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The earthquake duration has a significant effect on the amount of destruction of structures. Some samples of The earthquake duration has a significant effect on the amount of destruction of structures. Therefore, it is important to study seismic sources that can produce earthquakes with a long duration in Iran, and the effects of long duration on structures should be considered at the design time. This problem is not just due to a long duration earthquake, but also some large aftershocks can make destruction. In this article, the performance of concrete structures affected by different durations is studied and the effects of stiffness degradation and strength loss of the structural members under cyclic movements of the earthquake are assessed. For this purpose, three concrete buildings like 3, 9 and 15 stories have been modeled by finite element software Seismostruct 2016 modeling and have been affected by energy scaled records and same soil conditions. These records are different in terms of effective duration to can study the behavior of the structure in different durations. The results of non-linear time history analysis of the structure under mentioned records indicate that the number of plastic hinges and maximum displacement caused by earthquakes with a long duration is much higher than those with low duration. Also, the study of the behavior of buildings under earthquakes with different duration shows that earthquakes should not be arranged according to their apparent durations. The number of cycles of the earthquake with high accelerations to a certain limit increases, the more effects on structures is increased.

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Amjad Mohammad | SOLTANI IRAJ



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This research aims to develop vulnerability criteria and indicators and to identify vulnerable points at the surface of the tissue to prevent and reduce the risk of earthquakes in the historical context of Yazd. Yazd city is one of the cities of the country that has a well-worn and historically valuable texture and is always exposed to natural and human crises. The main features of this texture are structural instabilities and a series of physical, motor, environmental, economic and managerial failings that require planning to reduce vulnerability to earthquake crises. he type of research is applied and its method is descriptive-analytical. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics methods and network analysis and swot methods are used to formulate strategic planning. The results of the network analysis model show that physical indices such as low passage widths, building age, demolition, building quality, building density, separation area, type of materials, number of floors with the value of 0. 22 have the most role in injury Texture is susceptible to earthquake occurrence. Compared to the study of the planning process to reduce the vulnerability of the historical fabric of Yazd city, weaknesses and threats with coefficients of 9/41 and 8/36 have the highest amount of strengths and opportunities with coefficients of 7/13 and 6/ 54 have the lowest amount. According to this information, the historical context of Yazd city has numerous disadvantages (45. 9%). This means that with the current planning process, more emphasis should be placed on retrofitting Existing buildings, providing adequate access to timely services in critical situations, allocating parts of the historical texture to open spaces for emergency accommodation and evacuation Critical event occurs.

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Vulnerability assessment and vulnerability reduction in cities is one of the requirements of civil defense plans. Considering cities as a complex system consisting of related elements, we can assume that vulnerability assessment of cities needs a holistic analysis of all the elements and their connections. In this research, it has been tried to produce an applicable model for urban vulnerability assessment to use in urban planning in any city. To reach the goal, first, the consisting elements of cities and their different components in eight main criteria and related sub-criteria were determined. Then, the amount of urban vulnerability that occurs in the case of lacking any of the criteria in the hypothetical case study was measured. By using the AHP model and opinions of more than 60 experts in the field of urban planning, urban management, and civil defense; criteria, whether inside or outside the system, had been weighed in relationship with each other. The measurement (weight) of any elements presents in the geographical system. Then, the vulnerability radius of any elements is defined to be used as the score of layers and more importantly to zoning the city based on these layers. Finally, by using GIS software and overlaying layers in the case study, urban vulnerability zoning is produced for main layers and then by overlaying these maps, the final map of urban vulnerability zoning is generated in five groups.

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Kazeminia Abdolreza



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Reducing the vulnerability of cities to natural disasters such as earthquakes is considered as one of the main goals of urban and urban planning. Hence, the first step is to identify the safe areas of the city for the construction of a shelter against earthquakes. This research aims to identify and zonate safe areas of the Kerman city during earthquakes and to manage the crisis using spatial information systems. Because the safety of urban areas depends on several criteria, the model of the research is a multi-criteria model and according to the spatial nature of the criteria, implementation of the model was done in the GIS environment. Safety criteria of urban areas were determined by the Delphi method and preparing questionnaires from urban planners, constructors, architects and studying past works. These criteria are utility matrix (ground resistance) criteria, criteria of adaptation matrix (1-neighborhood to compatible uses: parks and green space, and distance from health centers & urgent cares 2-Non-adherence to incompatible uses: major explosive industries such as gas-petrol stations and military centers) and the matrix of capacity (population density). Each of these criteria was ranked according to the inverse hierarchical analysis method and then modeled in the GIS environment. Finally, by using analytical functions maps of safe shelters in Kerman were prepared. Our results indicate that the most suitable places for the construction of shelters are in regions 2 & 3 in the Kerman city, which should be prioritized in the city plans. Finally, after the definition of the land reference database for urban routes, the geometric network of the distances of the area was designed to react more quickly to shelters to provide services to injured people after the crisis. By designing the geometric network of passages and defining the limits for each path, such as the length of the route and the presence of the traffic lights, it is possible to determine the best route to the closest shelter by using network analysis at the time it is needed.

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Disasters have always been drastically affected by human settlements. These disaster-motivated impacts have tangible and intangible implications as well as direct and indirect consequences on human habitat and his dwelling. Resilient settlements and communities possess such capacity to absorb disaster and not only rebound to the relative stability before the disaster but also build back better. If such composite capacity were not provided, preparation, mitigation, and reconstruction activities would face serious difficulty and complication while paralyzing future development. One of the major damages entailed by the disaster is a serious disruption in people and place a relationship in the form of “ place attachment” loss. This article considering place resilience concept in post-disaster circumstances attempts to scrutinize such a relationship in the 1987 Tehran, Tajrish flood proposing a ‘ place based-resilience’ perspective. The authors documented and analyzed the way flood-affected Tajrish community and derive lessons for similar post-flood reconstruction and disaster management to be considered by responsible bodies of government and field actors. The proposed Theoretical framework would embrace measures before; during and after the disaster, to be taken into account as well two important concepts of coping response and adaptive resilience.

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The pattern of war has been changed in ever more deadly ways as modern and intelligent weapons and more destructive specifications have been taken recently. The potential enemies are trying to attack the important centers and destroy critical infrastructures at the local or national level in new wars. The main purpose of this study is to identify the major infrastructures assets which are located in a geographical areas that could be affected by any incident and also have inherent specification of high attractiveness for the enemies and the proposed model is very different with the classification issue of vital, sensitive, and Important of the passive defense organization. The five main criteria includes; (1) passive defense considerations, (2) surrounding environment of infrastructure, (3) fundamental specifications of infrastructure, (4) attack consequences, and (5) dependency The score and weight are assigned to each criterion in which those values show the importance of a structure in the desired rank. A higher score means there is higher attack potential by enemies. It should be noted, in order to analyze the data and research outputs, the inferential statistical analysis was performed. Initially, by using the Kruskal-Wallis test, similarities between the weights of experts were analyzed and 22 criteria based on the similarity of answers were confirmed. Finally, by using principal component analysis (PCA), the important criteria of secondary in each of the main criteria were determined.

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Uncertainties in today's complex world are an integral part of common issues. Given these uncertainties in real issues, we can achieve a more reliable level of results. The special circumstances of our country's emergencies, which witness many of these natural and abnormal events, such as earthquakes, floods, accidents and human casualties every year, require special attention to the provision of emergency medical services to injured people at the scene or near the site in priority Specifically, developing mobile hospital systems will have a significant role in reducing mortality rates. In this article, a new look at the issue of therapeutic activities scheduling and sequencing in field hospitals has been uncertain. The proposed model for the assign and sequence therapeutic activities (jobs) in the operating rooms (machines) of a field hospital. In order to solve this model, Simulated Annealing algorithm has been used and the performance of this meta-heuristic algorithm is guaranteed by a methods of designing experiments, called the Response surface method. The results show significant changes after applying uncertainty in the model. The degree of uncertainty impact in the model depends on the decision maker, and its degree of application determines the degree of variation in the program relative to the certain state.

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Bani Hosseini Seyed Mohammad Mehdi | BARADARAN VAHID



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Crisis Management includes planning and readiness to respond to the inevitable and unpredictable natural disasters. One of the aspects of crisis planning and management is the establishment of relief centers in suitable locations for responding promptly to potential victims after the disasters. In this paper, the problem locating relief centers in relief logistics is investigated in the framework of the problem of locating with the variable coverage radius model. It is assumed that the time to reach all points of the demands is not greater than a predetermined value. Since the population in need of relief (demand) is a function of the severity of the disaster and certainly is not determined before the occurrence, the proposed model is considered uncertain. In this paper, a robust two-objective mathematical planning model (minimizing logistics costs and maximizing the covered population) is developed with uncertain demand to determine the number, location, coverage, and capacity of different relief centers with different service levels. To evaluate the validity of the proposed model, one of the districts of Tehran was studied as a case study to determine the number and location of the relief centers, along with their capacity and type of service. The results in the case study show we need to construct five relief centers with appropriate distribution in the region which capable of to cover 90 percent of all potential demand points.

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