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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Altaha Seyed Hossein

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The importance and position of Arabic language in Islamic knowledge is obvious. This research investigates the application of this Quran language in the field of Islamic Feqh. Feqh is based on Arabic language in lingual acts of worship, trades and rules. We intend to prove the need of feqh to Arabic language, which is distinct from the relation between the language and feqh in educational and research matters. The practices of praying, Talbieh in Hajj and the oaths are investigated for their use of Arabic. For trades, only the overall subject-the Arabic language-is discussed. It’ s to be noted that the use of Arabic is a point of consensus for the Faqih when there is adequate ability, and in case of emergency or inability, there are other ways that have been mentioned. This is due to the importance of Arabic as the original language of Islam, integrated in religious duties for the followers.

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Al-Kafiya Book writte by Ibn Al-HAjib (d. 571), unlike being very small and low content, has attracted many scholers attention and many of those scholers are willing to explain and criticize it, within the years. That s why this book had been explained in Arabic langueg about one hundred and forty-tow times. Som of those explantions got very good reputation in the sciantific communities and some didn’ t and stood unknown. Some of the unknown desccriptions for Al-Kafiya are work by Ahmad Aljarbardi called (Shokookon Ala Alhajebiya) and his son description on his book called (AlFokook fi sharh Alshokook). This reaserch fucuses on how to analize writer method on (Alfokook fi sharh Alshokook) and authors explantion on some grammatical differences. The results showes that Ebn Al-jarbardi have used prosaic examples, while he used logical reasons his writing confronted With some complexis. Also, the writter is not the follower of koofe or Basreh grametical methods, but it is follower of correct contrent and more utterances.

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There are many literary genres in poetry, especially cinema (art VII) that produced a huge stir in the pillars of the poet and rebuilt it in structure, is proportionate to its exact techniques where the poet of our time writes poetry in the film field to transfer the poetic text space from inertia to the visual image, These animated styles have resulted in tremendous shake-ups in content Modernist poem. So the committed poem open the window on the techniques Such as the camera that explores the narratives of the film narrative with its movements and angles, For its closeness and similarity to the vision and imagination of the poet, who uses her techniques for the poem Modernism to allow the recipient to read the poem with an insight and a window and raise the level of reader to viewer. Some contemporary poets have turned their attention Recent to this modern method is among these poets poet Adnan Al-Sayegh. He inspired in a section of his poetry committed a wide space of art The seventh is filled with camera techniques. This study is an attempt to illuminate the narrative. Especially the writing of the camera and its techniques in the poems of Adnan al-Sayegh Committed poem, according to the analytical-descriptive approach and the result of these The study is based on the poet's investment of the visual and moving image in the committed texts. The basic question that we want to look for is how camera techniques have been demonstrated Poetic in the Alssayigh's committed poet? The main objective of this studyThe location of the camera with its movements, the horizontal and vertical types of angles associated with the poetic texts stand out, a special feeling in the spectator as a sense of movement and superstition and confusion. The camera and its microprocessor technology will drive the reader out of the picture, The lyrical rigidity towards motion and different sighting sites that include, Low, high and neutral angles.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Dalir Nayer

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The Mu'tazilites and the reasons for its expansion in Iraq have always been the subject of research in this field. Therefore, the research question is, based on the broadcasting theory we pay to the reason of one of the main streams of Islamic history (Mu'tazilites) in Iraq, focusing on the two cities of Basra and Baghdad. A theory that explains a phenomenon in comparison to other places; the findings of the study, based on the expansion theory, indicate the influence of the geographical environment on the appearance and distribution of the Mutazil school of thought in the context of time and place, as well as the timing and division of the Mu'tazilian period of distribution, not based on the order of time but on the basis of internal gaps and their relationship with caliphs, and other findings from the research show that routes such as debates, the caliphate administration, the translation movement, and the Mawā lī have been among of the main channels of transmission and distribution of Mu'tazilion.

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The presence of women from the past has brought innovation in the arts and art of the East and West Because thay have consistently supported the literature and its transformation among nations over the course of various periods. The type of activity of women in variety of artistic and literary arts has been diversified in accordance with the arts Which itself is the subject of discussion to answer questions related to this field. Today, women's literature has attracted many writers and thinkers And the trend of literary and scientific production is remarkable in this regard, Most writings are synchronized with the flow of realism and experience some kind of influence. In the field of fiction and novel writing, women have embraced the dual experience of writing or reigning the novel and thay Talk about themselves and their problems and their issues in each situation. This article describes the analysis of the novels of Alia Ansari, a committed Iraqi author in the framework of Islamic critique and women's critique To study the link between literature and ideology on the one hand, and the link with homeland and gender on the other. By examining the novels of the Tranimah al-Hawb, aina om mosa, Al-Wasam, and he cames late, all of which emphasize the emotional conflict between men and women. Ansari with the saga takes women to escape from domination, To rid them of the fear that prevailed over them before, To be self-confident as a Muslim woman, to play a positive role in the construction of the homeland.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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As a poet, an academic critic and one of the symbols of contemporary Yemeni poetry, especially in contemporary Arabic poetry, Abdelaziz al-Maqaleh is a prominent figure in the movement of literature and criticism. He played an active role in the Yemeni revolution and popular resistance. He took poetry as a weapon to defend his people and as a means of expressing his suffering and pain in aesthetic and aesthetic values. Whether he lived in Yemen or Sana'a or was an expatriate in Arab capitals such as Cairo, where his poems are frank and direct and have little ambiguity. Al-Maqaleh entered into the issues of the Yemeni homeland and the Arab nation and lived many of their calamities. He has a great role in activating and motivating people to struggle against enemies and occupiers, and to be a great future and a safe and safe country for his people. The reader of his poetry finds it as if he predicted in his poetry, what the Yemeni people suffer from suffocation, aggression, deprivation, backwardness, illiteracy and ignorance. This study aims at shedding light on Al-Maqaleh's resistant poetry and focusing on the most important axes of resistance and revolution and its elements in his poetry according to descriptive descriptive approach. One of the most prominent findings of the article is that Al-Maqaleh has a presence in the Yemeni circles, which deals with social issues such as poverty and deprivation, In the unification of the word of the people of Yemen and the Arab nation. In this regard it is often noted that he has employed the heritage and legendary figures and people, as is the focus on much of the potential in his poetry.

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The thousand and one nights include the stories which critics believe that they referred to India and are translated into Persian in Sasanian period and into Arabic in Abbasi era. Certainly, they happened gradually and during generation and successive eras and provided a proper opportunity for storytellers and narrators to adjust their ideas and addressers’ ideas to stories, as they edited or omitted those stories which weren’ t based on their ideas and maybe add some stories too. It’ s surprising that promotion and jurisdiction of Islam religion in those stories is comprehensive and not limited to special time or place and not only reserves to human but also trend all kinds of creatures such as human, characters and Jin or animals in different times or places. Evidently, we can observe Muslim characters before Islam and in unknown or inaccessible islands. Researchers believe that Islam religion inclusion in stories of the thousand and one nights didn’ t begin exaggeratedly or merely for partiality of Islam religion but it happens for other important reason and that’ s the belief of eternal presence and immortal-eternal history that we are going to investigate it in this article.

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