Eremostachys laevigata is a medicinal and endangered plant that growth in the Iran-Turani ecological region, especially Azerbaijan. It’ s medicinal active ingredients is effective on rheumatic disorders and joint pains. Sampling from three provinces of West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan and Ardabil was carried out in order to investigate the various parameters of morphological and biomass peoperties. For this purpose, 17 feature of the plant collected fromseven sites were measured and classificatied interms of their most important features. According to the results of the analysis of variance, most of the 17 traits were significantly affected by their location. Most of the features showed an outstanding result in Meshkin-Shahr and Oshnavieh, and there is no significant difference between the site leaf area indices. The results of main components analysis of traits showed that the first three components had data variance of about 89 percent. In the first component, the traits of aerial wet biomass weight, collar diameter, main stem diameter, height, internodes number, inflorescence length, inflorescence per plant, basal leaf weight, aerial dry biomass weight and underground biomass weight have played a major role in the formation of this component. In the second component of the trait, the length to width ratio of leaves has more specific vector coefficients. With moving from Oshnavieh and Meshkin-Shahr to other sites having less annual precipitation the characteristics of the specific area index and the length-to-width ratio were increased, and the amount of many attributes are reduced. Also, by moving from Khoy, Khajeh and Meshkin-Shahr locations and increasing the annual mean temperature, the length to width ration of the leaves, aerial wet biomass weight and underground biomass weight were decreased, and in the event of a vice versa movement, on the characteristics of the specific area index, the length and width ration of the leaf, basal leaf width and basal leaf length are increased. Fitting of the dendrogram shows the division of sites based on Euclidian similarity index with the rate of 87. 5 to four distinct groups. The first group consists of Khoy and Khajeh, the second Jazire-eslami, the third as Meshkin-Shahr and Oshnavieh and fourth incudes Ahar and Kaleybar. The dendrogram of grouping the traits with Euclidean similarity of 87. 5 divided the traits into eight distinct clusters. First cluster included aerial wet biomass weight, underground biomass weight, aerial dry biomass weight, second cluster incudes collar diameter, main stem diameter, height, internodes number, inflorescence per plant, third cluster including inflorescence length, fourth cluster included number of flowered branch, basal leaf area and basal leaf weight, fifth cluster including basal leaf width, sixth cluster including basal leaf length, seventh category including Inflorescence diameter, and specific leaf area, and finally eighth cluster Includes the length to width ration of leaf.