Yamchi dam was cons tructed (and operated) on Balekhli-Chay river in 2005 in south of Ardabil. In order to inves tigate of effect of reservoir impounding on seismicity rate changes of dam area (30 km radius) and proving of Reservoir Induced Seismicity, firs tly, geological s tructures were determined and surveyed and then, the their Quaternary and Recent activities documented. Then, the earthquake catalogue was completed and his torical and ins trumental seismicity were inves tigated. Finally, the completed magnitude and b-values were calculated and then, impounding of reservoir effect of seismicity rate changes s tudied. The results shown that two main Ardabil and Sarein faults, with Quaternary and recent activities located in 30 km radius of dam site and many of earthquakes taken placed in cross cut of these faults. The his torical and ins trumental seismicity s tudied demons trated this area has potential of occurrences of earthquakes with 6. 1