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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: The goal of this study was to test the impact of both diabetes type and control via the hemoglobin A1C biomarker on oral health outcomes. Materials & Methods: In this observational study, data were extracted from the University of Pittsburgh Dental Registry and DNA Repository and analyzed. From 6, 026 subjects, 414 ones with a diagnosis of diabetes were matched by sex, age and ethnicity with 414 individuals without diabetes. A number of statistical approaches (chi-square, Fisher’ s exact, Student’ s t, Wilcox, and Mann Whitney tests) were used and all comparisons were set with an alpha of 0. 05. Results: Patients with type 1 diabetes experienced xerostomia more often compared to non-diabetic matched pairs (p=0. 02). Patients with diabetes (n=414) experienced temporomandibular joint (TMJ) discomfort more often than their non-diabetic matched pairs, as did type 1 diabetic patients alone, in comparison to both their matched pairs and type 2 diabetic patients (p=0. 01, p=0. 004, and p=0. 02, respectively). Among patients grouped by diabetic control, all patients reporting control (n=39) experienced xerostomia more often than their non-diabetic matched pairs (p=0. 05). Patients in poor diabetic control experienced restoration failure more often than patients in good control (p=0. 04). The experience of restoration failure was no different between patients in good diabetic control and their matched controls (p=0. 26). The number of restoration failures was higher in patients in poor control, as compared to their matched non-diabetic controls (p=0. 03). Conclusion: Patients with diabetes experienced xerostomia but not necessarily more severe caries experience, and may be protected from TMJ discomfort. Patients in good control of their diabetes were at no greater risk for restoration failure as compared to non-diabetic patients; however, the patients in poor control were at higher risk for failed restorations.

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Introduction: Clivus forms the middle part of the skull base, and different anatomical and pathologies variations can be created in this structure. The aim of this study was to determine the morphological variations and anthropometric analysis of clivus in CBCT images. Material & Methods: In this descriptive analytical study, CBCT images of 130 men and women over the age of 18 were evaluated using On-Demand 3D software. The width, length as well as skull base and clivus angle were measured. Clivus was also examined for anatomical variations such as pneumatization, canalis basilaris medianus, basilar invagination, fossa navicular is magna. Data were analyzed through one-way ANOVA and T-test using SPSS 22 (α <0. 05). Results: The mean length of clivus was significantly higher in men (45. 72mm) than in women (41. 56mm) (P<0. 001). The mean skull base angle was significantly higher in males (118. 39 degrees) than in females (113. 4 degrees) (P<0. 001). The mean width and angle of clivus had no significant difference between two genders, and none of the study variables was significantly different in various age groups. The mean skull base angle was significantly higher (120. 06 degrees) in patients who had basilar invagination (BI) (P<0. 001). In the study of variations, 3 (2. 3%) cases of incomplete pneumatization, 7 (5. 4%) cases canalis basilar medianus of which 6 (4. 6%) cases had fossa navicularis magna with mean length of 7. 07 mm and 19 cases of BI (14. 6%) with mean length of 3. 55 mm were observed. Conclusion: Familiarity of the maxillofacial radiologist with the anatomical variations of clivus, which were also rare, is important to differentiate from lesions. In anthropometric analysis, the length and angle of the skull base may be used to determine gender.

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Introduction: The resin-modified glass ionomer (RMGI) materials are hybrid materials including conventional glass ionomer and small addition resin. They have the advantages of both, such as adhesion to tooth structure, esthetics and fluoride release. The purpose of this study was to compare the fluoride release and wear resistance of two types of RMGI. Materials & Methods: In this in vitro study, specimens for measuring the fluoride release were made with brass mold from two types of RMGI EQUIA Forte glass ionomer and Fuji II conventional glass ionomer. After incubating the specimens in a plastic vial containing 7 ml of distilled water, the release of fluoride for each specimen was measured on days 1, 7 and 15 using a PH/Ion meter device. For evaluating the wear resistance, 8 specimens were prepared using a brass mold in each group. Then, each specimen was exposed to 5000, 10000, 20000, 40000, 80000 and 120000 cycles in wear simulator. The specimens’ weight was measured by an electronic weight balance before and after each wear cycle. The data were analyzed by SPSS-17 through repeated-measurement ANOVA and independent T-test. Results: Fluoride released from Fuji II glass ionomer was significantly higher in the first 24 hours and on day 7. During the day 15, the differences in fluoride release between the two glass ionomer groups were not statistically significant. (p<0. 001). The EQUIA Forte glass ionomer exhibited significantly greater wear resistance in different wear cycles. (p<0. 001) Conclusion: Due to its good wear resistance, acceptable fluoride release, ease of clinical use and infection control, the capsular glass ionomer can be a useful material in people at high risk of caries, temporary restoration techniques, pediatric dentistry and root caries.

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Introduction: Today, chitosan has a wide usage in Dentistry. Due to its penetration into tooth tissues, inhibition of the acid penetration and anti-demineralization capabilities, chitosan may interfere with the etching mechanism in the bonding restorations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of chitosan with different concentrations and molecular weight on the shear bond strength (SBS) of composite to deciduous teeth's enamel. Material & Methods: In this in vitro trial, 50 deciduous anterior human maxillary teeth, which extracted because of orthodontic treatment plan, were selected and divide evenly between groups. In the control specimens, Filtek Z250 composite were packed on buccal teeth surfaces after using self-etch primer single bond universal and light-cured. In four next groups the teeth were immersed into chitosan solution with low and high molecular weights and 5 mg/ml and 2. 5 mg/ml concentrations for 60 seconds and restored with composite as control groups. The SBS of composite to the teeth enamel were determined with Universal testing machine. Data was analyzed by SPSS-18 software using one-way ANOVA and p<0. 05 was considered significant. Results: The SBS to enamel in the control specimens were 20. 98± 6. 31 MPa. The values were 17. 92± 7. 25, 16. 02± 6. 03, 13. 26± 5. 18 and 17. 67± 8. 95 MPa in the pretreatment with low molecular weight chitosan in 2. 5 mg/ml, low molecular weight chitosan in 5 mg/ml, high molecular weight chitosan in 2. 5 mg/ml and high molecular weight chitosan with 5 mg/ml concentrations respectively. No significant differences were found regarding SBS between groups (P>0. 05). Conclusion: Despite a slight reduction in SBS of the composite to the enamel of the treated compare to control, use of chitosan in different concentration and molecular weight did not interfere with the SBS of composite to the enamel of deciduous teeth.

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Introduction: Due to the limitations of chemical antimicrobial methods in the treatment of dental caries, the recent studies have focused on the use of plant-derived antibacterial agents to inhibit tooth decay bacteria. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Vitis vinifera seed extract (VVSE) on Lactobacillus acidophilus and casei bacteria. Material & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the VVSs were dried, the obtained powder was poured into separate containers to prepare aqueous, alcoholic and acetone extracts, and the desired solvents were added. After being placed in the shaker incubator and passing through the filter paper, the solvents were transferred to the plates. After cultivation of Lactobacillus acidophilus and casei bacteria in tubes containing Mueller Hinton Broth, the aqueous, alcoholic and acetone extracts were added to them. A tube with no extract was considered as control. The resulting samples were cultured on chocolate agar medium. The initial concentrations (2, 4 and 8 μ g/ml) were not able to inhibit bacterial growth; thus, the higher concentrations were assessed to determine minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The data were analyzed using SPSS-17 via Chi-square, Mann-Witney and Kruskal-Wallis. Moreover, α =0. 05 was considered significant. Results: The MIC of aqueous extract was 32 and 64 μ g/ml for Lactobacillus acidophilus and casei, respectively. The alcoholic extract stopped the growth of both bacteria at concentration of 128 μ g/ml. The MIC of acetone extract was 64 and 128 μ g/ml for Lactobacillus acidophilus and casei, respectively. So, aqueous extract was more effective than alcoholic one (p=0. 016). However, there was no significant difference between alcoholic and acetone (p=0. 1267) as well as aqueous and acetone (p=0. 061) extracts. Conclusion: Antibacterial activity of aqueous extract was more than that of alcoholic and acetone extracts. Alcoholic and acetone extracts had no significant difference in inhibition of bacterial growth. Therefore, it is possible to use aqueous extract of VVSs to control caries.

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Introduction: Oral hygiene is an essential part of public health and affects the quality of individuals' life. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between parents' information literacy on oral hygiene and oral hygiene of public elementary schoolchildren in Education of Kerman, District 2. Material & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 423 questionnaires were fully answered. The sampling method was random cluster one. The Versami (2010) questionnaire was used to assess parents' information literacy on oral hygiene. Data analysis was done by SPSS-23 at a significant level of P<0. 05. The descriptive and analytical statistics including correlation coefficient, Pearson chi-square were applied to analyze the data. Results: Findings showed that the oral hygiene knowledge of parents (p=0. 1), parents' awareness of oral health-related diseases (p=0. 3), parental knowledge of important activities for protecting children's teeth (p=0. 5) and parents' awareness of dental services (p=0. 2) were independent of the oral health status of students. Parents 'ability to understand oral health information was related to students' oral health status (p=0. 008). Conclusion: The parents' information literacy on oral hygiene was independent of the oral health of students. It is recommended that parents should engage in preventive programs and educational programs to increase their oral health literacy using the capacity of various media and simple educational materials.

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Introduction: Effective endodontic treatment requires identification of all root canals. The inability of dentists to locate all root canals can lead to failure in endodontic treatment. Consequently, an accurate diagnostic device is essential to detect all root canals. The aim of this study was to examine the accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) as a diagnostic tool to detect the root canals of maxillary first premolars in a selected Iranian population. Material & Methods: In this in vitro study, 48 human extracted maxillary first premolar teeth were scanned by CBCT, and then all teeth were sectioned. In the current study, sectional method was chosen as the gold standard. The CBCT scans were observed by an oral and maxillofacial radiologist, and the sections were evaluated by an endodontist using stereomicroscope. Finally, the collected data were entered into SPSS-22 and analyzed by Kappa coefficient and Chi-square test. Significance level was set at 0. 05. Results: The agreement between CBCT and sectional methods for root canal detection was 97. 2% which was significant (95. 8% in the first section, 97. 9% in the second and third sections), (p <0. 001). Conclusion: It seems that CBCT is a safe and non-invasive tool that can be used to detect root canals if other low-dose radiation imaging techniques do not provide acceptable results.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of peracetic acid with glutaraldehyde on tensile load at failure of elastomeric chains after disinfection. Materials & Methods: Tensile load and extension to failure in 30 elastomeric chains were allocated in three groups was measured using Universal Testing Machine. The results were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey’ s post hoc test with a significant level at p<0. 05. Results: Glutaraldehyde and peracetic acid decreased the tensile load and elongation to failure of elastomeric chains compared to the control (P=0. 03 for tensile load and P=0. 01 for extension to failure). There were no significant differences between these two disinfectants (P=0. 07 for tensile load and P=0. 09 for extension to failure). Conclusion: There tensile load and elongation to failure in chains decreased in both glutaraldehyde and peracetic acid, which is not clinically significant.

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