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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Education of deaf children began in Europe for more than four centuries ago . Modern aural Rehabilitation with emphasis on hearing dates. backs to the last two decades. In Iran Baghcheban began deaf education 80 years ago by sign language but new methods of aural habilitation have been used in the last decade. Presently, aural habilitation is being done in sporadic nonorganized style.In fact we’d like to find that do  hard of hearing children achieve oral communication ,and wether this achievement is equal among them or not .The other question is that does oral communication development in these children compareable with normal hearing children ? Materials & Methods: As newborn hearing screening was not being done in our country, the number of hearing impaired children who were detected below 2 years old wich were very limited, so randomized sampling was not possible.This  research was designed as a semi experimental Prospective  survey on 9 sever to profound hearing  impaired infants  below 2 years old. They were under aural rehabilitation for 2/5-3 years. Their auditory speech and language development were assessed by data of therapist reports,video tape and recording tapes every 3-6months .Their speech were analized and mid length utterance was determind in each case in compare with normal hearing children in the same age . Results: Our experiments between 1379-84 ( Hijri solar ) indicated that these children achieve oral communication  but not in the same level. 8 children  achieved acceptable oral communication . One case has favorable auditory development ,but his speech is relatively poor .According to our study  MLUw was 3/11 (normal 4), MLUm 3/66 (normal 7/5). It shows that hearing impaired children achieved compareable  MLUw but not MLUm . Conclusion:Timely aural rehabilitation result in oral communication development but this is affected by several factors . These factors can be divided into general and specific factors , and both of them should be considered in new design of aural habilitation centers .

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Growth and development are considered as complex and special issues. Growth is increase in body size or segments but development is changing in function that can be affected by environmental factors. Developmental evaluation is very important at infancy because of high growth and developmental rate in this period. It is well known that incidence of developmental disorder in high risk infants are higher than low risk cases and special follow up to be needed for such early detections and furtherly a proper intervention. The purpose of this study was to determine, risk factors influency such developmental delay during an infancy period. Materials & Methods: In this descriptive - analytical study, we screened 6150 consecutive 4-18 months infants during 12 months period that referred from Karaj health centers for vaccination or monthly follow up by perinatal evaluating questionnaire and examining by Infant Neurological International Battery Test by occupational therapists on two groups: Control (Normal Scoring) and Case (Abnormal Scoring).Results: The results showed that CNS problems after 2 months of age such as siezure disorder, meningitis with (odds ratio = 5.54), neonatal convulsion with (odds ratio = 4.37), Prematurity with (odds ratio=2.52) and neonatal sepsis with 2.39 are the most important risk factors for developmental disorder.Conclusion: In aspect of results of this study and increasing survival of high risk neonates with biological and environmental risk factors and effectiveness of early intervention(rehabilitation & treatment) if there are any economic problems on Neuro - developmental Screening and Follow-up in  our country, we propose such intervention only for High Risk infants.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Communication between the median and ulnar nerves in the forearm (Martin - Gruber anastomosis) proved by anatomical and nerve conduction studies. The knowledge of these anastomosis is of major importance for assessment of traumatic or entrapment lesions of the median and ulnar nerve. Thus the prevalence of Martin - Gruber anastomosis (as the main purpose) must be determine in any population. The present prospective study was made in Shohada - e - tajrish hospital in 2002. Materials & Methods: Data were collected from 212 arms tested for carpal tunnel syndrome, compression ulnaropathy, polyneuropathy to exclude abnormalities. Supramaximal stimuli were given at distal and proximal sites of the median and ulnar nerves. Bar electrodes on define sites were used to record CAMP from thenar, first dorsal interosseous and hypothenar muscles, with stimulation of median and ulnar nerves. Diagnostic criteria for MGA have been proposed: 1.CAMP over A.P.B higher in elbow than on wrist stimulation of median nerve. 2. CAMP over A.D.M. higher significantly on wrist than elbow stimulation of ulnar nerve.3.Recording of negative CAMP over A.D.M. of F.D.I. on elbow stimulation of median nerve (not at wrist). Results: The study comprised 212 arm (50% left, 50% right). The mean age of patients was 26 years (range: 15-45 years); 52 were women. Eleven subjects has MGA (Prevalence: 10.3%). The sex ratio was 7 females to 4 males. Conclusion: According to the method of our investigation the prevalence of MGA were 10.3%. More recently nerve conduction studies stated a prevalence of 31-34%. In our study the comparatively small prevalence of MGA must be documented by other studies in our populations.  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Galactosemia is an inborn error of galactose metabolism that is inherited in an autosomal recessive trait. Classical galactosemia is caused by deficient activity of the galactose -1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT) enzyme that can result in galactosemia complications. Materials & Methods: 135 unrelated families, clinically suspected to galactosemia, were screened by qualitative measurement of galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (GALT) activity in blood RBCs using Beutler method. Results: Deficient enzyme activity (classical galactosemia) was confirmed in 16 families. All of these 16 families were submitted to the diagnosis of six common mutations in GALT gene including Q188R, K285N, S135L, L195P, X380R and Q169K using PCR-RFLP method which resulted in detection of 68% of the mutated alleles. 8 patients were homozygote for Q188R mutation, while one patient homozygote for S135L mutation and one heterozygote for K285N mutation were detected. Conclusion: Biochemnical diagnosis of Galactosemia in Grand infant hospital is very important and necessary.    

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Tragic impacts of natural disasters, because of interrupting normal life process, widespread mortality, injuries, massive social disruptions and generating a lot of human needs such as first aid and medical services, have to be managed strongly and coordinated by the high executive managers and organizations. The most important factor in saving human lives is delivering effective health care at the early stages of natural disasters. Since natural disasters have so many prominent effects on public health and welfare, then assessing barriers and facilitators of health care services at the time of natural disasters are in great concerns. In this paper we tried to assess the mentioned factors of health care services at the time of disaster based on the experiences of health care providers.Materials & Method: The present study was conducted by grounded theory. 14 participants consist of 4 nurses, 1 social worker, 1 psychologist, 2 psychiatrists, 1 general physician, 1 health professional, 1 epidemiologist and 2 Bam residents. Semi structural interviews were used for data gathering. All of the interviews were transcribed verbatim (word for word) and simultaneously constant comparative analysis was used according to Strauss and Corbin method.Results: Through data analysis, several main themes emerged to describe the factors that hindered or facilitated health care services at the time of disasters. The study participants mentioned several main factors such as human factors, coordination, equipments, management, Informational and cultural factors through the codes like, lack of professions, coordination, personnel, equipments, information broadcasting, self centrism  and so on as barriers, and management services, cultural and educational factors, human resources and equipments in several codes like management unity, necessity of coordination, importance of victims transportation and cultural issues, presence of general physician and nurses, human needs meeting based on culture and so on as facilitators at the time of natural disasters.Conclusion: The participants in this study, believed that lack of coordination in management, human resources, equipments and information broadcasting were the most significant barrier of health care services at the time of disasters and delivering efficient, fast and qualified services is possible then if  the work done coordinately and through a process which includes fast assessment of the location, announcing and dispatching the groups, information gathering and broadcasting and continuous evaluating these actions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1389

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    1 (20)
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Introduction: Based on the past studies in the filed of substance abuse, this study is to compare at risk populations regarding to familial and individual factors.Material & Method: this study have been done on 716 at risk individual in 11 city of Fars province. Research tools includes: 1- locus of control inventory 2- Attachment styles scale 3- Parental Bonding Instrument 4- Resilience Scale 5- Coping Skills Inventory 6- Self Esteem scale.Finding: there was a significant difference between normal and user and abuser groups. In resiliency, self esteem, problem oriented coping skills, caring and secure attachment normal group had a higher scores. But in ambivalent attachment style, external locus of control, emotion oriented and less benefit coping skills, normal group had a lower scores. In resiliency, ambivalent attachment style, problem oriented coping skills, and less benefit coping skills there was significant differences between user and abuser groups. But this was not true for caring, overprotection, secure attachment, locus of control, self esteem, and emotion oriented coping skills.Conclusion: according to these finding and in order to development and promotion of resiliency for substance abuse, preventive intervention should focus on educating parents and caregivers in the field of caring, enough protection, developing secure attachment, strategies for development and maintenance of self esteem, internal locus of control, and use of problem oriented coping skills. Psychological interventions also can use these finding in order to focus their therapy goals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction:Phonological Awareness (PA) is a extra linguistic skill and defined as individual awareness of constituent's sounds of the word .This skill is a prerequisites of learning to Read. Many researchers suggested reciprocal relation between PA and Reading. This research determined level of PA-fundamental ability of reading-in normal first grade femal students of Isfahan & shahinshar to compare two current method of Reading that are used in educational system of Iran. Materials &methods:The method used in this research is cross-sectional, descriptive-analytic and was done by 106 first grade female students who were normal and selected randomly in Isfahan & shahinshar cities. 51 students had teached by phonetic method and rest of them had teached by whole word method. The selection way of children was: this children had not any articulation ,vision, reading , learning and cranial nerve disorders and this children investigated by Phonological Awareness test. scores of children by test calculated and this scores analyzed by t-test in Spss software. Findings:The mean score of phonological awareness in phonetic method was 51.98 and in whole word method was 57.46.There was a significant differences between them in their scores (p=0.047). In addition,within subtests of phonological awareness task,mean score of first phoneme omission in whole word method was 4.84 and in phonetic method was 3.33.There was a significant difference between them in their scores (p=0.001). In the rest of  subtests was no significant difference between them. Conclusion :Based on this study, a significant correlation could be found in Phonological Awareness  between both group and in other hand, there was a significant correlation between scores of first phoneme omission in both groups (Whole word and Phonetic  method).Based on importance of phonological awareness as a predictor of reading, we suggest more research in this outline must be done.  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: the aim of this research was studing religious orientation (internal and external) effects on mental health and depression rate of welfare organization centers aged residents and aged non – residents of forementioned centers. Materials & Methods: in an expost - facto and correlational study 230 male and female residents of elderly centers affiliated to welfare organization and public places (such as mosques and park) in which the non–resident aged persons gather, were selected through clustered randomized sampling. The subjects were screened from cognitive disorders point of view. Then they completed GHQ-28, Beck Depression Inventory and Religious Attitude Test. The data were analysed through Pearson correlational Test and Mann – Whitney. Results: showed meaningful correlation between elder religious orientation and their mental health and depression rate. In the other word, The higher scores on external religious orientation, the higher scores on mental health problems and rates of depression .In the other side the more trends toward internal religious orientation, the lower rate of depression and mental health problems. It was also showed meaningful correlation between mental health and depression rate of resident and non- resident elders. In addition women had more external religious orientation, while men had higher rates of internal religious orientation. Conclusion: believing in external religion have meaningful correlation with mental disorders and depression, and beliving in internal religion have meaningful correlation with mental health. Mental disorders and depression are more prevalent among resident elder than the non-residents, and also the resident elders have more external religious orientation.  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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It has been estimated that approximately one in 1000 live births suffer from profound deafness, and greater than 50% of this group is genetic etiology. So far more than 300 different genetic conditions responsible for deafness have been reported that among them 70% are non-syndromic and the rest are syndromic. Non-syndromic and syndromic hearing loss may be divided into Autosomal dominant (DFNA), Autosomal recessive (DFNB), X-linked (DFN), and mitochondrial. Approximately 75-80% are autosomal recessive, 10-20% autosomal dominant, 1-5% X-linked, and 0-2% mitochondrial. To date, 51 DFNA loci, 61 DFNB loci, and 7 DFN loci have been described. Non-syndromic hearing loss is divided into two postlingual and perlingual groups. As a general rule, most autosomal dominant non-syndromic hereditary hearing impaired is postlingual, while autosomal recessive non-syndromic hereditary hearing impaired is prelingual

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