Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. The present study aimed to assess the incidence, family histories, and symptoms of breast cancer among the 30– 70-year-old women under the coverage of the health centers of Arak city, as well as evaluating the rate of participation in breast cancer screening. Methods: The present cross-sectional study was conducted during 2016-2019 among all the 30-to 70-year-old women who were under the coverage of health centers in Arak and attended rural, urban, or suburban health centers for breast cancer screening and whose data were recorded in the Sib system. Family histories, signs and symptoms reported, rate of participation in the screening program, and incidence of breast cancer were calculated. Results: The population of women aged 30 to 70 years who were under the coverage of health centers in Arak was 145, 743 persons, 56, 168 (38. 5%) of which participated in the breast cancer screening program. The participation rate was greater in villagers (71. 3%) than in the city (33. 9%) and the suburb (35. 1%). Family history of breast cancer and breast mass were the most frequently reported issues. The mean (SD) age of the breast cancer diagnosis was 49. 49 (9. 53) years, and breast cancer incidence rates in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 were 7. 85, 8. 61, 10. 26, and 10. 70 (per 10, 000 people), respectively, which made an increasing trend. Also, the highest incidence was observed in the age group of 46-59 years. Conclusion: The rates of participation in the breast cancer screening program in the city and suburb were low, and the trend of the cancer incidence was increasing. Finally, awareness-raising about breast cancer risk factors and symptoms, as well as regular participation in screening, is considered essential.