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Attarchi sara

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Detection of urban impervious surfaces is of great importance. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images are getting more and more attention in urban areas mapping. SAR indices are computed based on data of two or more polarimetric bands. Therefore, they contain more information of land cover classes. Since the efficiency of full polarimetric SAR has not been evaluated for urban impervious surfaces, this study focused on the extraction of these surfaces in the complex urban area by the L-band full polarimetric SAR image. Tehran has been chosen as the study area since it has a complex structure. One ALOS/PALSAR scene encompassed Tehran has been selected. Ratio index, average index, difference index, normalized difference index and NLI index have been computed by the different combination of two polarimetric bands. For classification purpose, support vector machine algorithm has been applied. The overall classification accuracy of four polarimetric bands was 92. 67%. The combination of HV-VV and driven indices reached to 90. 30% for classification accuracy. The highest classification accuracy from two polarimetric bands achieved by this two bands. This results could be justified by the presence of vertical polarization in both bands. Diverse vertical structures in the urban texture could be better distinguished by vertical polarization. Three main conclusions can be driven from the findings of this study. First, full polarimetric bands are capable of urban impervious surface extraction. Second, dual polarimetric SAR images and their driven indices can extract impervious surface efficiently. And the last conclusion implies the importance of vertical polarization.

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Controlling urban structures in order to optimally manage the city is mainly carried out through urban construction regulations, which, despite the various measures of urban management, annually, significant cases of construction violations in cities are reported. In fact, construction violations can be defined as non-compliance with urban construction regulations that threaten the quality of life in cities. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between economic and physical factors and the number and amount of construction violations in Qazvin city that by identifying the factors affecting each type of construction violations, a better understanding of the existing status of construction violations can be achieved and provide a suitable context for future planning. The research method is descriptive-analytical. To evaluate the effect of spatial patterns of the city on violations, weighted overlay method was used in GIS software. The results showed that there is a relationship between the economic and physical factors and construction violations. Economic factors show direct relationship with the number of violations of the construction of the excess on the license and the total area of violation of the construction of surplus on the surface and change of land use and inverse relationship with the number of violations of unauthorized construction. Also, the number of violations of the construction of surplus on the surface and the change of land use physical factors are directly related and the number of excess violations has a negative relationship with density and physical factors.

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The experience of metropolitan development has shown that alongside the urban expansion and population growth, central business districts gradually lose their traditional ability to provide servicing for distant areas. Accordingly, new urban areas have emerged in the form of polycentric structure. Tehran has experienced having a strong center in national level during the last hundred years and intensification of immigration process and growth of the activities in periphery area has caused the city to expand the new subcenters in the last five decades. The purpose of this study is analysis of urban spatial structure based on the spatial distribution of employment and activities in Tehran to show whether the spatial distribution of employment and activities is clustering or dispersing. The kernel density and spatial autocorrelation methods were used to analyze the pattern of employees and activities in the form of a modifiable areal unit problem. Findings showed that the density of employments in the eastern, northwestern and western parts of Tehran is prominent, which also local indicators of spatial association (LISA) statistics confirming this situation. The analysis of spatial autocorrelation for the activities also showed the cluster status of this activity in the spatial structure of Tehran city in the sections mentioned.

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The creative city is the product of the third millennium and its developments. Utilizing the components and characteristics of this theory contributes to the economic, social, cultural and environmental prosperity of cities. . Accordingly, the present research purpose is creative city explanation based on its dimensions, components and indicators in order to understand many aspects. The present study was conducted using the literature systematic review, which includes the stages of definition, search, selection, analysis and synthesis. The resource search process was conducted in August 2017 for 31 days. The initial search has led to 114 cases identification; based on the research topic, 71 items were fully evaluated. Finally, resource 22 was selected for final analysis. Data has been selected between 2016-2000 time intervals. The literature systematic review findings show that the most relevant cases relate to 2012-2007, including 11 of the research databases (57%). In other words, the percentage of selected studies for 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2007 are 17%, 13%, 9%, 9% and 9%, respectively. 68% of the data is quantitative and 32% qualitative. The creative city has a dimensions seven including spatial, social, economic, cultural, human, structural and institutional, components 28 and indicators 141.

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The housing category is very extensive and has different spatial, architectural, physical-physical, economic, and social dimensions. To provide this commodity, governments have taken different policies in such a way that post-revolutionary politics Various types of housing have been considered in order to support low income groups and groups in the country. One of the most massive and costly housing policies for low-income groups in Iran is the Mehr housing policy. The purpose of this study was to measure the housing design concept of Zareein city of Gorgan city in terms of urban housing sustainability indicators. The current research is applied-developmental and descriptive-analytical and survey method, which has been evaluated in the form of four indicators of physical, economic, socio-cultural and ecological stability. To analyze data and information from SPSS software, Friedman test, Pearson correlation coefficient and single sample t-test. According to Friedman test, the results show that the lowest status of housing stability indices is among the components of physical dimension (2. 48) to the type of materials. Most of the economic aspects of housing (3. 34) are related to the cost of housing. In the socio-cultural dimension, privacy of households has the lowest (2. 47). Environmental components are least associated with the lack of parking space and green space (2. 12). The highest correlation was found between the cultural and physical dimensions of housing, which is a positive correlation and correlation coefficient is equal to (0. 46),

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Today, the smart city is emerging as a new urban development strategy that has different dimensions. Smart city management is considered as the most important smart city dimension. The purpose of the present research is to create more and common insight into smart city management and specific processes that can improve this goal. Regarding the nature of the subject, the prevailing approach to this research is descriptive-explanatory. In this regard, library and field methods including text-editing, phishing, reading, tabling, interviewing, panel questionnaire (Delphi) and Micmac software have been used. The results indicate that according to the prioritization made for successful implementation of smart city management, out of thirty-three indicators, first of all, the conditions of nine (9) indicators (including the availability of software and hardware infrastructure, base formation Data, The continued use of innovation in relevant organizations and institutions, the exchange of data and information among all stakeholders &. . . ) Then, according to the results of the research, we have determined the type and level of relationship between city management and citizens. . In the end, while presenting a conceptual model-executive for intelligent management, two suggestions have been made in the direction of more efficient city intelligent management.

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Today, the attraction of tourists has become a growing competition among the institutions involved in the tourism industry. City of Isfahan, as one of the cities of the country, has a unique role in tourism in Iran's tourism economy system. And as an international destination, thousands of domestic and foreign tourists are visited annually. This study studies spatial analysis and location of hotels in city Esfahan. The research method of this study is descriptive-analytic. Theoretical foundations are based on documentary, library and field studies, and referring to relevant organizations and organizations. In this study, geographic information system, IDRISI software and fuzzy logic were used to locate suitable hotels construction sites in Isfahan. Analysis of spatial distribution of hotels in Isfahan: The distribution of hotels in the city of Isfahan is clustered. The city of Isfahan has 57 hotels and 30 guest houses, the statistics show that hotels in Isfahan are not enough for tourists, including tourists. Because about 250, 000 tourists arrived last year in Isfahan. in this study, suitable locations for the construction of new hotels were identified in Isfahan. Appropriate locations for the construction of new hotels around the Zayanderud River, adjacent to the recreational centers, golha gardens, garden Tajrobeh, garden Javan, Najvan and Sofe recreational complex, garden parandegan, Garden Nour, Najvan Banovan garden, mountains atashgah and monar jonban, and in parts of Isfahan's 3rd district, and in the vicinity of tourist attractions, the masjed jameh and bazar, and along with other required criteria are located.

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identification of urban defenseless spaces in order to optimize the management of crime and prevent the emergence of insecure spaces is necessary. Therefore, in this research, which is a practical nature, descriptive-analytical method and applying various techniques and techniques such as the ANP and Vikore model have been attempting to zoning and identifying urban areas without defense. The data and information requirements of the present study were compiled by using field and library methods. In the library method, information is gathered by referring to citation databases, reference libraries, databases of different organizations. In the field method, in order to identify the urban defenseless spaces, using the field observation method, field surveys (filling in the checklist) and location of the geographic location were recorded. The statistical population of the present study was the neighborhoods of Ardabil city, whose condition was evaluated in terms of defensiveness in 2018. The results of this study indicate that most of the peripheral neighborhoods and integrated rural villages in the northwestern and western parts of the city of Ardebil are vulnerable to defensiveness against delinquent behaviors. Therefore, it is suggested that in order to improve the conditions of planning for the use of appropriate security equipment, the utility-part of the spaces using an appropriate lighting system and the removal of dead and abandoned spaces and observation barriers and training Citizens take place.

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Apart from infrastructure issues such as fleet depletion, fleet shortages, economic issues, socio-cultural barriers, environmental issues, and management weaknesses, psychological barriers are also effective on not using public transport. Understanding the psychological factors of people using public transport can have important implications for transportation policies, its promotion, and relocation management. The present study aimed geographical analysis of psychological barriers to not using public transportation in Ahvaz metropolis. The study employed an applied-theoretical research design and a descriptive-analytical research method. The research data was collected through library studies, surveys, and interviews with people and experts. The ARAS decision making method was employed to rank the barriers. Moreover, the kriging interpolation model was used for zoning these barriers in Ahvaz city and in ARC GIS 10. 3 software. The results show that anxiety, barriers to impulse control, cognitive barriers, and personality barriers differ in each mode of public transportation such as taxi, bus, walking, and cycling. Most areas of Ahvaz have high ranges due to anxiety-raising barriers to not using public transport. The overlap of cognitive barriers also confirms that due to the lack of public transport, most areas of Ahvaz are in the low range, in terms of personality barriers are in the medium range, and in terms of impulse control barriers to not using public transport are in the very high range. After overlapping these four psychological dimensions it became clear that the psychological barriers to not using public transport are in the high range.

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عطارچی سارا

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تفکیک سطوح نفوذناپذیر در مناطق شهری و بررسی روند تغییرات آن، اهمیت بسیاری دارد؛ زیرا امروزه این مقوله شاخصی از گسترش شهر به شمار می آید. سطوح نفوذناپذیر در مناطق شهری، شامل مناطق مسکونی، مناطق تجاری و صنعتی، پارکینگ ها و سطح معابر و شبکه خیابان هاست. انواع سطوح نفوذناپذیر و تنوع بسیار آن ها از نظر شکل، اندازه و مواد تشکیل دهنده سبب پیچیدگی تفکیک این سطوح در مناطق شهری می شود. در این پژوهش از تصویر سار تمام پولاریمتریک سنجنده آلوس/ پالسار برای تشخیص سطوح نفوذناپذیر در سطح شهر تهران استفاده شده است. کارایی شاخص های راداری مختلف و ترکیب دوگانه باندهای پولاریمتریک در تفکیک سطوح نفوذناپذیر از سایر کلاس های متفاوت پوشش زمین، ارزیابی شده است. برای شناسایی کلاس های پوشش زمین از الگوریتم طبقه بندی ماشین بردار پشتیبان استفاده شده است. براساس نتایج پژوهش، استفاده از شاخص های راداری همراه با تمام باندهای پولاریمتریک، سبب استخراج انواع سطوح نفوذناپذیر با صحت 95 درصد می شود. همچنین در صورت استفاده از دو باند پولاریمتریک با قطب عمودی اش به همراه شاخص های راداری، صحت طبقه بندی 90 درصد است. براساس یافته های این پژوهش، تصاویر سار جایگزین مناسبی برای تصاویر نوری در تفکیک سطوح نفوذناپذیر شهری هستند. همچنین در صورت دسترسی نداشتن به تصاویر تمام پولاریمتریک، استفاده از دو باند پولاریمتریک به همراه شاخص های راداری، برای استخراج سطوح نفوذناپذیر در مناطق پیچیده شهری مناسب است.

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The rapid growth of information and communication technology, mobile connectivity and social media has led to the emergence of new needs, patterns and relationships. They are driving forces in smartification and extremely influencing the way that people experience time and space. Cyber parks are a kind of smart public open spaces that focusing on Technological systems, human and environmental issues. In this context, real-world space is combined to intelligent infrastructure through the co-creation. This cyber-physical system allows users to exchange information, share knowledge, experiences, and transfer technology and innovation as drivers of future growth. The aim of this research is to compare and analyze the pioneering cyberpark projects in order to extract their goals, models and processes. this research attempts to use the features of qualitative content analysis and systematically research in order to document the cyberpark pioneering projects, their goals and methods of cyberpark implementation. In the research method, three key examples of the pioneering cyberpark project and their elements have systematically reviewed by comparatively analyzing from different approaches. The pattern and function of public open spaces, stakeholders and ICTs along with the implementation methods and goals of cyberpark development have been explored in the case studies. The research findings indicate that the most important achievement of cyber park as a social networking context is to encourage people to participate and interact in various community affairs in order to create quality, vibrant and intelligent urban environments and thus promote sense of place, social interaction and vitality in public open spaces.

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