abor movements have a long precedence in the world. The birth of social movements’ literature began with labor movements. In Iran, these movements were mainly affected by expanding relations with the West, triumph of the Constitutional Revolution and particularly the October Revolution in Russia. The nature and goals were different in the Reza Shah and Shah era. In these three eras, the controlling policies were different. By adopting historical method and using historical resources, this article deals with ups and downs of labor movement in the three eras of contemporary history. The results indicate that labor strikes and demonstrations at the start of the Constitutional Revolution were temporary and transitive, aiming at immediate demands and short-term goals. Due to this reason, after realizing some parts of their demands or being suppressed by state forces, the workers were not prepared for continuing organized struggle. In Reza Shah’ s era, relative liberty was provided in the first period but after seizing power, the government fully suppressed these movements. The Shah practical policy regarding labor issues was that if they did not create political troubles and in return, the state provided welfare for them and executed welfare regulations and economic rules. The Shah’ s government immensely controlled organizations and trade unions through its security agency, namely SAVAK.