Innovation networks are made up of individuals, firms, knowledge centers and industrial companies that work together to develop and commercialize a product or technology. The variety of activities ranging from R&D to production, commercialization and coordination among them is done by one to several hubs in the network. In networks that their mission is innovation in products with complexity in design or manufacturing, there is a need for both industrial and knowledge hubs. The lack of expert manpower, prior experience, and knowledge/industrial infrastructure simultaneously in one hub is one of the most important reasons for the need for a second hub in these networks. The purpose of this paper is to present theoretical framework of innovation networks with two hubs and clarify the formation, main members and connections. In this regard, different leadership styles in innovation networks and the need for two hubs are described, and a preliminary theoretical framework is presented. To validate theoretical framework, a case study was conducted on the Mega-Watt wind turbine network. Based on the results, the theoretical framework is revised, which could be the basis for further studies.