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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and purpose: Energy sources play an important role in preimplantation development. Effect of glucose, an important energy source, has been studied in different stages of embryo development. Energy sources play important role in embryos development in preimplantation period. Glucose is one of the main sources of energy supply, and its effect has been studied in different stages of embryo development. Since fructose and galactose are the important isomers of glucose, thus in addition to the effect of glucose, its isomers were compared on the development of mouse embryos.Materials and methods: 4-6 weeks old Swiss mice were supravulated by HMG and HCG hormones. The mice were killed 48- 50h after last injection and 2- cell embryos were collected by flashing. The embryos were cultured randomly to hatching stage using T6 medium with glucose (T6+gl), galactose (T6+gal), fructose (T6+fr) and without hexose (T6-h).Results: The percentages of embryos reached to blastocyst were 91.25, 67.09, 92.85 and 70.92 respectivly. Also, 40.82, 25.21, 42.85 and 23.46 percent of embryos were hatched after 72h of culture respectively. The percentages of blastocyst and hatching embryos in T6+gl and T6+fr were significantly greater than those in T6+gal and T6-h (p<0.0001), but there were no obvious differences between embyos cultured in T6+gal and T6-h and those cultured in T6+gl and T6+fr in reaching to blastocyst and hatching stages.Conclusion: The results indicate that galactose can not be a proper replacement for glucose in primary embryos medium. But fructose can be an alternate for glucose in the medium, without causing any disorder in embryo development compared to glucose. But despite of this phenomenon, use of fructose as an alternate of glucose needs more studies.

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View 1263

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Background and purpose: Various species of the plant grandiflorum have different applications in Iran traditional medicine, such as in treatment of dermatitis. Considering the therapeutic property of papuveraceae, this study was designed in order to determine the anti inflammatory and antinociceptive property of Glaucium grandiflorum.Materials and methods: Extraction was done with methanol by percolation method. Anti inflammatory property of the extract was determined by carrageenan test for the doses of 4, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 and 200 mg/kg of body weight as compare to indometacin for the doses of 2.4, 6, 8 and 90 mg/kg of body weight. Antinociceptive property of the extract with formalin and hot plate was studied for the doses of 60, 70, 80 and 90 mg/kg of body weight as compare to morphine for the doses of 5 and 10 mg/kg of body weight. The integrity of motor coordination was assessed with a rotarod apparatus. Acute toxicity (LD50) of the extract was determined by probit method. Data were analyzed by variance test and Newman- keuls test with P<0.05.Results: 200 mg/kg dose of the extract had more anti inflammatory effect as compare to indomethacin at the doses of 10 mg/kg (P<0.01) and 8 mg/kg (P<0.001). All the used doses had more antinociceptive effect as compare to the control group, (P<0.001). Antinociceptive effects of 80 and 90 mg/kg of body weight of the extract in the first phase was more than morphine for the dose of 5 mg/kg body weight. In the second phase, the antinociceptive effect of 70, 80 and 90 mg/kg of body weight was more than morphine for the dose of 5 mg/kg of body weight P<0.001. There was no significant difference in the doses of 80 and 90 mg/kg of body weight. Administration of the extract with the doses of 60, 70,80 and 90 mg/kg of body weight, raised the pain threshold at 45 minutes of observation, as compare to the control group. Extract fluid of this plant had no effect on motor coordination of the animals. Acute toxicity of the extract was determined to be about 797.94 mg/kg administered intraperitonealy. Conclusion: The present study suggest that this plant has anti inflammatory and antinociceptive effects.

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View 1370

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Background and purpose: Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) is responsible for causing many diseases in children. In the recent years different methods have been used to identify this infection. The aim of this study is to compare the results of above mentioned methods in identification of H.pylori in children.Materials and methods : This prospective study was done on 50 infants aged 3 to 14 years having various complaints under went upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in Amir kolah pediatrics hospital in the year 2000. Biopsy specimen was obtained for microbiological examination (Giemsa staining) and urease test in BIRD medium. Blood was collected from the patients for serologic test (using RADIM kit). The standard ratio for identification of H.pylori infection in this study was indicated as at least two positive tests out of three tests.Results: Out of 50 infants under investigation, 19 (38%) were infected with H.pylori. Frequency distribution of this infection in boys was 45% and in girls 96.3% (P>0.05). In this study the presence of IgG against H.pylori was determined by ELISA with cut off=23 ur/ml. The sensitivity and specificity for ELISA, histology and urease test was as follow: 89.4% and 96.7%, 89.4% and 96.7, 89.4% and 100% respectively.Conclusion: It is concluded from this study that, through standardization of ELISA, the above mentioned three methods of the tests have the same sensitivity property. Though rapid urease test with higher specificity is more reliable method, but without standardization of ELISA in infants the sensitivity and specificity would be lower.

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Background and purpose: Growth defect is one of the prevalent problems in pediatric. In addition to the significant effect of protein and lack of calory on growth, zinc is also reported as effective factor in growth of milk feeded infants.In this study the effect of zinc sulfate supplement on weight and hieght of the infants referring to the pediatric endocrine disease clinic of Boalo hospital was studied in the years 2001-2002.Materials and methods: This was a double-blind placebo controled clinical trial done on the infants being referred from the sari health centers due to growth disorders.The subjects were divided in three groups as follow: severe malnutrition (SDS<-3), moderate malnutrition (with SDS between 2-3) and normal infants or mild malnutrition (SDS>-2). In order to neutralize the interfering factors, they were divided in 3 groups of bad, moderate and good on the basis of socio economic status.In general, the subjects were created in 9 frames and randomly were divided in two case and control groups. Both of the groups were instructed about the need for energy and protein, and also for reduction of taking less nutritional food stuff. In the case group zinc sulfate with dose of 5 mg/kg (1 mg/kg/zinc) was given dailty. Weight and height of the infacts prior and after interference was compared, and serum zinc level prior to and after interferance was controlled. T-test, X2 and paired-t test were used for comparison of the obtained results.Results: 44 infants (23 girls and 12 boys) were under study. 21 persons were in case and 23 persons in control group. Both of the groups had similar basic features. Duration for administration of the drug was 3.3 months and followed up for 4.7 months. The obtained results are indicater of increasing in weight (P<0.02) and hieght (P<0.001) in both of the groups, but the differance between the above groups has not been significant. Most increase in weight was observed in group two (with moderate malnurition) P<0.0005. Also zinc sulfate reduced onset of gastroenteritis in case group (P<0.005).Conclusion: Zinc sulfate had no effect on weight gain in the subjects under study. It seems that growth indexes have improved due to amendment of nutritional status and provision of energy and protein. May be administration of zinc would reduce gastroenteritis. Similar study in the province with zinc difficiency is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 951

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Background and purpose: According to the policy of Iranian ministry of health and medical education, that all patients should be visited by general practitioner and if necessary referred to a consultant specialist; and with that in mind, Less than one fifth of the referring patients to the only available psychiatric center of Mazandaran university of medical sciences are directed by general practioners. It was decided to screen psychiatric disorders in general medical clinics affiliated to this university.Materials and methods: Two hundred and fifty adult clients (95% confident coefficient) were selected via stratified random sampling, and evaluated by SCL-90-R test.Results: The prevalence of psychiatric disorders was 40%. These disorders were more common in women. Also, the global severity index was greater in women. Majority of the psychiatrical patients were married, housewife, and high school educated. The most prevalent dimensions of psychiatric disorders were paranoid ideations, somatization, anxiety and interpersonal sensitivity.Conclusion: Considering the high prevalence of psychiatric disorders in general medical practice, and psychiatric consultations are very limited, it seems that, probably there is no proper education and/or no enough attention to the psychiatric disorders. It is essential to pay more attention in psychiatry education in the course of medical education.

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Background and purpose: Cancers and myocardial infarction (MI) are two major causes of human mortality. On the other hand, angiogenesis is a phenomenon having a basic role in the pathogenesis of both of them. Therefore, it seems possible to find a relationship between the occurrence of MI and cancer. There is limited number of relevant reports. Therefore in order to have more data, a case-control study was designed and performed in Sari in 1999-2000.Materials and methods: Among those being admitted in Imam Khomeini and Fatemeh Zahra hospitals of Sari, 50 patients with pathologically confirmed cancer were selected randomly (known as the case group) and 50 other patients without history oaf cancer were matched with the case group for age, sex and history of cancer or MI and close relative (known as the control group). Then, data including confirmed history of MI and presence of some major risk factors (Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia) were collected and analyzed by Chi-square test.Results: Out of 50 case group patients, 8 had proven history of MI, while there were 4 patients with proven history of MI in the control group too, but this difference was not statistically significant. By sex discrimination, history of MI was positive in 6 women of the case group and 1 of the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no significant relationship between males of the two groups, and also there was not a significant difference between the two groups for the presence of MI risk factors as regard or regardless of sex.Conclusion: According to the results of this study, a statistically significant relationship was found between the occurrence of MI and cancers in women. Hence, despite the need for more studies about the relation between cancer and MI, more attention to this phenomenon is required in women.

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Background and Purpose: Though lateral veiw radiography is considered as a standard method for measuring lumbar lordosis, but due to different reasons, this method is expensive particularly in research. Thereby, the aim of this study is to find out a reliable, easy, less expensive and non hazardous method for measuring lumbar lordosis.Materials and methods: This study was done in two steps, to determine repeatitive measurement validity of intertester and intratester by flexible ruler to assess its validity in measuring lumbar lordosis.In order to assess repeatitive measurement in intratester by flexible ruler for lumbar lordosis, 25 male and 50 female students each one were measured twice by the first and second testers repectively.For assessment of repeatitive measurement of intratester, 16 boy students were selected in order to determine the validity of flexible ruler used in lumbar lordosis. The measurement was done by flexible ruler and x-ray in 6 boy and girl students.Results: Calculation with the help of correlation coefficient for repeatitive measurement on intertester by flexible ruler indicated 0.88% and 0.87% for the first and second testers respectively, and the figure for repeatitive measurement on intratester was 0.78. The correlation coefficient for measurement of lumbar lordosis by flexible ruler and X-ray was 0.92%.Conclusion: Since flexible ruber is a very reliable tool in measuring lumbar lordosis, hence can be used as a safe, valid, easy, cheap and non hazardous instrument for meausring lumbar lordosis.

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Background and purpose: Polycystic ovarian disease is infact a chronic anovulation with broad spectrum of causes and clinical manifestations such as, hyper- insulinemia, insulin resistant and hyperendrogenism. Women with this disease excluding the common complications such as, irregular menses, hirsutism and infertility, are susceptible to serious consequences like, increase risk of endometrial carcinoma, possibly breast cancer, cardiovascular and diabetes problems. Considering the above mentioned conditions. The women complain of anovulation, as a first decision must under go treatment on the basis age, fertility status and clinical manifestations. In this study it was decided to evaluate the demographic, clinical, hormonal and sonographic conditions of the patients and also the relation between bormone disorders with body weight and blood insulin level.Materials and methods: This was a descriptive and cross-sectional study, done on females with age group of 15-45 years, referring to endecrine and gynaecology clinics. 80 patients with polycystic syndrome were under investigation. Demographic data were recorded in questionnair. Hormonal examinations (PRL, 17-OHP, FBS, Insulin, Testosterone, LH, FSH, GTT) were done by Radio immunoassay method. And the patients were studied for sonography, in order to study the relation between body weight, blood insulin level and hyperendrogenism. The patients were divided in two obese and non obese (BMI>30 and BMI<30) and on the basis of presence and absence of functional hyperendrogenism manifestations were divided in FH+ and FH-groups. Mann-withny and kruskal-wallis tests were used for analysis of the data.Results: The most common clinical findings were as follow: irregular mense (100%), family history (62.5%), hirsutism (62%), and obesity (95%). The most common hormonal abnormalities were as follow: increased testosterone (39.5%), increase in ratio of LH/FSH (25%), insulin resistance (21.2%), GTT disorder (17.5%) and hyperinsulinism (10%). Results of sonography were abnormal in 18.7%. It was shown that, in 17.5% (50% in obese group) there was abnormal level of GTT as compare to non obese group. There was insulin resistant in 21% (52% in obese group), fast hyperinsulinemia was noticed in 10% (50% in obese group). A comparison between FH+ dan FH- in obese patients for Hyperinsulinemia and abnormal GTT, the statistical difference was significant p=0.033. A comparison between FH+ obese patients and FH+ non obese patients from abnormal GTT point of veiw, the statistical difference was significant (P=0.0311).Conclusion : Since the diagnosis of polycystic ovarian disease is possible by clinical symptoms, hence laboratory examinations except for ruling out rare diseases such as, hyperthyroidism and hyperprolactemia have no role in diagnosis. Performing such examinations must be confined to certain diseases. On the other hand, unwanted complications such as, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistant, hyperglycemia has direct relation with obesity and hyperendrogenism in such patients. Obese individuals with hyperendrogenism must be more investigated, and special treatment measurement must be considered for them. Sonography has no diagnostic value, and should not be considered as a routine method for diagnosis of such disease.

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Background and purpose: Al Hamikah was the first name given by moslem physicians for skin diseases accompanied by mild fever and lymphadenitis and cattarhal symptoms. It was known as a kind of measles but later on was named as german measles or kotheln, and after the year 1866 was named as rubella.Importance of this disease is not due to onset of symptoms in the patients, but also for causing congenital rubella in the neonates from infected mothers followed by health and wealth consequences. After the preparation of vaccine for rubella in 1969, there has been significant reduction in the number congenital patients, a report on elimination of rubella in finland was given in 2000. It is since many years that the titer of rubella antibody in the children and the women at the age of reproductive is measured, in order to have a proper vaccination program for the control of congenital rubella complications (at present 10% of the women in the world are at the risk of rubella infection). The aim was to study the immunity and/or sensitivity of the Qaemshahr high school girls at the age of marriage. So to apply the obtained data for the health programs.Materials and methods: This research was a descriptive study done on 400 girl students with the help of ELISA (alpha-Biotech). Demographic characteristics of the students under study were recorded in order to study the presence of any relevance with the results obtained. The study was done considering the medical ethics.Results: This study showed that, from 400 persons under study 37 (9.25%) were not immune to rubella. This finding does not have significant relationship with age, living place (urban, rural), parents occupation, level of education and family members.Conclusion: Considering the lack of immunity to rubella in 9.25% of the girls at Qaemshar high schools, vaccination planning for the girls at the age of marriage seems to be necessary. ELISA technique as compare to (HI) is more sensitive, with less error and with higher speed, which is recommended as a screening test for the girls before marriage.

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Background and purpose: Coronal CT scan of paranasal sinuses with contiguous images is the gold standard technique in diagnosis of sinusitis. Considering the expense and high dose of radiation in conventional CT scan, clinical measurements and simple radiography is not enough sensitive and specific, some workers have suggested limited screening (non contiguous) instead of conventional CT image. This study compared the diagnostic accuracy of coronal CT with limited screening (4 screens) to conventional CT in diagnosis of sinusitis.Materials and methods: On 100 patients suspected of sinusitis referred to Emam Khomeini hospital. Coronal CT scan (with 16 screens) was performed. And on the basis of relevant scout view, four images of limited screenings (non contiguouse images) were selected and printed. Images of the both CT techniques were reported seperately by two radiologists. (Totally, four CT reports for each patients were given) The results of standard and limited screening CT reports given from the first radiologist were compared with the reports of the same, given by the second radiologist.Results: The comparitive results for the standard and limited screening techniques reported by two radiologists referred to as kappa value were 0.95 and 0.97 respectively. Which indicate a good aggreement between two radiologists in giving the reports of the images. Limited screening technique generally had the rate of 94.1% and 93.5% for sensitivity and accuracy respectively. General prevalence of sinusitis in the patients under study was 67%. Maxillar sinus was the most involved one with result of 98.7%.Conclusion: Limited screening CT technique for paranasal sinuses can be a proper technigue as a first evaluative measurement in the patients suspected for sinusitis. For this, can replace simple radiography. Advantage of this technique can be due to use of less dose of radiation, more speed of radiography and less expenses.

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Background and Purpose: Considering the role of rodents ectoparasites in transmission of different diseases such as, plaque, relapsing fever, typhus mureium, etc. A study was done in different areas of mazandaran province in order to identify rodents ectoparasites.Materials and methods: This was a descriptive study done on the rodents hunted from different areas of Sari, Behshar, Gaemshahr, Amol, Mahmoud abad, Noor, Ramsar, Tonekabon and Suburban regions of the above mentioned cities up to the distance of 5 kilometers. The rodents were hunted by trap installed randomly in different areas. The hunted rodents were transferred to laboratory, anaesthetised and the morphological characteristics were recorded, kept on water container then the body surface was brushed, in this way the parasites came up to the water surface. The surface water was collected and kept in 70% alcohol, then mounted for identification of parasites. Also all the data concerning the rodent and parasite were recorded in questionnaire and analyzed statistically.Results: In this study, 371 rodents belonging to 7 species were hunted as follow: Rattus rattus 148 (40%), Rattus norvegicus 87 (23%), Mus musculus 40 (11%), Glis glis 25 (7%), Apodemus sylvaticus 7 (2%) Nesokia indica 43 (12%), Arvicola terrestis 19 (5%). The isolated ectoparasites were as follow: Hoplopleuridae, Echinolaelaps echidninus, opiliacaridae, Rhipicephalus, N. faciatus and Ixodidae, of which the most frequent rate of isolation belonged to Hoplopleuridae and the less frequent rate belonged to Ixodidae.Conclusion: The results of this study reveal that the rate of contamination with ectoparasites in the hunted rodents was 40%. Contamination was observed in the species of Rattus rattus, Nesokia indica, Rattus norvegicus, and Arvicola terrestris and all the isolated ectoparasites are important from medical and veterinary point of view.

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Mucormycosis is the most threatening systemic mycotic disease, which occurs in case of underlying diseases such as, diabetes and immune difficiency and followed by high rate of mortality if not diagnosed in time and treated properly. Treatment of this disease starts with treatment of underlying disease, administration of amphothericin B and surgical debridment. The sooner the surgical intervention the more obvious improvement in prognosis.

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