1-Introduction: Soil erosion, as one of the most important environmental problems in the world, has a devastating effect on all life, natural resources and it's under human management. Considering that one of the important goals in the management of drainage of basins such as Gabric basin is preventing soil erosion, and also one of the important factors when designing dam or sedimentation structures, is estimating sediment production in the drainage basin, the estimation and calculation of the actual sediment deposited in the constructed dams at the basin outlet, and comparing it with the results of the empirical models, is the best method for estimating the sediment yield in the basins lacking sediment station such as Gabric basin. Therefore, if the amount of estimated sediment is closer to its actual value, it will definitely perform better at the time of designing the dam or planning in the basin in terms of cost and observance of technical and economic principles. In this regard, this study aimed at evaluating empirical models of MPSIAC and F. S. M. and direct measurement method for estimating sediment yield and erosion in the Gabric basin....