Most of the industrial buildings that carry the valuable heritage of the architecture and industry of the past have been largely left unused. To protect this valuable heritage, in some of these buildings due to the obsolescence of the original function, there are new uses that can be referred to general uses. The main question is: What factors are effective in changing the use of industrial buildings to public buildings? In this research, first, in the literature section, the effective factors in changing the use of industrial buildings have been colleted, wich includes five parts, then two samples that have same type of performance are evaluted based on the second and third parts of the literature. The above research is trying, by carfully examining the challenges and opportunities, in addition to preserving values, to make the change of use of industrial buildings more adaptable. This research is an applied research, case study and survey. Based on studied samples, considering the second and third parts of the criteria collected in the literature, experts and non-experts are asked questions, the answers to the questions are analyzed according to the components of the second and third parts of the literature. From this research, we conclude that the gallry of the Shiraz Zaman Museum Gallery is more in line with the collected criteria than the Haft Chenar Wild life Museum, choosing the right design approach is related to protection, originality and aeshetic aspects in changing the use of the building.