



Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: As one of the oldest sciences, genealogy studies the family relationship of human beings and their generation sequences, and with a similar function in the scientific-academic environment, used as "scientific genealogy". Relationships in a dynasty include relative and non-relative relations. This research aims to investigate such relationship and identify its dimensions and features in order to redefine it in computerized lists. Methodology: The present study was conducted using a mixed approach, citation and survey analysis methods and the study instruments were checklist, interview, and questionnaire. The statistical population of the study consisted of 30 textbooks in the field of Knowledge and Information Science and 1452 citation records. All of the records were analyzed in the form of citation identification. Subsequently, the book identifications were confirmed by the authors during a semi-structured interview. In addition, the impact factor of each author from the cited records was determined. Then, based on the findings of the interview as well as the authors' resume analysis, various types of relative and non-relative relationships of the author with individuals were analyzed. Findings: The results of the study demonstrated that the scientific relationships in the scientific family of authors’ textbooks are clearly detectable; the students rely on their professors for explanation and justification. Most citations are for the respect and appreciation of the professors, while most citations to students are for the background review. By linking these findings to the findings of impact factor, the reasons of citation due to individuals’ role in a scientific family can be understood. Similarly, the relationship of scientific family with the reasons of citation has also been significant. The citations have been mostly used in the introductions, definitions, and discussions that indicate the reliance on others to justify and provide the definitions and information. Study on the authors' status showed that the influence of famous people’ s thoughts in the field of knowledge and information sciences is driven from their scientific position and acceptability, as well as their administrative positions in some cases. Conclusion: The relative relationship had a significant role in the emergence of their ideas in textbooks. The findings of the impact factors indicated that the citation providers with the relative relationships were influenced by their scientific family.

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Introduction: Theorizing is one of the key scientific foundations and most scientists and countries are at the same levels of science that are highly advanced. That is why the upstream documents related to science, technology and innovation in Iran have also paid particular attention to this issue. However, it seems that this phenomenon has not yet made significant progress in Iran. The purpose of this study is to explore the main obstacles to the growth of theoretical capacity in the country. Methodology: The worldview of this research is defined in the philosophy of interpretiveism with a mixture of the pragmatism. A methodology for answering selected research questions is ethnography with a mixture of the grounded theory. Interviewed with 12 experts from Tarbiat Modares University, interviews data were coded and analyzed in Maxqda. Findings: There are many obstacles that can prevent leading to theorizing. In a general view, these barriers can be categorized into two broad categories of general non-organizational barriers and organizational barriers. Since the focus of this study is on organizational barriers, these barriers can be organized into seven general categories, including the lack of institutional linkages, organizational resource constraints, incorrect evaluation systems, poor academic communications, inadequate university education, students' poor academic quality and the inertia of scholars. . Conclusion: Theorizing is one of the key scientific phenomena that must be pursued with seriousness in the scientific field of Iran and the first step towards realizing this phenomenon is identifying obstacles that slow it down. The present study is conducted with a qualitative approach, which provides a deep overview of the theoretical barriers and introduces a new categorization that makes decision making and policy making possible in this field.

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    1 (19)
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Introduction: Knowledge creation in libraries with integrating knowledge capital and directly influencing organizational concepts, like customer care and organizational culture promotion can lead to the new knowledge. With particular attention to librarians as key pillars of libraries, the atmosphere of knowledge and creativity improves and it provides better services to users and improves services efficiency and effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors enabling knowledge and knowledge creation among librarians in public libraries of Kurdistan province. Methodology: The research is an applied survey. Koloniari, Vraimaki and Fassoulis questionnaire was used to collect data. The statistical population consisted of all 120 public librarians of Kurdistan province in 2018. Data were analyzed by statistical frequency, mean, variance, standard deviation, skewness, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests and the Durbin Watson test. Findings: Among the factors related to knowledge creation in public libraries, the implementation of knowledge strategy, organizational culture and information technology (with mean rate of 2. 98), organizational structure (with mean rate of 2. 87) and HRM (with mean rate of 2. 2) are effective. In addition, there is a significant relationship between the implementation of knowledge strategy, organizational culture, organizational structure, human resource management and information technology with knowledge creation. Conclusion: Due to an increasing competition among organizations, it is necessary for public library managers to consider the process of creating knowledge. The more creation and use of knowledge done at a faster pace and quality, the competitive advantage of the organization will be formed more than ever. Regarding the four types of knowledge creation and strategies, it is essential for librarians to convene regular meetings and it is also important to retrain knowledge and participate in seminars in order to be acquainted with modern knowledge.

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    1 (19)
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Introduction: Instragram has become an important platform for Information sharing due to its usability, mobile-based, simplicity and user-friendly interface. Those who using this social network, have a variety of reasons and goals, such as communication, entertainment, or professional and business activities, keep update to their friends, and Information sharing. Also, some of them, share information on this social network to escape from the reality, social interaction, and spending time as a habit. The aim of this study, was to study and explorethe goal and motivations of Information sharing, onits educational pages which performanced successfully in visibility. This study was done based on use and gratification theory. This theory involves to how and why users use the media. Methodology: In order to explore and evaluate the goals and motivations of Information sharing on these pages, which share information in e-learning context, 30 Instagram educational pages were investigated using qualitative research method, the thematic analysis with exploratory approach. The information available on these pages, including Bio, content, social tagging behavior was observed and analyzed by Maxqda 12. 3 software, that used for qualitative data analysis. The sample of this study selected based on competitive benchmarking. So, the targeted sample for this study was selected on the condition that investigated accounts should have more than 20 thousand followers and share information on a specific topic content such as skills, knowledge, or information. These accounts should have educational approach. Findings: The findings indicated that the goals and motivations of information sharing on these pages were various and different, but economic goals, job opportunities, personal and interpersonal interests, status, and social interaction along with informing goal were the main goals that who people sharing information on these pages had. Therefore, It seems that people that share educational information on this platform have different and various goal and motivations in their information sharing activity. These goals and motivations include economic benefits and personal branding. Conclusion: Although the investigated pages were sharing Informationin the e-learning context, but they had other goals too. This finding, having the economic goals and the personal and job interests maybe due to the nature of the information sharing platform in the research, that is, Instagram. So, these account owners, although have an educational goal, but also had other goals and motivations. They pay attention to this fact that people look at information sharing on Instagram as a business, regardless the subject or theme of content. This could be for a reason that many businesses across the world has attracted to Instagram for its capabilities for build and grow different their businesses. It seems that the goals and motivations of Information sharing could be varied by platform publishing content and information.

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    1 (19)
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Introduction: One of the important issues in the scope of user behavior in libraries is users' unplanned behavior, which can play a decisive role in developing the use of resources and services or in increasing the culture of using libraries within communities. Therefore, the present study aimed at identifying the factors affecting the unplanned behavior of library users in using the resources and services of academic libraries and presenting a proposed pattern. Methodology: The present research was applied in terms of purpose that was conducted based on a quantitative-qualitative approach using the grounded theory at the qualitative part and survey-analytical method at the quantitative part. The data collection tool for the qualitative part was a deep and semi-structured interview and for the quantitative part, it was a researcher-made questionnaire. The research population at the qualitative part included the faculty members and experts in three fields of knowledge and information science, management, and psychology. 12 subjects were selected as the sample by combined purposeful sampling (first purposeful and then snowball). The research population at the quantitative part included the student members of the central libraries of the universities Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Shahid Chamran of Ahvaz, Tehran, Tabriz and Shiraz. The sample size was 600 people. Analyzing and coding interview data were performed with using MAXQDA 10 qualitative analysis software. At the quantitative part, the structural equation method and LISREL software were used to analyze the data. Findings: Based on the findings of the qualitative part, the factors related to technology, environment, information resources, information services, human resources, individual characteristics, time position, cultural factors and social factors were identified as the factors affecting the unplanned behavior of users in using the resources and services of academic libraries. Accordingly, the operational model of this type of behavior was designed. Based on the operational model, the results of the quantitative part showed that environmental and technological factors affect the unplanned behavior of users in using the resources and services of academic libraries through the time position factor, while cultural and social factors affect this through the individual characteristics of users. Information resources, information services and human resources had no significant effect on the incidence of unplanned behaviors in the use of library resources and services. Finally, the proposed pattern of factors affecting the unplanned behavior of users in using the resources and services of academic libraries was designed based on the results of quantitative and qualitative research part. Conclusion: According to the findings of the research, it seems that in order to optimize the use of resources and services, attract audiences and increase the level of awareness and information of users, academic libraries should pay special attention to the effective factors in the unplanned behavior of users in using libraries resources and services.

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  • Issue: 

    1 (پیاپی 19)
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مقدمه نسب شناسی به عنوان یکی از قدیمی ترین علوم، به مطالعه رابطه خویشاوندی افراد بشر و توالی و تناسب نسل آنها می پردازد و کارکردی مشابه در فضای علمی دانشگاهی با عنوان «نسب شناسی علمی» به کار می رود. روابط در یک خاندان و تبار علمی شامل روابط نسبی و روابط غیرنسبی است. غنی سازی پیشینه های کتابشناختی از طریق شناسایی و افزودن حداکثر روابط میان موجودیت ها برای ساختن سوپر رکورد (فراپیشینه) حایز اهمیت است و سازماندهی دانش به دنبال رفع این مسیله برای نیل به وب معنایی است. هدف از این پژوهشی بررسی این رابطه و شناخت ابعاد و ویژگی های آن به منظور بازتعریف در فهرست های رایانه ای است. روش شناسی پژوهش حاضر با رویکرد ترکیبی و با استفاده از روش های تحلیل استنادی و پیمایشی و با ابزارهای سیاهه وارسی، مصاحبه و پرسشنامه انجام شده است. جامعه آماری پژوهش را کتاب های درسی رشته علم اطلاعات و دانش شناسی به تعداد 30 عنوان کتاب و 1452 رکورد استنادی تشکیل می دهند. تمامی رکوردها در قالب شناسنامه استناد مورد تجزیه وتحلیل قرار گرفتند. در مرحله بعد، شناسنامه هر کتاب، شامل تحلیل استنادها و روابط نویسندگان، طی مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته، مورد تایید نویسندگان قرار گرفت. یافته ها میزان تاثیرپذیری هر یک از نویسندگان از افراد مورد استناد مشخص شد. سپس بر اساس یافته های مصاحبه و همچنین تحلیل رزومه نویسندگان، انواع روابط نسبی و غیرنسبی پدیدآور با افراد تحلیل شد. نتیجه گیری نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که روابط علمی در خاندان علمی نویسندگان کتاب های درسی به روشنی قابل ردیابی است؛ دانشجویان برای تبیین و توضیح و توجیه و اعتباربخشی به اساتید خود استناد می دهند. بیشترین استناد در مقام تکریم و قدردانی به اساتید است درحالی که بیشترین استناد به دانشجویان در مرور پیشینه ها است. با پیوند این یافته ها به یافته های اثرگذاری، می توان به شبکه دلایل استناددهی افراد با توجه به نقش آنها در یک خاندان و تبار علمی پی برد. چنان که رابطه روابط تبار علمی با دلایل استناددهی نیز معنادار شده است. استنادها بیشتر در بخش مقدمات و تعاریف و بحث استفاده شده که بیانگر اتکا به دیگران برای توجیه و ارایه تعاریف به کاررفته است. یافته ها در بررسی وضعیت نویسندگان نشان داد که گستره نفوذ اندیشه افراد صاحب نام در حوزه علوم اطلاعات و دانش شناسی از جایگاه و مقبولیت علمی و همچنین در برخی موارد جایگاه های اداری آنها نشیت می گیرد. همچنین مشخص شد که روابط نسبی جایگاه مهمی در ظهور و بروز اندیشه این افراد در کتاب های درسی داشته است. یافته ها در بخش اثرگذاری از روابط نسبی نشان داد که استناد دهندگان دارای روابط نسبی تحت تاثیر خاندان علمی خود قرار دارند.

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Introduction: In order to analyze the qualitative and quantitative content of acquisition literature on knowledge and information science in Iran, resources until the early 90s were identified, classified, and studied. Methodology: This review-analysis study is applied using the content analysis of texts. Phrases and Keywords such as "Acquisition in the Libraries", "Selecting and Preparing of Library Collection", "Collection Development", "Preparing and Ordering Books", "Book Selection", " Library Policy" and "Acquisition in Iran Libraries" were searched in all Iranian scientific databases in the field of Knowledge and information science. Finally, based on the retrieved documents, existing works in this field during 5 decades were classified and in every decade, according to the component under consideration in this study went under a content analysis. Findings: In general, most of the published works (40. 58) are allocated to the subject of need assessment. Subjects of technologies (26. 66%), selection tools (18. 20%) and Acquisition Policies (14. 61%) were heavily considered. About half of all publications on acquisition area in the last 5 decades related to articles (195 works). 119 works (30. 52%) related to theses and 76 ones (19. 48%) included published books in this area. Most of the published books were authored in the area and articles done in the area, were allocated to need assessment and evaluation of resources and collections of various libraries. It seems that not all these conducted in this field have been published as a scientific paper. Conclusion: The results will be led to knowledge of how to carry out research and publish works in this area, also explore the opportunities and fill the gaps in the acquisition area, and can design a practical map for researchers, authors and publishers.

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    1 (19)
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A book titled as Class BP: Extended Classification BP of Islam in Library of Congress Classification, written by Ahmad Taheri Iraqi has been used more than 50 years to classify the library resources and also as a tool and guide for catalogers. The editors of the third edition of this book are Zohre Alavi, Zahra Sadat Modaresi and Mahboobeh Qorbani. It is obvious that writing and providing the extensions to classifications is so difficult, though there are shortages and insufficiencies in such works that become clear when they are used professionally at the libraries or special institutes. The present work is going to introduce the book briefly and then discuss the redundancies and insufficiencies based on experiencing and using the extension of it at libraries and also knowing and mastering in the area of Islamic science. We suggested some solutions for rectifying the insufficiencies of this book in order to make general usage. These suggestions are categorizing in 5 groups: first, the corrections that are effective in teaching cataloging; second, adding numbers for the appropriate headings which have bibliographic warrant; third, appropriate examples for some numbers; fourth, doing reformations for categorizing suitable subjects: and fifth, reformations that are meeting the politics of the libraries with the extensions that can be used in all of the special and public libraries.

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Introduction: With the advent of the twenty-first century, the educational centers are in transition from the educational process to the teaching-learning process. In this process change, every citizen must be freely exposed to learning, education and research under any circumstances. Therefore, attention to training information literacy skills is one of the key elements in the advancement of lifelong learning and modern education system. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the viewpoint of graduate students about the factors affecting the status of information literacy in Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. Methodology: This study is an applied research carried out through a survey method. The study population consisted of all postgraduate students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz who have completed at least two semesters of academic study before the second semester of 2019-2020. Because of the large size of the research population, sampling was done. The sample size has been determined as 380 subjects through Krejcie-Morgan formula. The data collection tool was a researcher-made information literacy questionnaire that its validity was confirmed by the faculty members of the Knowledge and Information Department of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz and its reliability amounted to. 82. Findings: The features of the context and previous learning affected the information literacy status of respondents at high and medium levels, the faculty members at the moderate level and IT facilities and libraries at the moderate and low levels. Based on the mean score rate, these four factors are contextual features, faculty members, the facilities of the university's information and communication technology and, finally, academic libraries, respectively. Conclusion: As far as teaching information literacy skills and attention to technological methods are the first priorities of academic libraries as determined by Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) in 2018 and concerning information literacy framework (2016), regarding the role of students as learners and librarians as intermediates in learning the required skills, academic libraries should provide their services so that students independently improve their literacy skills and meet their information needs. Based on the instructions of 2016 framework, it is suggested that universities and higher education institutions move towards greater use of cyberspace, such as Web 2 and use facilities such as library websites and a virtual reference desk and an ongoing dialogue.

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    1 (19)
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Introduction: Considering the importance of teaching styles and approaches in teaching elementary students, the role of information literacy in choosing and using different teaching approaches has been studied in this research. Methodology: This research is carried out by survey method. The research population were the elementary school teachers of the sixth grade from the city of Semnan city. Out of 110 teachers of the sixth elementary school grade from Semnan city in the academic year of 2012-2012, 86 teachers were selected by the stratified random sampling method. To collect data, two researcher-made questionnaires were used to measure the teachers' information literacy status and identify their teaching approaches. Findings: According to the results, teachers` points in information literacy (with the mean of 76. 1) were more than the average. The interactive style has the largest mean rate among teaching styles. It also showed that the teachers use the direct teaching style less than the average level and use the other styles higher than the average level. Findings of the research hypotheses showed that there is an inverse relationship between direct teaching style and information literacy and a direct relationship between indirect, problemoriented and interactive teaching styles and information literacy. Teachers with more information literacy use more teaching styles (two, three and four styles). Conclusion: The results of the research indicated that the teachers with information literacy skills use different approaches in their teaching process. Therefore, having information literacy skills can play a more effective role in choosing more diverse teaching styles and improving them.

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    1 (19)
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Introduction: Romances and stories and in particular, children's literary creations have a significant potential to be utilized as a solution for children's behavioral and personality disorders as well as enhancing some of their abilities. Methodology: Investigating the effect and impact of these stories requires the use of a branch of literary criticism which is within the scope of psychological criticism. In this matter, the theories of William Glasser, as one of the most positive psychologists in the field provide some useful theories to analyze these texts and concepts. It should be noted that one of the basic needs of human is his/her need for freedom that has been addressed in the Glasser's theory. As such, the current research evaluates 145 children's favorite books translated or written during 1921-2011. Moreover, this research conducts a psychological analysis using a qualitativedeductive content analysis approach for about 30 stories that freedom is an outstanding issue in their characters. The required data was gathered by a documentary method in which the purposeful sampling method was carried out to choose the sample of the study. Findings: In this paper, the freedom is divided into two parts of positive and negative liberties. The positive liberty is related to those characters that often choose the right behavior after satisfying a natural and healthy need. On the other hand, the characters via negative liberty are those characters that violate people's rights to accomplish their goals. Conclusion: The obtained results of the paper revealed that those characters that are motivated by positive liberty and choose the right behavior to satisfy their needs can achieve good results at the end of the story. Conversely, those characters that are motivated by negative liberty or choose to incorrect behavior to satisfy their needs for freedom may fail at the end of the story. Finally, it is worthwhile to suggest to all writers and critics of child and adolescent books that by studying children's psychology, they can better choose those studies that are appropriate for them. Furthermore, with the help of psychologists, both child and adolescent literature researchers will psychologically review all studies related to these young audiences. For this purpose, they can rely on Glasser's theory and other general theories of counseling and psychotherapy that are appropriate for the subject matter of the stories.

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Introduction: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurological disorder that is most often diagnosed during childhood. According to Barkley, the root of this disorder is a deficiency in the executive functions. Barkley's executive functioning (EF) theory and stories that incorporate the relevant components and attributes of EF with a bibliotherapy approach can help reduce the symptoms of this disorder. The purpose of this research is to identify the relevance of the content of the stories of the age group "A", "B" and "A / B" published in the years 2006 to 2016 with components of Barkley's extended theory of inhibition behavior. Methodology: This research is an applied research carried out by a survey method and qualitative content analysis. To collect information two checklists were prepared. One consists of the bibliographic information of stories and the other incorporates the components and related features in Barkley's extended theory of inhibition behavior. Of 382 stories in the research population, 70 stories which had the minimum executive functions of Barkley 's theory were considered for this research. Findings: Among the stories which were analyzed, the components of the executive functions of Barkley's theory were identified in 75. 71% and the main character represents mal-function against an event and experiences its undesirable consequences in 24. 28%. Among the stories identified in the first group, 3 patterns were identified for teaching executive functions to children. The first pattern consists of stories in which the personality of the story showed inhibition behavior against an immediate event. But then, he/she realizes his/her mistake, changes his/her behavior and achieves the desired result by performing executive functions. In stories of the second pattern, the character of the story performs the executive functions against the immediate event from the very beginning and comes to a good result. The third pattern includes stories in which the first character has noninhibition behavior against an incident; but the other person of the story performs the executive functions and experiences the desired outcome. Also, the analysis of stories indicates that the presence of each executive functions of Barkley's theory varies in the studied stories analyzed in this research. Conclusion: The results of this study show that the stories in which executive functions elements were identified could be considered as suitable tools for teaching self-regulation to ADHD children through bibliotherapy. Publishers, writers, psychologists, librarians and parents can use the practical suggestions of this research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: This study investigated the reading preferences of users of the public libraries located in 18 and 19 Districts of Tehran. Methodology: The research was both descriptive and exploratory and carried out through an analysis of the circulation data recorded in the libraries’ circulation departments. The statistical population of the study was comprised of the users of the public libraries of 18 and 19 Districts of Tehran during the investigation period lasted from 2012 through 2015, as well as the books they borrowed. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software. Findings: The results showed that in the 18th District public libraries, the category of literature (poetry and fiction) had the highest frequency, with 5532 titles (38. 25 percent) and the category of languages, with 507 titles (3. 56 percent), ranked the lowest. Similar results were found in the 19th District, where literature (poetry and fiction) ranked the highest with 7740 titles (41. 5 percent) and languages as the lowest, with 472 titles (2. 53 percent). In addition, in both districts, girls mostly preferred amorous, scientific, comedic, entertainment, and religious books, while boys mostly preferred scientific, comedic, entertainment, poetry, adventurous, and criminal books. Conclusion: A significant difference was found between the reading tendencies of the female and male users of the public libraries under investigation. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the current method of collection of the selected libraries does not meet the needs of their members. The libraries’ authorities need to pay much attention to these issues at the time of collection developments for their libraries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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