The United States has been pioneering in the field of bank deposit insurance, and the deposit insurance was formally established in 1933 by the “ federal deposit insurance corporation” , but in Iranian law, the deposit insurance system was established by the adoption of Article 95 of the fifth development plan act adopted in 2010, and the deposit guarantee fund was established in 2013. Due to the difference in the history of American and Iranian law, the deposit insurance system, although have similarities, but their differences are greater. In fact, the Federal Deposit Insurance Company(FDIC), in addition to being a deposit insurer, is one of the main supervisors of the US banking system, and thus, with its consistent supervision, will prevent the deterioration of the financial condition of the banks. Also, if (FDIC) sees the bank's situation unsatisfactory, it has the power to appoint itself as the bank's receiver and to prevent exacerbation of the bank's inappropriate condition, but in Iranian law, the duty of deposit guarantee fund will start when a bank goes bankrupt. The present study attempts to examine the deposit insurance institution in the US and Iran with a comparative approach, and ultimately offers suggestions to strengthen the institution in Iranian law.