The population, as the human capital of a country, is a vast and complex political, social, economic, and security puzzle that today, given the declining birth rate, must be looked at comprehensively and correctly in all its aspects. In addition to the socio-economic costs of having children and raising them, the main reasons for Iran's declining growth rate are lifestyle, disproportionate population distribution, and urbanization, especially in metropolitan areas. It happens. The importance of this issue reached such a level that the Supreme Leader of Iran communicated the general policies of the population to the heads of the three forces. Indirect population demographic policies, meanwhile, appear to be more important than direct legislative policies, although little attention has been paid to them. Therefore, the question of the authors of the article is "What are the legal requirements of demographic policy in the Islamic Republic of Iran? " The authors' hypothesis, apart from the fact that they should formally adopt a comprehensive population regulation law, is that the legislature should increase the population by amending social and tax regulations, granting economic and social facilities and regionalism, This increase should lead to a balanced and proportionate distribution of the population.