Human beings have tendency towards social life and social life has some requirements such as: cohabitation, mutual relations, common culture, and commitment. Different components in Quran are significant in various aspects including social and institutionalization. The objective of present research is to introduce examples for components of social life in Quranic viewpoints and proving the comprehensiveness of the Quran. As socialization and systematization are in line with the reform of the individual and society. It is concluded from this research that Quran also considers the social dimensions of human beings in matters of belief, morality, jurisprudential and legal rules and mentioned the constructive components of a monotheistic and integrated society. Muslims are advised to move towards these components and avoid obstacles. This indicates the comprehensiveness of the Quran in all aspects required for individual and social guidance and has made the Quran dynamic. Quran is looking for a society with individual health and piety, social piety, social justice, social economy, social ethics and social health as the major principles. The most important social components in Quranic viewpoint is justice establishment, charity, poverty alleviation, good faith towards each other, forgiveness and tolerance, peaceful coexistence, protection of the environment and enjoining the good and forbidding the evil. Following these steps, contributes to health and social growth as well as mental and personal health. This research was conducted through descriptive and analytic methodology.