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Ghiathi naghi

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This research is descriptive-analytic, with the aim of examining the existential areas of human beings from the perspective of Nahj al-Balaghah. However, in Nahjol-Balaghah, we do not find a clear statement about some of the areas of human existence, but the study of Nahj al-Balaghah shows that he was aware of mankind and had full awareness of his existential areas and paid special attention to this dimension in the way of human training. From the examination of the words of the Imam in Nahj al-Balagha, it appears that in the logic of Ali, like the Holy Quran, the man is two. The material domain, which is the "molecular agent" that forms this field, is the cause of different classes of human beings. Faramadi's field; this area, which is created by the blessing of the divine spirit on the material and molecular dimension, forms the truth and manifestation of mankind, and forms the human, intellectual, and cognitive domain of mankind. From the perspective of Nahj al-Balaghah, we can mention two important issues of Faramadi, others which are in some way related to the soul: one is "nature" that connects man with God and the cortex and the lower layer of human life, therefore, the properties of the soul Is subcategory and his character. The second is the "heart" of a transcendental and central truth in human existence that has both cognitive and reflective functions as well as emotional and emotional functioning, can be the source of all the traits and human qualities that can be the source of human fallacies and human vices. Of course, the heart is not isolated from the soul, but it refers to both the transcendental domains of human humans, but they are interpreted in various ways from the heart to it, and from that it is referred to as the soul, since it is the source of human life.

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Psychological evolution is one of the main topics of psychology. Today, a branch of empirical psychology called the genetic psychology addresses the psychological evolution subject. This issue has been greatly emphasized in the divine teachings, especially in Nahj al-Balaghah, too. Nonetheless, contrary to the empirical sciences, the divine knowledge does not entail a materialist view toward human psyche and so, its evolutionary system is different from the evolutionary systems that rely on experimental sciences. The study at hand has addressed the nature of human psyche and psychological evolution from the viewpoint of the divine knowledge, especially that of Nahj al-Balaghah, through a descriptive-analytical approach. In the outlook of this knowledge, the nature of human psyche is composed of two spheres: substantial and spiritual. Accordingly, the psychological evolution is discussed within these two spheres. Evolution in the substantial sphere is conceivable in three modes: evolution in the principle of the substantial sphere, evolution in its essential traits, and evolution in its instinctive features. According to the divine knowledge, especially Nahj al-Balaghah, psychological evolution is unlikely in the first and second modes, but is possible in some types of the third one. In addition, evolution in the spiritual sphere is possible and can be divided into four types: concrete, complementary, separation-oriented, and contradictory.

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The Arbitration in battle of siffin is an unprecedented incident of Islamic history. Imam Ali (AS) that was on the verge of victory, stay away from fight and achieve victory because of the neglect of 'Amr ibn al-'As and the deception of a significant number of his soldiers and the grave consequences of the arbitration have long endured Muslims. In this research, Imam Ali (AS) sermons before and during the battle of Siffin has been studied using qualitative content analysis approach. In the field of hostility, he emphasizes the negative qualities of the enemy on the history of the disbelief of Mu'awiya and his associates, their enmity with God, the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH), the neglect of divine orders, their invitation to idolatry, and so on that is in complete isolation with their clasp to the Quran and their benevolent intentions in offering peace and Quran arbitration. Imam (AS), in his introduction, emphasizes on the history of faith, companionship with the Prophet and his own guidance, which implies obedience to them and the trust in their statements under any circumstances, even against the Quran of the spear. The analysis of the contents of this series of sermons revealed that Imam Ali (AS) has provided the necessary insights before the arbitration and in order to prepare the Revolutionary Guard to neutralize the enemy's map. Imam (AS) has put his word at a higher level of influence by repeating the mentioned themes, using emphasis style and oxymoron.

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The establishment of governments throughout history has taken different goals, namely the achievement of power and the domination of human and economic resources. Islamic government due to the roots of its monotheistic school, Presents another form of government with different goals Some of them are moral goals. The alawite and Islamic Revolution of Iran, Examples of this are programs that are designed to motivate morality In the personal and social spheres. It seams, The ethical goals of these two governments, The Nahj al-Balaghah and the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran are explained and are aligned. The purpose is to extract these issues and ask this question It should be answered that What are the ethical goals of the government in Nahj al-Balaghah and the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran? And how much do you share these goals in these two texts? current article, While studying both sources, It has come to the conclusion that both the dynamics of individual and social ethics, at the head of the government's goals And overlapping together, The five axes discussed include: Growth and happiness of man, The spread of moral virtues, Individual and Social Guidance, Establishing and strengthening religion and confront deviation and mislead. Prove the Necessity of Forecasting the Ethical Goals for the Islamic State in Both Sources and their comparative extraction and analysis, The innovations of this research are considered.

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Nowadays, organizations environment is faced with changes, opportunities and challenges that organizations ability to confront with them can be expected. The strategic look at the changes and opportunities resulting from the changes, and on the other hand, improved abilities and infrastructures organization can be an appropriate mechanism for sustainable and long-term success of the organization. Attention to Islamic-value criteria in the identification and selection Suppliers that is always emphasized and confirmation Quran and Nahj-al-Balaghe the necessities of this research. In this research to create a value organization, Identify and ranking Commodities Suppliers Based on Islamic values according to the Quran and Nahj-al-Balaghe, were analyzed previous research and holy books the Koran and Nahj-al-Balaghe and the key criteria keeping and treasury, serving, truth, public interests and justice were Selection. In the following by designing questionnaires, conducting field research and using a multi-criteria decision-making models, the appropriate weights Commodities Suppliers based on value criteria elicitation and Based on that and for each product, was selected superior supplier. To prove the validity and reliability of the research is used from lashe and Cronbach's alpha formula.

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The Qur'an and the traditions of Infallible Imams(ma'sums) emphasize that the Prophet's(PBUH) bi'thatis in line with the institutionalization of Makā rim al-Akhlā q (Honorable characteristics). Examining the words of Imam Ali (as) and studying of his life show that paying attention to moral virtues and avoiding extremism, in other words, adherence to ethics based onmoderation, had been the most prominent feature of him. For this purpose, the holy quotes of Imam Ali (pbuh) regarding moderation are discussed and the philosophy of ethics based on moderation has been extracted. The research method is descriptive-analytic. The findings of the research show that the balanced creation of the world, the just laws of Allah Almighty, the moderation in the creation of man, the love of moderation from God, the instability of the world and the eternal life of the Hereafter, the modest tradition of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) and the infallibles and changeability of ethics are examples of foundations and the philosophy of ethics based on moderation. Considering the statements of Imam Ali (as) about the philosophy of ethicsbased on moderation can enrich this discipline scientifically, help to institutionalize the ethics in the society as well asovercome the harm and serious challenges that has been created by extremeson the way of human life.

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Nahj al-Balagha after the Holy Quran is the best reference for analyzing Islamic topics in all of the fields. The relationship of human and environment is one of these topics. In Islam, more than each religion and school has been advised to proper behavior with environment. Given that human in the Judgement Day is questioned about all of his / her own actions that why they have vexed animals in spite of the warnings, bans, guidances and explicating the proper behaviors and detecting reprehensible behaviors and have been neglected toward nature, the importance of afterlifeism of human in relation to environment become obvious. What has been talked about it in this study, is a collection of behaviors that specify mutual rights of human and environment and about it, it can construe to strategies of Nahj al-Balagha in the domain of behavior that draw a fine shape from relationships of human with environment on the basis of Nahj al-Balagha in the shape of behavioral virtues and rascalities. It is necessary to mention that the study has been written by using of descriptive– analytic method and applying desk research tool.

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