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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the evolution of financial fraud theories and presentation of the meta-model of fraud, which explains the financial and non-financial incentives for committing fraud in the form of different models. The problem of research includes the followings: What are the most important motives for committing fraud? Which fraud model can explain the motives for committing fraud in more detail? And what are the results of these models for accountants? Methodology: This research uses content analysis and meta-analysis techniques for published researches related to fraud in time period of 1950-2017. Findings: The findings of the study showed that important fraud model in the 1950s began with "fraud triangle ", which included three dimensions of pressure, opportunity and justification, and the financial problems, the weakness of internal control system, and the unfavorable situation of work were identified as a fraud motive. In the 1980s, personal characteristics and the work environment were identified, and then "person integrity" was introduced. In the 1990s, behavioral factors, especially reputation, subjective norms, and control over tendency, were identified as the motivating factor for managers. In the 2000s, the "individual capabilities" including intelligence, the position, and role of the individual were identified, and cultural and social dimensions were considered. Since 2010, there has been consideration to meta-models. Conclusion: The provided mete-model of this study includes financial and nonfinancial dimensions and is divided into four general categories of conditions, situational, normative, and human intelligence; each of them can be analyzed in three levels: individual, organizational, and international. Contribution: In this study, the components of fraud triangle and its four components (motivation / pressure, opportunity, orientation / justification and capability) are studied simultaneously and based on it, a comprehensive metamodel was presented.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: The purpose of this study is assessing the usefulness of information resulted from applying Iranian accounting Standard of Retirement benefit plans (No. 27). Methodology: we use Post Implementation Review and mixed method approaches; in other words, we used questionnaires and interviews for collecting data. Results: format of financial statements, the presentation of their components, the method of measuring obligations of pension benefits and Contributions, presenting funds deficiency and accompanying notes are useful, but measuring and disclosing of investments is not useful. Opponents criticize not specifying the quality of net asset value increases and liquidity of funds. Respondents also believe that the structure, rates and methods of actuarial calculations are not understandable; describing the basic aspects of actuarial calculations, mentioning samples, determining the format of actuarial report and its information and extensive exposure enhance understandability. Conclusion: In general, information of applying Standard NO. 27 is useful but in order to increase the usefulness and understandability it should be modified. Contribution: Despite the importance of financial reporting of pension funds, the usefulness of their financial reporting not been thoroughly investigated, so we considered various dimensions of it.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: The purpose of the present research is to investigate factors that influence accountants’ intentions of whistle-blowing using components of the extended theory of planned behavior and professional commitment. In doing so, the present research studies the effects of perceived behavioral control, perceived subjective norms, attitude toward whistle-blowing, moral obligation, and professional commitment on whistle-blowing intentions and also examines the moderating role of moral intensity. Methodology: The research uses surveys completed by 171 accountants of the companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange and Fara Bourse in 2018. In order to test the hypotheses, we exerted Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. Findings: The results indicate that perceived behavioral control, subjective norms, attitude toward whistle-blowing, moral obligation, and professional commitment posit positive and significant effects on intentions of reporting fraudulent activity, and moral intensity moderates the effects of social norms and professional commitment on whistleblowing intentions. Conclusion: The results suggest that the extended theory of planned behavior represents a parsimonious theoretical framework for predicting whistleblowing intentions. Contribution: The findings of this research has notable consequences for improving internal control systems of the firms, increasing accountants’ social responsibility, and promotion of accounting profession in the society.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (20)
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Purpose: Current research is willing to trace the effect of disclosure quality rank and proper notifications on debt capacity of the companies. Methodology: To achieve research aim were elected 132 companies by systematic elimination pattern and wanted data for research variables along the years 2013-2017 gathered and hypothesis model was tested with the help of multiple regression analysis. In order to measure the debt capacity (as a dependent variable of research), the model previously developed by Frank Goyal (2009) and to assess the ranking of the disclosure quality (independent variable of the research) of the rankings declared in the "Quality ranking Disclosure and proper notification" of stock exchange organization has been used. Findings: The result of the hypothesis test showed that the ranking of disclosure and proper notifications has a positive and significant effect on the borrowing capacity of the companies. Conclusion: Companies with higher disclosure rank have higher borrowing capacity also. Contribution: Research finding, in addition to extending the theoretical foundations of past research, contains valuable concepts to managers and regulatory bodies about importance of companies' financial information disclosure quality and rank. Qualitative disclosure not only reduces investors' uncertainty but also creditors' and upon that their required return and in final lead to increasing company's borrowing capacity.

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JAMEI REZA | Najafi Ghasem

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  • Issue: 

    1 (20)
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Objective: This study is to identify the relationship between of corporate social responsibility disclosure and audi fees with emphasis on government ownership in listed companies in Tehran stock exchange. Methods: In order to achieve the purpose and by systematic elimination sampling method, 84 firms selected as a final sample during 2012 to 2018 which in general 588 firm-years observation are considered in analysis of hypotheses. To test hypotheses, multivariable regression model and ordinary least squares method were used. Results: Findings of the study show that there is a positive and significant relationship between the corporate social responsibility disclosure and audit fees. The results also showed that government ownership has a negative and significant effect on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and audit fees. Conclusion: Since the concept of corporate social responsibility is a new concept and a lack of a legal framework for disclosure, more audit work is required, leading to an increase in audit fees. In addition, companies that have more government ownership, due to less use of disclosure of social responsibility, will lower the auditor's efforts and risk, which will result in lower audit fees. Knowledge: The present study examines the impact of disclosure of corporate social responsibility on audit fees with an emphasis on state ownership, can be available for existing literature, and reveal the impact of disclosure of social responsibility in assessing audit risk for determining audit fees.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (20)
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of individual moods on the auditor's objectivity. Objectivity is one of the personal characteristics of the auditor, which is one of the main dimensions of professional skepticism and independence of the auditor. Moods mean emotional responses, including emotional states and mental states that can affect the professional judgment and the independence of the auditor. Method: The statistical sample of this study includes 406 auditors from the certified public accountants, public and private sectors, in 2017. Theoretical foundations of the research were collected through library studies and research data through a questionnaire. Research hypotheses have been investigated using correlation method and using structural equation modeling. Results: The findings of this study showed that positive moods have a positive and significant effect on objectivity, also negative moods have a negative effect on objectivity, but this effect is not significant. Concluding: The results of this study show that auditors' psychological characteristics are main factors affecting on professional ethic. Contribution: The results of the present study provide useful information for policy makers of audit profession about the effect of moods on audit judgment and decision-making and increase behavioral research outcomes in auditing literatures.

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    1 (20)
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Purpose: Previous research has shown that the accruals component of the earnings is less persistence than its cash component and the less persistence has been attributed to the more subjectivity components of earnings accruals. Accounting earnings is one of the most important figures that investors use in stock pricing analyses. However, the use of accounting earnings information, without attention to the way it builds and incorporates its components, may have undesirable consequences in the future. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the persistence and pricing of earnings, accruals and operating cash flows in companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange. Methodology: In order to achieve the research purpose, the data of 106 companies listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange from 2006 to 2016 were examined. To test the research hypotheses, the regression approach with combined data, as well as nonlinear least squares regression analysis in the form of simultaneous equations system and also Mishkin (1983) test have been used. Findings: The results obtained show that operating earnings are persistence and that future earnings can be predicted based on current earnings trends. Also, the results showed that the persistence of the cash component of the earnings was greater than the accrual component. However, from a market perspective, investors exhibit greater reliance on accruals compared to the cash component of the earnings. Finally, there is a significant difference between the persistence of earnings and the components of the earnings estimated by the investors and the true persistence of the earnings and earnings components. Conclusion: From the users' point of views, earnings and their components are overpriced and considered in predictions. This could indicate that the market is not adequately aware of the persistence of earnings and the components of current earnings in future profitability. Knowledge acquisition: Today, accounting information systems play a very important role in the workflow of organizations. They have a pivotal role in the economic environment of the countries. Any type of research on how accounting information influences the broad range of decision-makers in companies helps to better understand the role of this information and the need for more and better disclosure of it. The findings of this study emphasize the importance of accurate analysis of the persistence and pricing of earnings, accruals, and operating cash flows when assessing the financial performance of companies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (20)
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Objective: Irregular and un-persistent dividends payments can provide a risky image of a firm and increase the costs of financing from the capital markets. This paper is aimed to examine the relationship between managerial ability and dividends smoothing. Methods: Using data from 148 firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during 2007-2017 and applying dynamic panel data approach, this research compares the dividends smoothing in firms with high and low managerial ability. Results: The research results show that compared with other firms, firms with a higher level of managerial ability have a lower degree of dividends smoothing. The complementary results using differenced generalized method of moments are consistent with the research main findings. Conclusion: Our findings confirm that the more capable managers have the lower tendency to smooth firms’ dividend. These findings are not consistent with the concepts presented in the signaling theory. Contribution: For the first time, this research compares the dividends smoothing in firms with high and low managerial ability, and from this perspective tests the signaling theory. The research findings can help to develop the dividends literature and related theories.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (20)
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urpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the capital market efficiency in using information on cash components of accounting earning for stock pricing in companies admitted to Tehran Stock Exchange. Methods: In order to achieve the research goal, 137 companies (year-company 2055) were selected among the listed companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange between 2003 to 2017 by systematic elimination sampling method. Simultaneous equations system and Mishkin test were used to estimate the equation systems and to test the research hypotheses. Findings: Research findings indicate that among the cash components of the earnings, the market appears to be inefficient to the information of changes in financial assets, cash distributed to shareholders, the unusual part of the change in the financial assets, and the positive and negative part of the abnormal changes in the financial assets. However, it is efficient to the information of funds distributed to creditors, the normal part of the change in the financial assets (positive and negative). Conclusion: Based on the results, market players' response to the sustainability of cash components of earnings different, and the capital market is efficient in relation to some information and cash components of accounting earning and is not efficient with respect to some information, and the capital market is incapable with understanding some of the cash components information of earning. Contribution: The present study examines the capital market efficiency in information analysis of cash components of accounting earning and can have a significant impact on literature related to the performance of the capital market, and it can create an efficient market to ensure investment by identifying some information of the cash components of the earning that the market is not efficient for them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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