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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Learning “verb” as one of the main components of sentence, has been always a debatable topics in the process of language learning. One of the important issues in “verb” learning is determining its meaning using syntactic clues and learning its semantic aspects. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to examine the development of the semantic aspect of “verb” in a Persian-speaking child. In addition, with regard to similar reports from different languages, the answers to the following question were sought: Does in the process of learning “verb” and the interpretation of its meaning by a Persian speaking child, syntactic clues play a fundamental role? Does the child get help from the syntactic frame of the sentence to decipher the meaning of the verb.Materials & Methods: This research was a case and longitudinal study conducted on a Persian-speaking child from 21 to 45 months of his age and data were collected naturally in the context of his everyday conversations. After collecting the data (during 24 months), the created verbs were classified based on semantic classification of Lee and Naigles (2005) in 4 semantic classes of motion, internal-communication, bodily process, and creation-performance verbs. Theoretical framework of the research was syntactic bootstrapping of Naigles (1990, 2005), which was an interactive view (semantic-syntactic). Also, the data analysis method of the research was descriptive-analytic.Results: The results of the research confirms the syntactic bootstrapping of the “verb” in the growth process of the “verb” learning in Persian-speaking children. So that the Persian-speaking child in his 21 to 45 months old uses the syntactic clues to interpret the meaning of the verb i.e., the syntactic frame of the sentence helps child to interpret the meaning of the verb. Another finding of this research was the order of emergence of verb semantic classes in the language learning process. Based on the study evidence in the process of verb learning of a Persian-speaking child, at first the motion verbs appear that have the highest frequency of occurrence in the process of learning verbs, then come the bodily process, creation performance, and internal-communication verbs that are produced the least in this age period. The low frequency of internal-communication verbs and not understanding the implicit meaning of some verbs by the child, especially in the early phase of this age period, shows that at first the child’s mind is occupied more by the objective and tangible phenomenon. In other words, the child learns rapidly objective and concrete phenomenon and gradually the child’s mind by learning the tangible and objective words, automatically extract their common features and learns them. One of the significant finding of this research was that the more the child interacts with the social environment, and his cognitive abilities grows, the more will be his/her production of verbs, especially creation-performance verbs.Conclusion: Based on the study evidence, the frequency of verb development with respect to semantic aspect in Persian-speaking child is similar to other children who speak other languages and syntactic frame of the sentence helps him/her to decipher the meaning of the verb. It seems that this feature would help to diagnose, evaluate, and rehabilitate the language and speech disorders in the process of verb learning.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: One of the treatments that have been proposed recently for deaf children is cochlear implant. It is a new technology and an accepted treatment for children with hearing impairment. In recent years, researchers have paid special attention to the family and its relationship with the developmental skills of children with hearing loss. Clinical experience has also shown that emotional performance and psychological problems of the caregiver can have unfavorable effects on cochlear implanted children’s developmental skills. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of determining the relationship of parent-child stress with developmental skills of children with cochlear implants.Materials & Methods: The present study was a correlational study that was conducted in 2015. The study population comprised all children undergone cochlear implant surgery in Al-Zahra Hospital of Isfahan. Out of them, 57 participants (34 boys and 23 girls) were selected randomly. To evaluate the research variables, the Parenting Stress Index, Leiter International Performance Scale, the Vineland Social Maturity Scale, the Language Development Scale, and the Cochlear Implanted Children’s Communication Performance Scale were used. The data of the research were analyzed using descriptive statistics as well as correlational and regression analysis methods. SPSS version 22 was used for data analysis.Results: The results of analyzing data indicated that there is a negative (reverse) significant correlation between parent-child stress and language development (-0.59), social development (-0.38), and communication development (-0.54) of children (P£0.01). According to regression analysis investigating the explanation of language development (criterion variable) based on parent-child stress (predictive variables), the coefficient of determination equals to 0.34 (R2=0.34) and thus, 34% of the variance in the dependent variable (language development) are explained via parent-child stress. Also, in explaining the social development (criterion variable) based on parent-child stress (predictive variables), the coefficient of determination equals to 0.14 (R2=0.14) and thus, 14% of the variance in the dependent variable (social development) are explained via parent-child stress. Also, in explaining communication function (criterion variable) based on parent-child stress (predictive variables), the coefficient of determination equals to 0.29 (R2=0.29) and thus, 29% of the variance in the dependent variable (communication function) are explained via parent-child stress.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that parent-child stress had a significant effect on developmental skills of children with cochlear implants. Due to the importance of developmental skills in children with cochlear implants, the results of this study warned the need to provide counseling and psychological support for this group of parents. Accordingly, the programs should be offered in the form of workshops for mothers of these children. Also, psychologists and family counselors and experts in family therapy are recommended to have special attention to the role of stress in parent-child relationships in treatment programs and training.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Generalized joint hypermobility predisposes some individuals to a wide variety of musculoskeletal complaints, especially in the shoulder joint. Proprioception, which includes joint position sense and sense of movement, has an important role in the functional stability of shoulder joint. Given the critical role of proprioception in the functional stability of shoulder, the primary aim of this study was to compare shoulder joint position sense and sense of movement (kinesthesia) between individuals with and without general joint hyper mobility. The secondary aim of this study was to compare proprioception between dominant and non-dominant sides in each group.Materials & Methods: In this causal-comparative study, 20 females with generalized joint laxity (Mean [SD] age=22.05 [2.30] y) and 20 females without generalized joint laxity (Mean [SD] age=22.65 [2.53] y) participated in the study. Testing was performed in the supine position. Prior to beginning each proprioception tests, the participants were given to practice trials to become familiar with the testing procedure. Proprioception tests were performed during passive repositioning and kinesthesia using an isokinetic dynamometer. The shoulder external rotation range was measured with a standard goniometer, and 90% of its range was considered as a target angle in passive reposition test. The kinesthetic sense of the shoulder was evaluated by measuring the threshold for passive external rotation. The speed of threshold to detection of passive motion test was at 0.5 deg/s and passive reproduction of joint position was at 2 deg/s. Both dominant and non-dominant sides of all the subjects were evaluated. Test sequences for measuring the threshold to detection of passive motion and passive reproduction of joint position, as well as dominant and non-dominant shoulder were random. The blindfold and headphones were used to remove visual and auditory feedback. The mean of three repetitions of passive reproduction of target angle and threshold to detection of passive motion were calculated. Independent t-test was used to compare joint position sense and kinesthesia between females with and without generalized joint laxity, and paired t test was used to statistically analyze differences between dominant and non-dominant sides in each group.Results: No significant difference was observed in joint position test acuity and of detection of motion in each of dominant and non-dominant sides between females with and without generalized joint laxity (dominant side: P=0.47, non-dominant: P=0.70). Females with generalized joint laxity exhibited significantly larger errors in passive joint reproduction tests in both dominant and non-dominant sides (P=0.001) compared with those without generalized joint laxity.Conclusion: The results revealed that the angle repositioning sense in the extreme range of shoulder joints in females with generalized joint laxity is reduced compared to those without generalized joint laxity. Lower joint position test acuity in females with generalized joint laxity may relate to the disturbance or loss of sensory messages from joint receptors to the central nervous system. Reduced proprioception feedback may lead to biomechanically unsound limb positions being adopted. Such a mechanism may allow acceleration of degenerative joint conditions and may account for the increased prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints seen in subjects with generalized joint laxity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have a lot of sensory integration problems, which severly interfere with their learning process in the classroom; therefore, they confront with difficult problems in academic achievements. As a result, they need environmental modification to resolve sensory seeking behaviors and improve their educational success. Considering the effects of sensory stimulation and integration in children with ASD, this study aimed to examine the impacts of sitting on a ball, cushion, and or common chair on classroom behavior of 4 students with ASD. Because alternative seating like therapy balls and air cushions instead of regular chairs can exert various sensory stimuli on student’s sensory organs, this study aimed to examine the effects of three alternative classroom-seating devices; i.e. regular classroom chairs, therapy balls, and air cushions on students’ classroom behaviors. These behaviors include on-seat behavior, on-task behavior, and autistic behavior.Materials & Methods: In this study, 4 male students with ASD in Tabasom Primary School, Mashhad, Iran were investigated in a single-subject study. Their classroom behaviors were recorded and monitored by video recording in an A-B-A-C single-subject design for 4 weeks. Their classroom behaviors were video recorded in 3 phases: Students sat on a normal chair in baseline phases (A), on a cushions in second phase (B), and on a therapy ball in third phase (C). The students’ behaviors (including sitting times; in-seat and on-task/ off-task behaviors) were observed and recorded every other day, a session per day, and 10 minutes each session (in total 12 sessions equal to 120 minutes). Sitting times and on-task/off-task behaviors were quantified by momentary time sampling and compared during different phases for important changes. Social validity was taken by the teacher at the end of the research as well. Additionally, the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale - Second Edition test was used to examine stereotyped movements, social and communication skills of the students before and after the research. Social and communication skills of the subjects were evaluated before and after the intervention using The Vineland Social Maturity Scale. Statistical software SPSS version 19 and Excel software were used to analyze the descriptive statistics and drawing diagrams, respectively.Results: The findings of this research demonstrated increases in on-task and in-seat behaviors in 4 students when seated on air sit cushioned chairs and therapy balls when compared to seating on regular chairs. But, despite increase in on-task behaviors for all students, only two of the students showed improved in-seat behaviors when seated on therapy balls. An increase of 11.7% in on-task behaviors was observed during sitting on a therapy ball, when compared to regular chairs. Furthermore, a 25% increase was observed in on-task behavior of students when they were seated on air sit cushioned chairs in comparison with regular chairs. The in-seat behaviors were increased by 31.7% and 23.3% when sitting on the therapy ball and cushioned air chairs, respectively, when compared with regular chairs. Social validity findings indicated that the teacher preferred the use of the balls and air-cushioned chairs for her students.Conclusion: In the present study, therapy balls and or cushioned chairs for ASD students facilitated in-seat and on-task behaviors and improved classroom performance. It seems that using these alternative seating chairs can satisfy the subjects’ needs to sensory stimuli, and therefore, decreases their sensory seeking behaviors which interferes with their academic achievements. While, using therapy ball chairs for these students may facilitate in-seat behavior and decrease autistic behavior in class, the student’s response to dynamic seating is different individually. Therefore, chair selection must be based on vestibular reaction of the students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2010

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In recent years, cold water immersion (CWI) following heavy training sessions and matches is commonly used for reducing recovery time. Some studies have investigated the effect of CWI on the performance and physical fitness of athletes. However, there have been no investigations on the effect of cold application on dynamic balance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of 8-minute cooling of the foot and ankle by immersion in ice on the dynamic balance of athletes and nonathletes.Materials & Methods: A total of 58 Tehran university students (29 athletes and 29 nonathletes; mean [SD] age: 22.2 [2] y, mean [SD] weight: 69.2 [2] kg, and mean [SD] height: 175.2 [2] cm) consented to participate in the study. They were divided into four groups. The anteroposterior and lateral Indices of dynamic balance were assessed by the Biodex Stability System. In order to familiarize the participants with the Biodex system and prepare them for the evaluation of dynamic balance, each participant was asked to practice on Biodex for one minute. All the subjects were required to immerse their entire feet and ankles in cold water (1°C) for 8 minutes. The water level was approximately 5 cm above the lateral malleolus. After the cold application, the dynamic balance of the participants was reassessed. An ANOVA at P<0.05 was used to analyze data.Results: It was found that there was no significant difference in the overall stability before (M=2.94, SD=1.26) and after cryotherapy (M=2.66, SD=1.40). There is no (t (57)=1.29, P=0.202). A significant difference was observed in anterior-posterior stability index before (M=2.27, SD=1.06) and after cryotherapy (M=2.08, SD=1.19), (t (57)=0.98, P=0.33). The lateral stability index after cryotherapy (M=1.78, SD=0.88) showed a significant increase compared to before applying the cold therapy (M=2.05, SD=0.84) (t (57)=2.10, P=0.03). The results of ANOVA with repeated measures showed that the effect of athlete or nonathletes is not significant on the overall stability index and anterior-posterior (P=0.48) and lateral stability index (P=0.18) before and after cold application.Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that cryotherapy through immersion of foot and ankle does not have a negative effect on the overall and anteroposterior indices of dynamic balance of athletes and nonathletes following an 8-min ice water immersion. It seems that the immersion process affected only the surface receptors of the skin and did not affect the deeper joint receptors that have a key role in balance.

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Objective: children and adolescents are faced with wide range of social challengeable situations every day. Intellectual Disability is a condition that determined by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior. This condition occurs before the age of 18 years. The prevalence of intellectual disability is estimated to be at 1-3% of the total population. Children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities have deficits in social skills and hence, require social skills training. It is important for students with intellectual disability to make and maintain positive social relationships with family, peers, teachers and other community members. Social skill training will have the most positive effects on the behavior of students with intellectual disability during the adolescence period. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of social skills on behavioral problems in adolescents with intellectual disability.Materials & Methods: This was a quasi-experimental research with pretest and posttest and a control group. The study population included 28 adolescents aged 14-16 years with mild intellectual disability in Tehran who were selected using the convenience sampling method. The subjects were randomly assigned into control and experimental groups. The experimental group participated in a training program for 10 sessions. In these sessions, social skills were taught individually. The control group did not receive any social skills training. After this stage, problem behaviors questionnaires were completed by all subjects (control and experimental group). The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics (such as mean, standard deviation and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality of the data) and inferential statistics (such as analysis of covariance).Results: It was found that despite the difference in pre-posttest mean between both the groups, social skills training did not have any significant effect on the behavioral problems of students with intellectual disability (P>0.05).Conclusion: This research showed that social skills training were not significantly effective on behavioral problems in adolescents with intellectual disability. Although our results were not effective, research evidence shows that people with cognitive delays (such as intellectual disability) require social skill training programs that include all of their academic, career, daily life, and social skills. As social skills learning plays a role in personal and social adjustment, it is necessary to pay more attention to these skills.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Foot ulcer is one of the main challenges of diabetic patients influencing their abilities to stand and walk. Various methods have been suggested to decrease the loads applied to the foot in this group of patients; most methods were not deemed successful and could only be used temporarily. Rocker shoes are recommended for foot ulcer treatment. Based on the available literature, it is still controversial whether or not the forces applied to the foot differ between diabetic and normal subjects. Moreover, it is not well understood which kind of rocker (heel or toe rocker) is more successful in decreasing the applied forces to the foot. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the loads applied on the foot in diabetic subjects and normal subjects and to determine the influence of rockers on the load of foot. The main hypothesis associated with this study was that heel and toe rockers had similar effects on the force applied on the foot in diabetic subjects.Materials & Methods: In this interventional, and quasi-experimental study, 20 healthy and 20 diabetic subjects were recruited. The sample size was determined based on the average number of the subjects in the previous similar studies. The diabetic subjects were selected from the patients referred to foot clinics in Rehabilitation School of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. A qualysis motion analysis system with a Kistler force plate (50×60 cm) was used to record the temporal-spatial gait parameters and forces applied on the leg during walking. The subjects were asked to walk with a comfortable speed along a level surface in a gait lab. The parameters such as temporal-spatial gait parameters, peaks of ground reaction forces, and force-time integral were used for analysis. The difference between the mean values of the parameters and between the subjects’ effects were evaluated by use analysis of variance with repeated measures test. The statistical analysis was done by SPSS17 and with significant level of 0.05.Results: There was a significant difference between normal and diabetic foot subjects regarding cadence, stride length, and percentage of stance phase (P<0.05). Although the walking speed of diabetic subjects was less than that of normal subjects, the difference was not significant (P>0.06). There was a significant difference between the peak of the forces (anteroposterior [fy1, fy2], medio lateral [fx], and vertical [fz1, fz2, fz3]) applied on the leg in normal and diabetic foot. The type of rocker did not affect the spatiotemporal gait parameters (P<0.05), while exhibited significant effect on the peak anteroposterior forces applied to the leg (P<0.04). The mean value of the force-time integral of vertical component of ground reaction force varied based on the side and group (P<0.04).Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the force-time integral of vertical component of the ground reaction force increased significantly in subjects with diabetes, which is the main cause of foot ulcers. Although, heel and toe rockers did not influence the force applied to the foot or the force-time integral, it is recommended to use rocker shoes with wide base of support to increase the dynamic stability while decreasing the foot pressure. The main limitation is that the immediate effect of use of rocker was studies in this study. It is recommended to check the effect of rockers interventions after a certain period of their use.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: In our community, there are many children and adults who have certain distinctive aspects of mental, physical, emotional, or behavioral characteristics. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of eight weeks play therapy program on the balance of the mentally retarded children. On this basis according to the needs of the children to play for freshness and lack of research in the field of corrective exercise in a game formats.Materials & Methods: Thirty mentally retarded girl children with increased normal thoracic kyphosis (kyphosis angle≥40) were selected and randomly divided into two groups; training group (n=15 with mean [SD] age 12.06 [2.8] y, mean [SD] height 1.4 [0.1] m, mean [SD] weight 42.3 [1.3] kg) and control group (n=15 with mean [SD] age 12.26 [2.8] y, mean [SD] height 1.4 [0.9] m, mean [SD] weight 43.6 [1.3] kg). The angle of kyphosis was measured using a flexible ruler, and the dynamometer was used to evaluate the strengths of trunk muscle. The experimental group performed corrective games for a period of eight weeks (three sessions per week), and during this period, the control group did not perform any exercises. Independent and dependent t-tests were used to analyze the data. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS statistical software version 16, and the significance level was set at 0.05.Results: The results of the research showed that corrective games had a significantly positive effect on the kyphosis Angle (P=0.00a & t=4.41) and the strength of trunk muscle (P-0.004 & t-3.15) in mentally retarded children.Conclusion: Corrective games can improve kyphosis curve and strength of trunk muscles in mentally retarded children. Based on the results of this research on the corrective effect of play therapy on kyphosis curve and strength of trunk muscle in kyphotic mentally retarded children who need to have an independent living and get rid of physical abnormalities, it is recommended to do play therapy protocols to improve physical abnormalities.

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