Contemporary threats significantly differ from traditional ones. It is no longer enough to rely on traditional “ analytical-estimation” theories and models for the assessment of new threats. Proportional to the transformations which took place in the nature, dimensions, and methods of the operationalization of threats it is necessary to design and offer more advanced analytical frameworks and assessment models in the area of threats. The present research is one of the first attempts to respond to this need. In this research, “ futures studies" were performed in the field of defense-security and issues related to “ threat identification” which resulted in the presentation of a model titled “ threat dissection analysis” . This method performs a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the intensity of smart threats via Raymond Quivy – Luc Van Campenhoudt’ s indexing method in form of three dimensions (hard, semi-hard and soft) four factors (approaching, behavioral, structural and implemental), eight major indices (type of threat, size of threat, extent of threat, time of threat, depth of threat, repetition of threat, domain of threat and location of threat), 24 basic indices and 120 relative sub-indices. This study employed a normative approach with a mixed methods research design. The tools utilized to collect explicit knowledge included documentary research and web mining. The tools used to collect implicit knowledge were distributed questionnaires. To verify and validate the data, interviews, expert opinion, and validity (credibility) and reliability (confidence) assessment of the questionnaires were employed to make sure that the questionnaire’ s questions match the research objectives and ensure its repeatability.