-day reliability and the third measurement was taken one week later to assess the between-days reliability.Results: Within-day lumbar flexion and extension measurements using Modified Modified Schober's technique were shown to be very reliable with high Intraclass Correlation Coefficients values (0.85 for flexion and 0.73 for extension). The high values of Intraciass Correlation Coefficients (0.83 for flexion and 0.68 for extension) also indicated high reliability for between-days measurements.Conclusion: The results indicated that, the Modified Modified Schober's Technique appears to be a highly reliable method for measuring lumbar flexion and extension and can be used as a reliable tool in the assessment of lumbar range of motion and monitoring therapeutic interventions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (48)
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Introduction: Exercise training appears to reduce both all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality by improving function capacity of heart. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of selected continuous exercise training compared to an intense selected interval exercise training on functional capacity of POST CABG Patients.Materials & Methods: Thirty three POST CABG patients (30 men, 3 women) 58.33±9.50 and mean BMI: 27.05±3.55 kg/m2 participated in this study. Selected aerobic continues training (n=12) including: 30-60 min continues training with intensity of 70-85% of HR maximum and aerobic interval training (n=12) including three interval, 28-45 min and intensity of 70-90% of HR maximum three times a week for 8 weeks. Control group (n=9) only participate in pre and post tests. Functional capacity was measured with exercise testing (with Modified BRUCE protocol). Statistical methods that were used in this study include t student and ANOVA tests. SPSS Version of 16 used to analyze of all statistics test.Results: There are not any significant differences between continuous and interval training groups (P=0.115). Also after program there is a significant difference between training and control groups (0.017). The precision comparison between groups indicates there is a significant difference between continuous and control (P=0.009) group but not any significant difference between interval and control (P=0.202).Conclusion: The present data may be useful in effective designing intense aerobic continuous or interval training programs for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and specially coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) and also improved health in the future.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (48)
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Objective: Evaluation of cochlear function in neonates and children suffering from meningitis according to EOAE results.Matherials & Methods: In this study 40 children and neonates suffering from meningitis ranging from one day to 12 years old were evaluated with EOAE (DP-OAE & TE- OAE) during 7 to 14 day after discharge from hospitalResults: From our 40 patients, normal cochlear function was observed in 35, bilateral abnormal cochlear function in 4 and unilateral abnormal cochlear function in 1. In these 5 cases (12.5% of our patients), detected by EOAE tests, sensorineural hearing loss was seen. This result was confirmed by ABR test in hospital.Conclusion: Abnormal cochlear function and sensorineural hearing loss as a complication of meningitis (if present) can be detected in early stages by the EOAE tests.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (48)
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Objective: This research aimed at comparison effects of a new and current "training program for community rehabilitation workers of Community Based Rehabilitation", in enhancing their knowledge, attitude and skills.Materials & Methods: In this experimental field trial, a total number of 34 newly engaged local trainers in Lorestan province were divided randomly in two (16 and 18 peoples) interventional groups based on geographical location of their work places Teaching methods were roll playing, problem solving, and learning by doing in new program and the booklets were revised in terms of fluency and a guideline booklet for trainers were added in this program but the teaching method was reading booklets and demonstration of the skills in current program. Knowledge, Attitude and Skills of trainees assessed just before and after the training course based on the material which were used for the training course. K.A.P. changes of two groups were compared by independent t-test, Mann Whitney, Wilcoxon & Chi square.Results: Mean knowledge and skills scores increments were remarkably more significant after attending new course than after passing the current course (P<0.001) and more rehabilitation workers who attending new course use practical guides in addition to verbal instructions to train disabled people and their families (P=0.028). There were no significant differences in attitude changes among the two groups.Conclusion: As trainees learned more by means of the new training course and the two courses were not so different in the resource allocation, substituting the new method to the current one should get consideration.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (48)
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the cognitive, psychological and social characteristics between parents who have more than one exceptional child and those parents with normal child.Materials & Methods: In this cross sectional and comparative study, 80 families who had more than one exceptional child were conveniently selected and 53 families with normal child were selected using multi-stage sampling in schools of Uromia city, western Iran. The Cognitive, Psychological and Social Characteristics of Parents with more than One Special Child Questionnaire, General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and Evaluation and Nurturing Relationship Issues Communication and Happiness (ENRICH) were used. Compromise Xi Chi, Yu-Man Whitney and t tests were used for data analysis.Results: Among cognitive, psychological and social variables, job (Father and Mother) (P<0.001); education (Father & Mother); time of disability awareness (P<0.001); parents' level of interest to marriage (P<0.001); parents' relationship before birth (P<0.001); parents' relationship during pregnancy (P<0.001); Mothers' mental health (physical symptoms P=0.037, depression P=0.041, social dysfunction P=0.04, anxiety and insomnia P=0.001) and marital satisfaction (P=0.030) were statistically significant between the two groups. Other variables were not statistically significant between the two groups.Conclusion: It seems that planning to control and prevent variables such as time of disability awareness, parents' level of interest to marriage, parents' relationship before birth and during pregnancy, mothers' mental health and marital satisfaction would help to reduce disability occurrences and to improve situations for these kinds of families.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (48)
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Objective: This research was designed to evaluate the developmental status of children aged 4-60 months in Tehran city by two developmental screening tests, Denver Developmental Screening Test II (DDST II) and Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) and also to determine the consistency coefficient between these two tests.Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, DDST II and ASQ were performed on 197 children (104 boys, 93 girls), aged 4-60 months (Mean=23.5 months), at four health centers in Tehran city. Evaluation of 15% of children was repeated by Developmental Pediatricians who were blinded to the screening results.Results: Developmental disorders were observed in 37% and 18% of children who were examined by DDST II and ASQ tests, respectively. Considering those children who were healthy but their parents were concerned about their developmental status, these figures changed to 38% and 43%, respectively. The estimated consistency coefficient between DDST II and ASQ was 0.21 which is weak (P=0.002) (for gross motor 0.24, language 0.18, personal-social 0.06 and fine motor 0.05). The consistency coefficient between the physicians' examination with DDST II and ASQ were 0.17 (P=0.099) and 0.47 (P=0.003), respectively.Conclusion: A weak consistency coefficient was found between DDST II and ASQ tests. Therefore, the results of these two screening tools should be compared with a developmental diagnostic test in order to choose an appropriate screening tool.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1908

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    3 (48)
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Objectives: Cerebral palsy (CP) is a non-progressive disorder and abnormality of the developing brain; and it remains one of the main and prevalent causes of childhood developmental disorder. This study was carried out in order to recognize the types and associated disorders of children with cerebral palsy.Materials & Methods: This study was conducted on one to six years old children with cerebral palsy in eastern and northern districts of Tehran and the European classification of cerebral palsy was used for classification. Participants were evaluated by medical and rehabilitation team and associated disorders were classified based on symptoms such as epilepsy, speech and language disorder, visual problems, hearing disorders, and cognitive developmental delay.Results: In this study, 112 children with cerebral palsy participated. The mean age was 33.3 months for boys and 24.8 months for girls. The prevalence of cerebral palsy were 36.6% in children with unilateral -spastic cerebral palsy; 43.7% in bilateral-spastic (diplegia in 31.2%, and quadriplegia in 12.5%), 13.4% in ataxia and 4.5% in dyskinesia. Speech and language disorders were observed in 33%, epilepsy in 30.4%, strabismus in 16.1%, hearing loss in 8%, and mental retardation in 7.1% of participants.Conclusion: In this study, unilateral - spastic cerebral palsy was found as the most common type. Therefore, more evaluation to determine the about etiology of this type of cerebral palsy in our population is necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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